Read Books Novel

More Than a Millionaire

More Than a Millionaire (The Hightower Affairs #1)(2)
Author: Emilie Rose

“Excuse me?” The words sounded more like a wheeze, but that was because she couldn’t seem to make her lungs work.

“The fertility clinic made a mistake and inseminated you with my sperm instead of your intended donor’s.”

Head reeling, she grasped the edge of her desk. “That’s not possible.”

Her visitor reached into his suit coat, extracted an envelope and extended it toward her. When she didn’t—couldn’t—take it from him he tossed it on her blotter. It slid across the smooth surface and stopped within easy reach. She eyed it like she would a big, hairy, jumping spider.

“The clinic director has written a letter explaining the situation. In summation, my name is Ryan Patrick. Your intended donor’s name is Patrick Ryan. The lot numbers weren’t checked and you were given the wrong sperm because some moron neglected to notice a comma.”

Horror raced through her, making her heart pound and her extremities tingle. “No. You’re wrong.”

He had to be.

“Read it.”

She stared at the envelope. Afraid to open it. Afraid not to. But she couldn’t prove him wrong if she didn’t open the thing. Her hands shook as she reached for it.

The tearing of the seal and the rustle of paper as she unfolded the page sounded unnaturally loud even above the pounding of her pulse in her ears. The letter bore the Lakeview logo at the top and the director’s signature on the bottom. She forced herself to read through the document.

Words jumped out at her. Unfortunate error…Donor mix-up…Apologize profusely…The alarm in her chest and her brain expanded with each line, making it difficult to breathe and think. She read the letter a second time, but the bad news didn’t get any better, and she hadn’t misinterpreted.

Unless this letter was a hideously tasteless joke, she was carrying Ryan Patrick’s baby. Not Patrick Ryan’s, the man she had loved since her junior year of college. The man who’d married her sister.

Please, God, let this be a joke.

“This is not funny.”

Her visitor didn’t crack a smile. “Medical malpractice usually isn’t.”

She had hoped her sister had developed a sudden sick sense of humor. His stoic expression said otherwise. Pressing a hand over her churning stomach, she dropped the page. “There must be some mistake.”

“Yes. Lakeview Fertility Clinic made it. You’re carrying my child as a result.”

“That can’t be right.”

“I wish that were true.”

She stared at the letter while her overloaded mind struggled to process the information and the possible repercussions. For herself. For Beth and Patrick. For the man in front of her. But it was too much to take in.

What now? What if the baby really wasn’t Patrick’s?

She struggled to find her professional demeanor, and the best way to do that was to focus on his problem instead of hers. “I’m sorry. This must be very difficult for you and your wife.”

“There is no wife.”

“Girlfriend, then.”

“No girlfriend, either.”

That confused her completely. “I’m afraid I’m not following.”

“I’ll be a single parent.”

“That’s not unusual for a woman, but isn’t it a little out of the norm for a man? Couldn’t you just get married?”

“I’ve been married, and I don’t ever intend to do so again.”

There had to be a story behind that bitter tone. But she didn’t care to hear it at the moment. She had enough of a mess on her hands. If his story was true. She sincerely hoped he was deranged. A psycho in her office would be much easier to handle than the situation described in the letter. One call to security would fix everything. But this…

He extracted a second envelope and placed it in front of her. “I’m prepared to offer you the same financial and medical support I offered the surrogate I’d hired.”

Taken aback, she blinked. “You hired a surrogate?”

Why would a guy who looked like him need to pay someone to have his baby? Women should be lining up around the block and begging for the privilege.

“A well-qualified, carefully screened surrogate.”

She bristled at his implication that she might be less than qualified to carry his child. For the second time this morning she forced herself to read something she didn’t want to and picked up the contract.

Shocked, she looked up from the document that had her name typed in all the appropriate places. “You want to buy my baby?”

Duh. That’s what surrogacy is, Nicole. But seeing it in black and white rattled her.

“It’s a service contract. You provide a product and a service. I pay you for your time and the use of your body,” he replied as coolly as if they were haggling over the price of an airplane.

A product? Revulsion slammed her chest a split second before an unexpected surge of possessiveness swelled within her. She wrapped her arms around her middle. Until now she’d been ready to hand over her baby to Beth and Patrick. With dignity. Without a fight. But she’d be damned if she’d sell it to this stranger.

“You are out of your mind, Mr. Patrick.”

“It’s my child.”

“It’s mine, too. My egg. My body. My time.”

“My terms are quite generous.”

She tossed the document back at him. He made no effort to catch it. The pages fluttered to the desk. “I don’t care about your terms. Go back to your surrogate.”

“And forget I’ve already fathered one child?”

“Yes. You have no emotional investment here and no financial obligation. You can have another baby much easier than I can. I will carry this child for nine months. Your contribution only took seconds.”

“You’re only eight weeks pregnant. You haven’t had time to bond.”

Her mouth dropped open. She snapped it closed. “Spoken like a man who doesn’t have a clue. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

She’d begun bonding from the first moment she’d noticed her taste buds had gone crazy—just days after conception and even before the positive pregnancy test. She remembered the exact moment she’d realized she was pregnant with Patrick’s baby.

According to him it wasn’t Patrick’s baby.

He might be wrong. Please, please let him be wrong.

“I’m sorry. I’m not going to believe your story without proof.”

“You have it.” He indicated the letter by dipping his chin.

“This is not enough.” She’d go through the clinic’s records personally, if need be. And if that didn’t work…there was always DNA testing. How soon could that be done? And was it safe for the baby? She jotted down the questions to ask her doctor.

Her visitor’s jawline hardened. “You’re only twenty-eight. You have time to have other children.”

Unlikely, since her heart was already taken. “You’re not exactly ancient.”

“I’m thirty-five.”

“Women have a shorter window of opportunity for reproducing than men. You can keep fathering children for another fifty years.”

His lips thinned in irritation. “I want a child now, and I’m not walking away and leaving the door open for you to sue me for child support.”

The jerk’s personality did not improve with exposure. Usually she could find something to like about even the most difficult person. Not so here. Other than his physical packaging which was prime.

She took a deep breath and reminded herself that any problem could be solved with patience, politeness and perseverance. Her three P’s never let her down.

“I would never do that, Mr. Patrick. I don’t want or expect anything from you.”

His eyebrows lowered. “You expect me to take the word of a stranger?”

She was too busy reeling over the possibility that she might be carrying a stranger’s baby to care what he thought.

“I’m not interested in your money, and I’m willing to have my attorney draft a document stating that fact and relieving you of all responsibility.”

“That would be useless. You’d have eighteen years to change your mind.”

She wanted to smack him. “Mr. Patrick, I couldn’t give you this child even if I wanted to—which I don’t.”

She pressed her fingertips to her stomach and gathered the words that had become her mantra since she’d committed to this plan. “This baby is not mine. I’m carrying it for my sister and brother-in-law.”

Who might not want the baby if it wasn’t Patrick’s.

Oh my God.

Panic tightened her chest. A cold sweat seeped through her pores. What was she going to do? She certainly wasn’t handing her baby to this knuckle-dragging Neanderthal who acted as if giving up her child would be as easy as giving a panhandler the change from her pocket.

“You’re acting as a surrogate for someone else?”

His clipped words interrupted her chaotic thoughts. “Yes. Patrick Ryan is my brother-in-law.”

“How much is he paying you?”

Appalled, she reared back. “Nothing. This is a gift.”

“I’m offering a hundred thousand, plus expenses. You’re going to give up the kid. Why not to me? You can have his kid next year.”

His cavalier attitude winded her. “I’m not a broodmare.”

She’d geared herself up to do this once. She didn’t think she could handle giving a baby away a second time.

“I’ll make it worth your while.”

“No, thank you. I gave my word.” For once she wanted to come through for Beth instead of having Beth make all the sacrifices for her. She owed her sister a huge debt.

And she wanted to give Patrick something Beth couldn’t.

Not nice, Nicole.

“Tell her you changed your mind. If the egg is yours, then the child is in no way hers or her husband’s.”

She flinched and wished he’d quit reminding her of that.

Adrenaline surged through her veins. If the baby wasn’t Patrick’s then it was hers.

Hers and the Neanderthal’s.

“I signed a contract,” she said more to herself than to him. So where did that leave her? Was the contract even valid if the baby wasn’t Patrick’s?

“Contracts can be broken.”

She needed to talk to her lawyer before tackling the legalities. “You don’t understand. I will be this child’s aunt. I’ll see it almost every day. I’ll get to watch him or her grow up and be a part of its life. I’ll still be family.”

She hated the anxiety sharpening her voice. The idea had sounded so much better before her pregnancy had been confirmed. “Go back to your surrogate.”

“You’re carrying my firstborn and firstborn Patricks have taken over the family firm for three generations.”

“What if my child doesn’t want to be an architect?”

One dark eyebrow hiked. “Why wouldn’t he?”

“Because I don’t have an artistic bone in my body and he or she might take after me.”
