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My Favorite Mistake

My Favorite Mistake (My Favorite Mistake #1)(25)
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron

Oh my God. I’d kissed Hunter.

The reality crashed down on me, and I ran to the bathroom. I wasn’t going to get sick, but I felt like it.

I wasn’t supposed to be kissing Hunter. I wasn’t supposed to be kissing anyone.

I braced my hands on the sink and looked at my face in the mirror, surprised to find that my lips weren’t bruised. They felt like they’d been ravaged by him. My hair had somehow gotten all over the place. It looked like I’d had a rough night.

I had.

I ran the cold water and washed my face. I wanted to take a shower, but I didn’t know if I’d have the energy. Suddenly I was very, very tired.

I went back across the hall to our bedroom. Hunter was in the living room, the Xbox going. Once I was alone in our room, I put my pjs on and crawled into bed. The cool sheets weren’t enough to soothe my fevered skin. I was burning up, but not with sickness. I was burning with something else. I shoved my retainer in my mouth and grabbed a book.

My brain wouldn’t focus on the words. My brain wouldn’t focus on anything but remembering how Hunter had kissed me like we were the last two people on earth and it was time for our last kiss. My brain wouldn’t focus on how he said my lips were delicious and how he’d said I was beautiful. It wouldn’t focus on anything but the feel of his hands on my body, as if he wanted to touch every single inch of me.

I shook my head, but that didn’t help. I shut off the light and put my iPod on, turning up the music loud so maybe my brain would be distracted. It sort of helped, and the pain in my eardrums was at least a little distracting.

I heard Hunter come to bed an hour later. He stumbled around, removing his clothes with less grace than normal. I had the feeling he was still slightly intoxicated. He sighed loudly as he got into bed.

“What have you done to me, Missy?” he whispered, thinking I was asleep.

What had he done to me? That was the question.

Shattered. He broke me apart in a million pieces. I hoped I’d be able to put them back together.


“No! No!”

A yell woke me up later that night. Hunter was having another nightmare, this time a violent one. He was thrashing, and I was afraid he was going to fall out of bed and hurt himself.

“Hunter, Hunter!” I slapped his shoulder. He wasn’t an easy one to wake when he was having a nightmare. It took three more slaps before his eyes opened and he blinked at me, his chest heaving.

“You were having another nightmare,” I said as he struggled to bring himself back under control. “Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?”


“No, you’re not okay, or no, you don’t want to talk about it?”

“No to both.” He took several slow breaths. I felt stupid standing there.

“Okay then. I’m going back to bed.” I turned, but he grabbed onto my arm to stop me.

“Don’t. Will you stay with me? I just… please.”

“You want me to sleep with you? Hell, no.”

“I’m not talking about that, Missy. I just want you to lie with me. Just shut up and hand me my boxers.” I did so and averted my eyes as he slid them over his hips. “Forget it. Just go to bed.”

“No, no. It’s fine.” The thought of having Hunter’s arms around me was both something I wanted and something I was scared of. His eyes found mine in the dark.

“Will you stay with me? I think I’ll sleep better. I swear I won’t hurt you.” He lifted the covers up, and I climbed in. The bed was small, but Hunter moved so his back was against the wall, so I had enough room to turn on my side, my back to his front. He pulled the covers back up.


“Night,” I whispered.

He was trying to touch me as little as possible, which was nearly impossible in the small bed. I took a deep breath and moved closer to him. I heard a sharp intake of breath before my back met his skin. His arm came around and cradled me. We were in the bubble again. The world could end and we would still be here, like this.

“Goodnight, Missy,” he whispered into my hair.

Goodnight, Hunter.


I woke in the morning with my face pressed into Hunter’s chest. Somehow in the night I’d turned so we were face to face. His chin was on top of my head and his arm was around my back, holding me close. One of us had kicked off the blanket, and our legs were wrapped around one another, like we’d somehow twined and become one person during the night.

I knew I should move. I knew my legs shouldn’t be wrapped around his. That his arms shouldn’t be around me and that it shouldn’t feel like I was exactly where I was supposed to be for the first time in my life.

Hunter shifted just a little so I knew he was waking up.

“Hi,” he said.


“How did that happen?”

I gathered he was referring to our present position.

“I don’t know.”

Neither of us made a move. His hand started making lazy circles on my back.

“I like waking up with you in my arms,” he whispered, inhaling the scent of my hair. He looked so vulnerable. So sweet. He smiled, and it felt like my heart was going to explode. This couldn’t be.

I moved away from him.

“Well, this is the first and last time. My bed is more comfortable.” I rolled as far as I could while still being in the bed. He held on for a moment, but then let me go. Bubble burst.

“But it doesn’t have me in it.”

“Exactly. Which means I sleep much better.” I hadn’t gotten the best night of sleep with Hunter, but waking up wrapped up with him had been more than worth it. If only we’d had a bigger bed.

No. I was not letting myself go there. This was not going to continue. I couldn’t let it. Kissing and such led to other things.

I climbed out of Hunter’s bed and stretched my arms, feeling like a little piece of happiness had broken off and fallen to the floor. I left it there among my clothes and books and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Hunter and I skirted around one another for the rest of the day. He went out to play ultimate Frisbee with Dev and Sean in the afternoon, and I decided I needed a little shopping therapy and called Megan.

“Girl time? Do you even need to ask?” she said.

I picked her up at her apartment, which had a ton of trash in the yard and empty plastic cups littering the porch.

“Guys had a blow-out last night. I’m tired of cleaning.”

“Sounds awesome.”

She glanced at my face.

“Okay, what happened? You’ve got the weirdest look on your face.”

“Hunter kissed me.”

“What?! Did you kiss him back?”

“You could say that.”

“I knew it!” she shrieked as I pulled onto the main street. “How was it? Was it good? I bet he knew what he was doing.”

Oh, did he ever.

“There’s more.”

“You didn’t…”

“No. But I met his family and we kind of slept together last night. Like, in the same bed. With no sex.”

She shook her head side to side. “Damn. You move quick.”

“It’s not like that, Meg.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Then what is it like? Because usually when you kiss someone, meet his parents and sleep in his bed, it means you like him.”

“I don’t like him.”

“But you don’t not like him.”

“That’s a double negative.”

“You’re deflecting.” Hunter would have said the same thing.

“You know I can’t get close with someone like that.”

“It’s not that you can’t. It’s that you won’t. Those are two different things, Taylor.”

“Not to me. I just… I just can’t. Every time I think about it, all I remember is that night and what happened.”

“You shouldn’t let that one night define the rest of your life. You’re not going to get over it; no one would. But you can’t let it dictate who you are and if you can love someone. That’s just letting him win.”

Megan didn’t understand. She hadn’t been there that night. She hadn’t seen his face. She hadn’t watched while he… She hadn’t heard him say he was going to kill me if I ever told. She didn’t have dark memories that affected every single day of her life. So who was she to tell me how to deal with them?

“He didn’t win. He’s in jail.”

“For how long?”

“A while.” Another two years, to be exact. By the time he got out, I’d be ready for him if he came for me. I wasn’t going to be a victim twice. That reminded me, I hadn’t been to kickboxing in a few days. I’d have to make more of an effort to make it to the classes.

“What are you going to do when he gets out?”

“Be ready. If he comes for me, then so be it. He won’t get out of it alive.”

“You wouldn’t really kill him.”

“Yeah, I would.” I could say this without fear or reservation. He didn’t deserve to live. He was never going to hurt anyone else again, if I had anything to say about it. I’d been too young when it happened, but I wasn’t a child anymore.

“That scares me, Tay.”

I shrugged. I never said I was a saint.

I changed the subject as quickly as I could, but I kept seeing Meg watching me. As if I was going to suggest going to a sporting goods store and purchasing a gun right then and there. Oh, I had plans for that. I was going to ask for shooting lessons for Christmas from Tawny. I had a pellet gun, but I wanted to learn how to use a proper gun. You could never be too careful.

The day wasn’t a total loss, as we flitted from store to store, looking for deals and trying on earrings and testing lotions.

“What do you think of this one?” She held out her wrist for me to smell. It was spicy and sweet, like pumpkin pie. Yum.

“Pumpkin barf?”

“Damn close.” She got three bottles.

“So what was the family like?”

“Well, his parents are dead so he lives with his aunt and uncle in this huger than huge house. It makes a mansion look like a double-wide.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Wish I was. That chandelier must be a bitch to dust.”

“There was a chandelier?”

“And a grand staircase and a den, and an apple orchard in the back. It had the works.”

“Were there maids?”

“Not that I saw, but it could have just been their day off. I’m telling you, it was massive. I was afraid to breathe.”

“Why didn’t you take any pictures?”

“It didn’t cross my mind,” I said as we lined up at the smoothie stand.

“So who else was there?”

I told her about Harper and Mase and Darah’s budding relationship. I didn’t mention Joe or the spying. For some reason, I couldn’t share that with anyone. Not even Megan.

“You should marry him. Then you can be a trophy wife and have your own reality show,” she said as she ordered her smoothie.
