Read Books Novel

My Lord Eternity

My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)(45)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

She shivered in pleasure, but even as she considered the audacious notion of leaning forward and tasting the sweetness of his lips, she was halted by a sudden thought.

Lucien was a vampire. An Immortal, he had called himself. Eventually she would grow old and die, while he remained precisely the same.

The thought made her heart grow cold.

"But not forever, Lucien," she said with a frown. "I am not an Immortal as you are. I will soon begin to age."

His countenance became a stern mask at her faltering words. "It does not matter, my sweet. I will love you regardless of your age."

"Are you certain?"

"Jocelyn." The golden eyes blazed in the gloom. "A vampire bonds but once. And for all eternity. What I feel for you today I will feel for all the ages."

He had no doubt intended to comfort her with his stark revelation. To ensure that she would never doubt his commitment to her. But instead, her eyes widened with distress.

She could not claim to understand the mysterious ways of vampires, but she did comprehend the knowledge that she could never burden Lucien with a love that would be fleeting at best.

If he bonded himself to her, then he would spend an eternity grieving for her loss. It was unthinkable.

"No, Lucien." Pulling from his grasp, she regarded him with a stubborn expression. She would rather lose him than ask him to sacrifice himself in such a fashion. At least her pain would come to an end someday. "You cannot do this."

His brows lifted at her fierce tone. "What?"

"I will not allow you to love me when I shall be with you for such a short time. It is not fair to you."

There was a moment of startled silence before Lucien tilted back his head to laugh with rich amusement.

"You will not allow me to love you?" he teased. "It is far too late for such a warning, my sweet."

Jocelyn gave a shake of her head, wishing that he would for once not regard the world as a joke. This was a very serious matter.

"But I will soon die and—"

Her words were interrupted as the door to the castle was shoved open and an old woman attired as a gypsy stepped into the shadows.

"Do not be so certain what the future might hold, Jocelyn," she warned with a gentle smile.

"It has yet to be written."

Utterly startled by the unexpected appearance of the old woman, Lucien struggled to gain his feet, only to discover he was far too weak.

"Nefri," he breathed.

"Lucien, do not move," the great vampire commanded, her numerous bracelets clicking in the musty air as she moved to retrieve the Medallion that had been nearly forgotten on the flagstones. Holding out the amulet, she moved to where Lucien was leaning heavily against the wall and gently pressed it to his cheek.

At first Lucien felt no more than a gentle warmth flood through his body at the touch of the powerful artifact. Then the soothing sense of peace became a fiery flood as his numerous wounds began to knit together and his damaged muscles healed. He gritted his teeth, feeling as if he had been shoved roughly into a furnace that burned from within.

At last he gave a shake of his head. "That is enough."

Nefri pulled the Medallion away, her wrinkled countenance filled with concern.

"You are healed?"

Lucien gingerly tested his arms and legs, discovering that the most grievous of his wounds had indeed been mended.

"I believe so."

Nefri smiled, but there was a warning in her eyes. "You will still be weak for several days."

He gave a slow nod, already realizing that his strength was tenuous at best. Not surprising considering the wounds Amadeus had inflicted. He had been certain down in that dank cellar that he was about to face what no vampire should ever face.


A shudder raced through his body before he was sternly suppressing the dark memories.

Jocelyn was right. The past was over and done. The future was all that mattered.

A future with the woman he loved.

"How did you follow us?" he demanded of the vampire.

Nefri heaved a sad sigh, her gaze turning toward the darkened flagstones.

"I felt the passing of Amadeus."

"Yes." Lucien grimaced with regret. No matter what Amadeus had become in his madness, he was still a brother. It would take time to heal from his tragic loss. All vampires would mourn his passing. "He refused to return to the Veil."

Nefri turned back to lay a comforting hand upon his shoulder. "You did only what you had to do, Lucien. There was no choice."

He smiled wryly. "In truth it was Jocelyn who managed to bring an end to his madness."

"Ah." The vampire turned to smile kindly at the silent woman at his side. "I did tell you that she possessed the strength necessary to wear the Medallion."

Lucien watched the rosy glow touch Jocelyn’s pale cheeks. It never failed to amaze him that she did not seem to realize just how special she was.

That was something he intended to correct. Even if it took him an eternity.

"So you did," he murmured.

"Here, my dear." Before Jocelyn could predict what the old woman was about to do, Nefri had swiftly slipped the Medallion back around her neck and fastened the clasp. "This belongs to you."

The blue eyes widened even as her fingers unconsciously rose to lightly stroke the amulet.

"Oh, but surely there is no longer any need."

Surprisingly Nefri turned to glance about the shadows that still shrouded the room. Lucien could almost sense the puzzled wariness that filled the great vampire’s heart.

"Although Amadeus is gone, there are still others who would claim the Medallion," she at last admitted slowly, her expression troubled.

Lucien could not ignore the chill that inched down his spine. He had wanted to believe that with the passing of Amadeus, Jocelyn was now safe. She had surely endured enough.

But deep within him had been a lingering sense of unease.

Amadeus may have been mad and obsessed with his studies, but he had never possessed the sort of courage necessary to defy the Great Council and Nefri herself. What had prompted him to believe he could succeed in such a foolish scheme? Or who?

"There is still danger," he at last said in flat tones.

Nefri gave a slow nod of her head. "I fear so. I have come to believe there is more to these traitors than I initially suspected."

Lucien felt Jocelyn stiffen at his side, and he placed a comforting arm about her shoulders.

"What would you have me do?" he demanded.

Without warning a sudden smile touched the lined countenance. "For the moment, nothing more than to remain with Jocelyn."
