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Mortal Danger

Before I could think better of it, I opened the glove box and pulled out the tin he’d used to seal the car before. I started on my side and he quickly did the same, catching on to my desire for privacy.

I shifted in my seat, bracing for his response. “Maybe we should find out. I don’t want to pretend to date you to fool the people at my school. I don’t want to fake it for Wedderburn’s sake, either.” Freezing, I wondered if I was horrible for checking. “Wait, will this count as a favor?”

“Wedderburn might be pissed if he found out I didn’t frame it that way, but he told me to get close to you. I can finesse this. So come on, Edie, tell me what you want already.”

“You. I don’t care if it’s a bad idea, which … it probably is for lots of reasons. Things are already so screwed up and I just want to be happy for a while.”

“You think you could be with me?”

“It’s always good when we’re together. Even when it’s scary.”

“Oh God. I’ll probably regret this, but…” He trailed off and cupped his hand around the back my neck, pulling me toward him in a kiss that put the first one to shame.

He was all tender care mingled with urgent demand. Before I knew it, I was practically in his lap. He ran his hands over my back and shoulders, like he didn’t believe he had the right to touch me, but I never felt as if he were admiring his own creation, more like he couldn’t get close enough, or couldn’t believe I was real.

I knew the feeling.

“You’re a coma dream, aren’t you?” I whispered, leaning my forehead against his.

“Hope not. This is the happiest I’ve been in years. But I suppose that’s not a strong counter to your claim.”

I could’ve kissed him all night, but he’d picked me up because he had something important to show me. “I hate myself for saying this, but don’t we need to be somewhere?”

He wore a smile I could only describe as loopy. “Right.”

Kian started the car and merged with the evening traffic. The silence between us was odd, but not awful. He kept glancing over at me and smiling, as if I were a wish he’d made that unexpectedly came true. We were almost there when I realized he was heading for Wedderburn, Mawer & Graf. At this hour on a Saturday, if it was a company like any other, there would be few people in the office building. Somehow I didn’t think the devil—or whatever Wedderburn was—kept normal office hours.

“Will this get you in trouble?” The last time we entered the building, he used a code to activate the elevator. With that, plus the tracker in his watch and regular surveillance, I didn’t see how he could avoid getting caught.

His smile faded. “I’m not showing you anything against the rules, Edie. This is … I’ve been instructed to offer you this. As a gift.”

But he seemed none too sure of my reaction, and I gnawed my lip as he led me through the creepy beige lobby to the elevator bank. Inside, a completely nondescript melody tinkled from poor speakers. Kian pulled out his phone and keyed in a different code by pressing different buttons on the elevator keypad, so many of them that I lost track. Eventually, the doors swished open and we got off. The silence was almost more ominous than the muffled screaming had been. Monochrome seemed to be the unifying theme in WM&G décor; this corridor was gray, unnervingly so, and there was only one door, as far as I could tell. A short corridor led up to it, making me think it must be a huge room, easily the width of the building.

“Before we go in, understand this. The way I changed your appearance wasn’t magic, but you shouldn’t dismiss the possibility that it exists.”

I raised my brows at him. So many questions, so little time. I picked one. “But … you don’t have access?”

“Favors that most catalysts request can generally be fulfilled through future-tech or mundane resources. If they ask for something astronomical, then I get clearance from Wedderburn and he dispenses whatever artifact I need to get the job done.”

“What are we talking about here? Holy Grail?”

Kian smiled but he didn’t answer. There was an impressive-looking security device attached to the heavy metal door, like the whole setup was worthy of a vault. This time, he didn’t touch the pad. A beam jetted out from the doorframe and scanned his face; a holographic image appeared and then it shimmered as his eyes popped open. The floating head rotated as a computerized voice said, “Identify confirmed. Access granted.”

The door clanked open.

I wouldn’t have been surprised, had smoke rolled out of the room, because whatever was inside had to be major. I just couldn’t decide if it was kept under lock and key because it was so valuable … or so dangerous. Given what I knew of WM&G, it might be both. There seemed to be a shimmer of something … as I stepped through; my ears rang with that peculiar tinnitus I’d noticed when Russ’s face didn’t look like it should. I glanced over my shoulder … and the hallway was gone.

“You all right?” Kian asked.

“What was that?” It was an effort to get the words out. “Where are we?”

What I saw didn’t bear any resemblance whatsoever to a modern building. The walls were dark stone, worn smooth with endless runnels of water. In fact, the air itself was damp and warm. A fire crackled at the center of the cave. There was no other word that fit. Smoke rose up in a lazy spiral, hinting at the presence of a hidden chimney.

“The better question is when,” a drowsy voice answered.

Soon after, a woman drifted into view, clad in a white linen shift. Hair fell in a long black snarl to her knees, yet the sticks and feathers twined in those curls seemed less detritus and more regal adornment. Her skin was pale, marked in intricate whorls that might’ve been ink or soot. The light was too uncertain for me to tell. One thing I was sure of, however; like Wedderburn himself, she had inhuman eyes—no iris, no pupil, just endless gray rings, as if the smoke she breathed had turned into a creature as ephemeral.

Freaking out was beyond me. After a certain point, the shocks left me numb, and right now, an eerie calm had a hold of me. Just as well, panic would leave me unable to think.

“I am the Oracle. Let’s see how well you know your history.”

This wasn’t my specialty, but I had the feeling this was a test. Quickly I sorted through what I knew of ancient mythology. “Ancient Greece. Delphi. Apollo? Not to be confused with the Sibyl or the Pythia.”
