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My Lord Eternity

My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)(3)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

"I respect your privacy, but you must understand that I have no desire to discover an angry gentleman upon my doorstep with his dueling pistol."

The incorrigible humor swiftly returned to the bronze features. "He has no means of discovering I am here. Besides, Gideon would never harm a lady. He far prefers to charm them."

His smile became decidedly suggestive. "As do I."

Jocelyn carefully laid her hands upon her tidy desk. This flirtatious banter was precisely what she had feared from Mr. Valin. It was important that she put a swift end to any hopes he might harbor of a casual seduction.

"That is all very well, but do not imagine for a moment, Mr. Valin, that I am remotely interested in any charms you might claim to possess."

Far from wounded by her firm words, the gentleman stroked a slender finger down the length of his jaw.

"Surely you exaggerate, Miss Kingly? Not even remotely interested?"


He heaved a teasing sigh. "A hard woman."

"A sensible woman who has no time for foolish games," she corrected him firmly. "You would do well to remember my warning."

"Oh, I possess a most excellent memory," he drawled, reaching beneath his jacket to remove a small leather bag that he placed upon the desk. "Indeed, I even remembered this."

She eyed the bag warily. "What is it?"

"The two months’ rent in advance, just as you requested."

Jocelyn made no effort to reach for the money. She knew the moment her fingers touched the coins she would be irrevocably committed to allowing this gentleman into her home.

And yet, what else could she do?

There was nothing particularly noble in bare cupboards and empty coal bins. And besides, she had Meg to consider.

Her old nurse was the only one to stand beside her when the scandal had broken. She was the only friend she had left in the world.

How could she possibly allow the older woman to suffer even further hardship?

The answer, of course, was she could not. This money would pay their most pressing creditors and put food on the table. At the moment that was all that mattered.

Grimly thrusting aside the warning voice that whispered in the back of her mind, Jocelyn gave a nod of her head.

"Thank you."

As if thoroughly aware of her inner struggle, the devil lifted his brows in a faintly mocking manner.

"Do you not wish to count it?"

"That will not be necessary."

"So trusting, my dove?"

"You will not be difficult to track down if I discover you have attempted to cheat me."

"There is that," he agreed with a chuckle. ‘"When may I take possession of the rooms?"

Although not always meticulously devoted to truth if a small bit of subterfuge was more practical, Jocelyn discovered herself unable to form the lie that would allow her a few days’

grace from Mr. Valin’s presence.

Not that it truly mattered.

She would no doubt merely waste the days brooding upon what was to come. Surely this was like swallowing vile medicine. It was best to be done with quickly.

"The rooms have been cleaned and prepared," she forced herself to admit. "You may have them whenever you desire."

"Good. I will collect my belongings and be here later this afternoon."

This afternoon.

She absolutely refused to shiver again.

"What of your cousin?" she demanded. "Will he not shoot you when you return for your belongings?"

"I have it on excellent authority that he devoted the goodly portion of the evening to his current mistress. It will be several hours before he awakens."

She unconsciously grimaced. "I see."

An odd hint of satisfaction touched the handsome countenance. "You disapprove of such pleasurable pastimes, Miss Kingly?"

Jocelyn was swift to smooth her features to calm indifference. "I do not possess sufficient interest to disapprove, Mr. Valin."

His lips twisted wryly. "No, of course not."

Having strained her nerves quite far enough for one morning, Jocelyn rose to her feet.

"I believe we have covered everything, Mr. Valin."

Efficiently dismissed, the tawny-haired gentleman reluctantly pushed himself from his chair.

"I shall return in a few hours," he was swift to warn.

Jocelyn, however, was prepared on this occasion.

"If you have need of anything, please speak with Meg. She is quite capable and is in full control of the household."

The golden eyes narrowed as she easily maneuvered him firmly into the hands of her servant.

"More capable than you, Miss Kingly?" he demanded in those husky tones.

"Without a doubt." With a crisp nod of her head she regained her seat and reached for her ledger book. "Good-bye, Mr. Valin."

He remained standing beside the desk, but as she kept her gaze upon the pages of her accounts, he at last gave a low chuckle.

"Until later, my dear."

Jocelyn maintained her charade of distraction until she at last heard the sound of the door closing behind his retreating form. Only then did she lean back in her seat and close her eyes in an odd weariness.

There would be dinner on the table tonight.

But what was the cost?

And was she prepared to pay it?

The kitchen was surprisingly clean and filled with the delicious aroma of fresh-baked bread and drying herbs.

Seated at the scrubbed table, Lucien leaned back with a deep sigh.

His surroundings could hardly compare with Gideon’s vast town house or even the elegant hotel he had chosen upon his arrival in London. The house might be tidy with sturdy furnishings, but there was no ignoring the neighborhood was a breath from utter decay and that the air was rancid with the stench of rotting trash and sewer.

Still, he was not overly disappointed that his trail had led him to this narrow house in the shabby cul-de-sac. His rooms might be cramped and his delicate senses offended by the derelict surroundings, but it all became meaningless the moment he had stepped into the small study.

Even now he could feel the shock of utter bewitchment when he had beheld Miss Kingly.

She had quite simply stolen his breath.

Her face was a perfect oval with large eyes the impossible blue of tropical waters. Her hair, which had been ruthlessly wrenched into a knot at the base of her neck, possessed the rich luster of sable that contrasted sharply with the flawless cream of her skin. She possessed the timeless beauty of a Madonna, with lush curves that could make a man’s thoughts stray in dangerous directions.

As a collector of beautiful objects, he had been stirred by her loveliness.
