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My Lord Eternity

My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)(38)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

His smile was edged with cruelty as he took a deliberate step toward her. "I do not believe you would care to know the precise details of my experiments. You have a peculiar fondness for even the lowest vermin that haunt the streets of London."

She shuddered at his evil words, but a welcome flare of anger rushed through her, awakening the courage that had briefly deserted her.

She would not cower before this monster. Not after all the wickedness he had done.

"It was you," she stated in flat tones.

He arched an arrogant brow. "Me?"

"You are the one who killed Molly and those other women."

"Ah, but I cannot take full credit, my dear," he drawled in a taunting fashion. "There would have been no need for such senseless slaughter if you had not proven so lacking in trust. I had hoped for a far more peaceful means of acquiring the Medallion."

She gave a fierce shake of her head. She had never desired anything but happiness for those women. It had been this horrid fiend who had harmed them.

"No, I do not believe you. You are a monster."

The eyes abruptly glittered with a spark of anger. Clearly he did not like having the truth spoken so bluntly.

"There is no need for insults," he spat out in warning. "Indeed, I would suggest you take great care in how you address me. Your position at the moment is precarious at best."

Jocelyn had no need of the warning. Every instinct within her screamed with alarm. Never had she faced such menace. Such tangible evil.

Still, she forced herself to meet that malignant gaze without flinching.

"You cannot force me to give you the Medallion."

His thin lips twisted with annoyance at her daring claim. "No. Someday Nefri will pay for that bit of impertinence. But there are other means of acquiring what I desire."

Jocelyn swallowed the lump in her throat. She did not like the sound of that. Not the tiniest bit.

"Other means?"

"I have devoted my life to the finer arts of torture, my dear." His eyes narrowed as her face paled at the unspoken threat. "As much as I might admire your spirit, there is little hope you will be capable of denying what I wish. At least not for long. You are, after all, a mere mortal."

She could not halt her instinctive step backward. Torture? Dear heavens. Did she possess enough courage? Could she face pain and maintain her honor?

With a wrenching effort she banished the heavy sense of doom that threatened to shroud her.

She could not allow herself to give in to despair.

"I may be a mortal, but Lucien is not. He will never allow you to harm me," she forced herself to retort boldly.

Without warning the man gave a dark laugh. The harsh sound sent a distinct chill down her spine.

"I did warn you that he was otherwise occupied. He will not be able to join us, I fear. At least for the next century or so."

Her hands fell to her sides at his mocking words. "What have you done to him?"

A smug expression descended upon his countenance. "During the course of my studies I have discovered several forbidden powers of the vampires. It was, of course, difficult to choose which would be the best for Lucien. He had to be punished for daring to interfere, and for causing me to remain in this stinking pit of a city while he protected you. I decided at last to be a trifle exotic. I called forth a spell that has been banned for centuries. No doubt it will be quite a shock for poor Lucien."

"No." She regarded the vile man in horror. She knew nothing of vampire spells or what they might do, but she realized that Lucien was in terrible danger. The thought was enough to make her stomach tighten in agonizing knots. "Is he injured?"

The man briefly closed his eyes, as if sending out his thoughts through the darkness.

"He lives for now," he retorted in indifferent tones. "But the mist wraith holds him in his clutches. It will not be long."

She barely prevented herself from launching herself at the smirking Vicar Fallow as her heart squeezed with grief. No. She could not bear for Lucien to die. It would be far worse than losing her own life. In truth, she did not know if she could bear the loss. She had to remain hopeful that he could somehow escape. It was that or go mad.

"You are a beast," she spat out in disgusted tones.

"Perhaps." He moved forward, his countenance cold with determination. "Now, I weary of your attempts to keep me distracted long enough for your rescue. A worthy ploy, but the night is passing. I am certain you understand my desire to be at our destination before dawn."

She barely noted his easy ability to read her pathetic ruse. Instead, she struggled with the implication that he was about to force her away from her home and any hope of salvation.

"What destination?"

His hand reached out to clutch her arm. She gasped as an icy pain flared through her muscles to the very bone.

"You will soon discover."

"No. I… I will scream."

"And what will that accomplish?" Suddenly his face was far too close. His eyes seemed to sear into her very soul. "Lucien will not hear you, and any mortal that happens to rush to your rescue will be swiftly put to death. Do you truly desire another murder upon your hands?"

"They are not upon my hands, they are upon yours," she dared to say.

"It is your decision. Do you come along quietly or do you desire to call for your housekeeper? I would no doubt find her a tasty morsel."

The thought of Meg halted the scream that threatened to rip from her throat. No matter what her terror, she could not risk the innocent woman. Poor Meg had sacrificed enough to stand beside her. Jocelyn would not allow her to be harmed any further.

"I will come."

"I knew I could depend upon you." A thin white hand lifted to lightly stroke her hair, the oddly feverish eyes studying her as if she were a peculiar animal. "Such a remarkable young maiden. I intend to enjoy exploring you."

The caress was a repulsive mockery of Lucien’s soft touch, and without even thinking she abruptly turned her head to spit in the vampire’s face.

"You are contemptible."

The hand tightened in her hair, forcing her head back until her neck was readily exposed. Her breath caught as she watched the narrow face approach, the moonlight glinting on the fangs that could suddenly be seen. This was it. She possessed no defense for the teeth that were poised to sink deep into her neck.

She sent up a prayer as she prepared for the inevitable death, then, without warning, she was abruptly set free.

The vampire regarded her with a twisted sneer. "Ah, you tempt me to forget the Medallion and slay you here and now. But I have plans for you, my beauty. Plans that I will not allow to be disrupted. Come."
