Read Books Novel

Monsters of Men

“There’s a convoy of almost 5000 people on the way. It won’t be at all like it was before.”

“I know that, my girl–”

“And think what a powerful position you could be in if you’re the one who helps us make a new truce? Who helps make the world peaceful for them?

She looks thoughtful for a moment, then she runs her hand up the side of the door frame as a way of not looking at me. “I told you once how impressed I was with you. Do you remember that?”

I swallow, because that memory involves Maddy, who was shot while helping me to be impressive. “I do.”

“I still am. Even more than before.” She’s still not looking at me. “I was never a girl here, you know. I was already grown when we landed, and I tried to help found the fishing village with some others.” She purses her lips. “And we failed. The fish ate more of us than we ate of them.”

“You could try again,” I say. “With the new settlers. You said the ocean wasn’t all that far, two days’ ride–”

“One day, really,” she says. “A couple hours on a fast horse. I told you two days because I didn’t want you following me there.”

I frown. “Yet another lie–”

“But I was wrong about that, too, my girl. You would have come if it had taken a month. That’s how impressed I am with you. How you’ve survived, how you’ve kept yourself in a position to make a real impact, how you’re singlehandedly trying to win your peace.”

“Then help me,” I say.

She taps the door frame with the flat of her hand once or twice, as if still thinking.

“I’m just wondering, my girl,” she finally says. “Wondering if you’re ready.”

“Ready for what?”

But then she turns and leaves without another word.

“Ready for what?” I call after her, and then I swing myself out of bed, getting my feet to the floor and standing up–

And immediately falling right onto the other bed out of sheer dizziness.

I take a few deep breaths to make the world stop spinning–

Then I stand back up and set out after her.


The soldiers raise their rifles and start looking all round but the Spackle ROAR seems to be coming from everywhere, closing in fast from all direkshuns–

The Mayor’s got his own rifle up. I got mine, too, one hand on Angharrad to steady her, but there’s nothing to see, not yet–

And then a soldier down the road from us falls to the ground, screaming and grabbing at his chest–

“There!” shouts the Mayor–

As suddenly a whole platoon of Spackle, dozens of ’em, come blazing outta the woods down the road, shooting their white sticks at the soldiers, who start falling even as they’re firing back–

And the Mayor’s riding past me, shooting his gun and ducking under an arrow coming at him–

Boy colt! Angharrad is screaming and I’m wanting to ride her away, to get her outta this–

And there are Spackle falling everywhere under the firing of the rifles–

But as soon as one falls, there’s another right behind him–

FALL BACK! I hear in my Noise–

The Mayor, sending it out–


Not even yelling it, not even buzzing, just there, right in yer head–

And I see it–

Not believing it for a second–

All the soldiers left alive, about twelve now, move all together–


Like a herd of sheep moving from the bark of a dog–


They move, still firing their guns, but coming backwards toward the Mayor, too, their feet even walking in the same rhythm, all those different men suddenly looking like the same man, like one man, climbing over the bodies of other soldiers like they ain’t even there–



And even I can feel my hands turning Angharrad’s reins to line up behind the Mayor–

Moving with the rest of ’em–

Boy colt!?

I curse myself and turn her away from the main fight–

But the soldiers are still coming, even as one and then another of ’em falls, here they come, now in two short rows, firing in unison–

And Spackle are dying in the gunfire, dropping to the ground–

And the men move back–

And Mr O’Hare’s come up next to me on his own horse, firing, too, in exact timing with the rest of ’em and I see a Spackle coming outta the woods nearest us, raising a white stick right at Mr O’Hare and–

GET DOWN! I think–

Think but don’t say–

And there’s a buzz from me to him, fast as anything–

And he gets down and the Spackle fires right over the top of him–

Mr O’Hare rises again and shoots the Spackle, then he turns back to me–

But instead of saying thanks, his eyes are full of white fury–

And then suddenly there’s silence–

The Spackle are gone. Not even so you can see ’em running away, just gone, and the attack’s over and there are dead soldiers and dead Spackle and the whole thing took less than a minute–

And here are two rows of surviving soldiers standing in perfectly straight lines, rifles all held up exactly the same, all looking to the spot where the Spackle first came from, all waiting to shoot again–

All waiting for their next order from the Mayor.

I see his face, burning with concentrayshun and a fierceness it’s hard to even look at.

And I know what it means.

It means his control’s getting better.

Getting quicker and stronger and sharper.

(But so’s mine, I think, so’s mine)

“Indeed,” the Mayor says. “Indeed it is, Todd.”

And it takes me a second to realize that even tho my Noise was silent, he still heard me–

“Let’s get back to town, Todd,” he says, smiling for the first time in ages. “I think maybe it’s time I tried something new.”


“That’s terrific, Wilf,” I hear Bradley say as I exit the scout ship, looking all around for Mistress Coyle. Wilf is moving a cart with huge vats of fresh water into place near the ship, ready for distribution.

“Tain’t nothin,” Wilf says to Bradley. “Just doin what needs doin.”

“Glad someone is,” I hear behind me. It’s Lee, returning early from the day’s hunting party.

“Did you see which way Mistress Coyle went?” I ask him.
