Read Books Novel

My Favorite Mistake

My Favorite Mistake (My Favorite Mistake #1)(14)
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron

“Well, since we’re feeding about half of campus, I thought we’d go with pizza. Then everyone can do their own and bake them in their own ovens.”

“Sounds like a plan. You need any help?”

“Yeah, if you could start chopping those peppers, that would be great.”

I pulled out a cutting board and started chopping. Renee came and helped me when she got home, and Darah arrived shortly with Mase, her fingers entwined with his. They were an odd couple, but somehow they worked. Mase was so laid back and chill, and Darah as so uptight and orderly. Maybe they’d even each other out. Time would tell. God, if they broke up, it was going to be really awkward.

Everyone pitched in and we got an assembly line going. Greg and Todd, two of the guys who lived next door, offered their oven, and started putting in pies as soon as we could finish them. It was complete chaos, but somehow out of that emerged a group of people all intent on one goal: delicious pizza. I refused to go near the pepperonis so Hunter dealt with that, washing his hands after and helping me assemble my veggie pizza and shoving it in the oven with the plain cheese pizza.

Our pizza party spilled out into the hallway as people either stood or brought chairs from their own rooms. We put on some music, and it was loud and crazy and fun. Sophie, Heather and Gabby also offered the use of their oven, putting in the done pizzas so they could stay warm.

We broke out the Solo cups and everyone pitched in with what alcohol they had. Hunter found some spiced rum somewhere and made me a rum and Coke. The alcohol flowed and everyone told stories and laughed.

“Thirsty Thursday!” someone yelled every now and then, and we were all required to drink. I hoped that no one would call any of the resident assistants to come check IDs. We would definitely be screwed.

At some point Hunter pulled out his guitar and started playing.

“Free Bird!” someone yelled. Hunter rolled his eyes and played it, and we all sung along. Then someone yelled another song, and another. We turned our pizza night into an impromptu sing-a-long. I joined in and caught Hunter watching me. He played, but didn’t sing. We ended with a rousing rendition of Billie Jean.

Everyone shuffled back to their rooms after disposing of their plates and cups and napkins. We all agreed to do it again next Thursday, and everyone started voting for taco night. I was fine with that, as long as I could make my own in a separate pan.

Dev and Sean wanted Hunter to come over and play video games, but he declined. Renee said she had to head to the library, and I decided to go with her. I had a paper to write for my Medieval History class that was going to take a lot of concentration. I’d taken to escaping to the library frequently. Trying to do work with Hunter around was too distracting.

It started drizzling as we walked down, so by the time we got there, we were both damp and irritated. Luckily our bags were waterproof, so our books and my laptop were not harmed.

Renee got right to work, pulling out one of her anatomy textbooks — the kind with graphic pictures of nasty diseases. Yuck. I booted up my laptop and tried to resist the urge to click on the internet icon. I opened a blank word doc and got out the research I’d done the other day. Ugh, this was going to be horrible.

Two hours later, I had ten pages, aching wrists and burning eyes. Renee had gotten through twenty-five pages of reading, which was a lot considering the print was absolutely microscopic and she had to take copious notes. We both stretched and blinked our eyes multiple times to make sure they still worked.

“I’m beat. You ready?” Renee said, shoving her book back in her bag as I packed up my laptop.

“Wonder what Hunter’s gotten up to while we were gone.”

“Who knows? I really wonder what he does when we’re not around.”

“Probably jacking off. He can’t really do that when you’re sleeping in the same room.”

“Oh, God, I don’t even want to think about that.”

“You know he does it,” Renee said, pushing open the library door. It was fully dark, the security lamps fully illuminated.

“I really, really don’t want to know.” Yes, I knew that guys had to do that, but that didn’t mean I wanted to think about it, especially thinking about Hunter doing it.

“Oh, grow up,” Renee said, shoving my shoulder. I changed the subject and that carried us up the horrendous hill and up the stairs.

I was still trying to get the image of Hunter jacking off out of my head when we walked into the apartment.

“What is that?” Renee said, sniffing the air. It smelled like someone had lit about a million chocolate-scented candles.

“Surprise,” Hunter said, pointing to an absolutely gorgeous-looking cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate dripping off the sides.

“You made that?” It looked professional, like he’d gone out and bought it.

“I did.” If I hadn’t seen demonstrations of his cooking skills before, I would have thought he was full of shit.

“What for?”

“Just because,” he said, shrugging. His face was serious, and I could tell something was on his mind.

“I don’t trust you,” I said, eyeing the cake.

He chuckled.

“You shouldn’t.”

“Can we eat it now?” Renee said, tapping her foot.

Hunter handed her a cake cutter I’d never seen before.

“Be my guest.”

Renee grabbed it and sliced into the beautiful cake. We should have taken a picture of it beforehand. I wasn’t sure how often we were going to be seeing things like that.

She pulled the piece out with her hands and then seemed to realize that she didn’t have a plate. Hunter handed her one from a stack he had waiting. He’d thought of everything.

“I wanted to make this, but I didn’t want the masses devouring it. Nothing sinister, I swear,” he said, holding up his hands.

I still didn’t trust him, but cut myself a piece anyway. It had three layers, with a thick layer of frosting in between. I knew before I tasted a bite it would be heaven.

It was.

“I’m not going to sleep with you in exchange for this cake,” I said.

“I don’t need to use cake to get you to sleep with me,” he said, handing Renee a fork so she’d stop using her fingers.

“Can we stop with the sexy talk? I’m eating over here,” Renee said, her mouth full.

I crossed my eyes at her, finished my slice of cake and licked my fingers. Hunter swiped some frosting from his cake and smeared it on my cheek.


“That’s it,” Renee said, taking her plate and going into the living room, “when the frosting starts to fly, I get out of the way. If you two want to have sex on the counter, can you just clean it up after? Oh, and please don’t screw each other on the cake? I’d like to have another piece.”

I really, really wanted to retaliate, but instead I swiped the frosting off my face and stuck my finger in my mouth.

“Tease,” he said.

“Takes one to know one. What kind of guy makes a girl an amazing cake without expecting something in return?”

“A guy who doesn’t exist!” Renee yells from the couch, her mouth still full of cake. I hoped she didn’t choke.

“Me,” he says.

“Whatever. You do owe me for the e-reader incident.”

“You enjoyed that as much as I did.”


“Like I said, Missy, I wouldn’t need cake to get you into bed.” He looked at me in a way that made me go bright red. Ugh. I looked away as quickly as I could and grabbed the cake cutter.

“I will stab you with this, don’t think I won’t.”

“Threatening violence, interesting. You know you do that when you’re uncomfortable.” His voice lowered until only I could hear it. Renee was licking her plate to get the last of the cake crumbs.

“Bite me,” I said.

“You also say that when you’re uncomfortable. Why, Missy? Are you sexually frustrated?” That was none of his damn business.

“You’re not ever lying in bed, thinking of me in the next one, sleeping nak*d right across the room and my hands and —”

I turned and snapped my elbow toward his stomach. His flinch was satisfying.

“Nope,” I said, flipping the cake cutter in my hand and catching the handle again. I’d taken baton for like a month when I was five and my wrists were still good at flipping and catching things like that.


I ignored him and went to sit with Renee. I needed her as a buffer. Darah came in a few minutes later, so I had at least two people. Not that it made Hunter have any more of a filter. I was pretty sure he was born without one. Well, I didn’t have an anger filter. When those two things combined, it was anyone’s guess.


Monday morning I woke up a little excited. It was my first day at the library in the afternoon, and I was nervous, but happy to be having some money coming in. I would cut off my hand before asking my mother to spot me some. She had enough worries without me being a mooch.

I took out my retainer and glanced over at Hunter. He was on his back, one arm thrown over his eyes, as if he was blocking them from the sun. His other arm was slung over the side of his bed. Somehow his sheets always managed to cover what they needed to cover. Except…

I shoved my face under the covers. I did not just see that. I peeked out again. Yup. Hunter Jr. was awake and standing at attention. Oh. My. God. I faced the wall, unable to look at it anymore. He moaned, rolling over. I stayed as still as I could, but suddenly, I got a fit of the giggles. I stuffed my blanket in my mouth, but it didn’t help. Hunter sighed and moved again. I really, really didn’t want him to wake up.

The giggling continued. I was in deep and there was no end in sight.

“What’s so funny?” His voice made me jump, killing all hope I had of pretending I was asleep. I froze anyway, hoping he’d think I was having a nightmare or something.

“I can still hear you laughing,” he said, and I heard him grabbing his boxers. How could he get them on over…

“Why don’t you come over here and give me a hand instead of giggling like a twelve-year-old,” he said, somehow getting the boxers on.

“Why don’t you just take care of it yourself? That’s probably what you usually do.”

“That’s what you think.”

He walked out of the room and shut the door. The giggles finally took over and I was lost. Something about man bits was just hilarious. My fit continued until I had tears on my face. I lay in bed after it was over, gasping and trying to regain my composure.

It was only seven, but there was no way I was going to be able to sleep. I might as well get up and do some homework. I needed to wash my face and brush my teeth, but I wasn’t going near the bathroom once I knew Hunter was out of it.

I parked myself in the living room with my textbooks, a bowl of cereal and a cup of black coffee. I heard the shower turn off and glued my eyes to my book.

“Shower’s free,” he said, behind me.

I made a noncommittal sound and pretended I was absolutely fascinated with my French textbook. I heard him walking closer and I kept my head facing away. “You come any closer with that and I’ll break it off. Got it?”

“You’re feisty this early in the morning. I like it. Watcha reading?” He leaned over my shoulder, his damp skin inches from my face.
