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My Nerdy Valentine

My Nerdy Valentine (Nerds, #7)(32)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Not wanting her to wind down, he reached around her trembling thigh and found the trigger that would set off at least one more explosion. Continuing with firm thrusts, he manipulated that sweet spot until she began to pant. Then she threw her head back and he listened to her come again. He paused a few seconds, and took her up again.

By the third time she was tossing her hair around and yelling loud enough to bring the neighbors to his door. He hoped they were all out shopping, because now it was his turn, and he figured on making some noise, too. Oh … yeah. His thighs slapped against hers, faster, even faster. Now … almost there … yes.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he opened his mouth and let go. She might have cli**xed again. He might have shouted her name. He was so blown away by his orgasm that he had no idea exactly what happened, except that he was coming, coming, and coming some more. The pulsing seemed to go on forever as he remained firmly anchored to her, holding tight as the world spun around him.

As the haze slowly cleared, he leaned down and pressed his lips against the small of her back. "The best," he murmured, in case she had any doubts left.

Her voice was thick with spent passion. "Yes."

* * *

They managed to get Amanda’s paper written by forbidding any physical contact whatsoever. Eye contact was potent enough. Amanda told herself that she’d had enough orgasms to last her a month, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t ready to fool around every time she looked at Will, especially when he looked back.

Those green eyes packed a punch, reminding her of every touch, every kiss, every cli**x. The paper was done, but the studying would have to wait until she came home from Geekland. She was behind in her work, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Good sex could do that for a girl.

She and Will took turns showering for obvious reasons. Showering together might mean they’d never get to Geekland. As they were about to head out the door, someone knocked.

"That sounds like Mavis’s knock." Amanda was grateful neither of her neighbors had shown up this afternoon to further mess up her schedule.

Will pulled on his coat. "You recognize her knock?"

"Two raps, pause, two more raps. And her timing’s off. Usually she shows up an hour before I’m ready to leave."

"We have five minutes to catch the bus."

"I know. I won’t let her keep us."

Will glanced at her, a gleam in his eye. "Maybe she wants to return the vibrator."

"Too late." She paused before opening the door. "You might have permanently ruined me for vibrators." At his very male look of satisfaction, she laughed.

She was still laughing when she opened the door. Both Mavis and Chester stood there wearing their coats. Mavis had her pocketbook tucked under one arm.

"What’s so funny?" Chester said.

"Nothing." Amanda stopped laughing immediately. She’d rather not advertise her current multi-orgasmic state. "Are you two going somewhere?" Together? Strange as it seemed, that was the definite impression she got.

"Yes." Mavis threw back her shoulders as if marching into battle. "We’re going with you to Geekland."

Amanda had trouble processing the information. "Uh …why?"

"While we were watching Wheel of Fortune, we had a talk about your situation," Chester said. "And we decided you needed more eyes and ears."

"Oh." She was touched, but she couldn’t imagine the two of them in the atmosphere of Geekland. She couldn’t imagine them staying up past nine o’clock, either. "You realize I have to work until one in the morning. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to—"

"We took a nap," Mavis said. "Didn’t we, Chester?"

Chester blushed. Because Chester had no hair on his head, the blush was visible over a much wider area. "Yeah. A nap."

You could have knocked Amanda over with a red vibrator. Were Chester and Mavis … ? No, impossible. They were bitter enemies. They weren’t taking naps in the same vicinity, let alone in the same bed.

But Gloria had told her that when an older couple took a "nap" it usually wasn’t for sleeping. They like midday sex, when they’re still energetic enough to do it, Gloria had explained. Amanda decided she’d be better off not thinking about that at all.

Mavis shoved back her coat sleeve and looked at her watch. "Are you ready? If we don’t shake a leg, we’ll miss your bus." She stood on tiptoe and peered over Amanda’s shoulder. "Will, are you ready?"

"Sure thing." He came to the door and handed Amanda her purse. "Let’s move out."

The bus ride to Geekland was surreal. Mavis and Chester shared a seat and kept sneaking glances at each other and blushing. Once in a while Mavis would giggle. Then Chester would nudge her shoulder with his, and she’d giggle again.

Amanda and Will stood nearby holding on to a pole. Amanda tried not to stare, but she couldn’t believe these were the same two people who had been feuding ever since she’d moved in last year. Sure, she’d thought they were sweet on each other, but they weren’t supposed to do anything about it. Sniping at each other like a couple of preteens was fine with her. This new development was unsettling.

Will leaned close and murmured in Amanda’s ear. "I think they’re doing it."

"I don’t want to talk about that."

"Why not? They’re consenting adults."

"I know that, but it feels very weird." She was too embarrassed to explain that she thought of Mavis and Chester as substitute parents, and a girl wanted people in those roles to be completely asexual. Yes, she’d studied her psychology texts and knew that was unrealistic, but she couldn’t help the way she felt.

"Want me to watch out for them tonight?"

"Oh, yes, please. They’ll be lost at Geekland. Everyone’s so much younger than they are, and I doubt they’ll know what to make of the trivia and all the crazy drinks."

"I’ll help out."

"Thanks, Will. And make sure they don’t overdo the liquor, okay? I mean, one of them could be diabetic or something. I’ll try to keep track, but Saturday night is always busy."

"It’s sweet that they want to come and protect you."

"I know." She glanced over at Chester and Mavis, who looked so vulnerable and clueless. "But it’s not like they’re experts on deviant behavior. I think they’ll be more of a liability than an asset."

Will gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Don’t worry. I’ll make sure nothing happens to them."

* * *

It had seemed like a reasonable promise when he’d made it, but two hours into the evening, Will wondered what he’d been thinking, trying to keep track of a couple of golden-agers at a bar. Mavis had plunged into the trivia and organized teams, whether people wanted teams or not. In between rounds of trivia, she divided the customers into three groups and made them sing rounds.

Meanwhile Chester sat at the bar with a fistful of Geekland coupons he’d clipped from somewhere, and he insisted on using them for drinks, even though half of them had expired. Besides that, the coupons were for ordinary well drinks. Chester had borrowed Leonard’s Barmaster and was ordering up all kinds of strange drinks and asking Amanda to apply the coupon to them.

Will offered to buy him a couple of rounds to get him off the coupon kick, but he said that spoiled the fun. "I’m giving Amanda a challenge," he said. "Expanding her repertoire. When she makes me something, she has to think, and that’s good for her."

"What she’s thinking is that you’re an impossible old goat," Mavis said. "I don’t know what I ever saw in you, Chester Ambrose."

"You know good and well what you saw in me," Chester said. Then he pinched Mavis on the butt.

Amanda grabbed Will by the arm. "Did you see that? Please tell him to stop pinching her. I caught him doing it before, and he thinks it’s funny."

"But Mavis seems to like it. She giggles."

"It’s embarrassing. And customers are complaining that they don’t want to sing rounds anymore." Amanda poured rum over a bar spoon to top off the drink she was making. "Can you talk her out of that?"

Will sighed. "I can try. But she reminds me of my thirdgrade teacher, Mrs. Nadworthy, and I was always scared of Mrs. Nadworthy."

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Fine time to tell me. I thought you were going to watch over them."

"I am watching over them. They’re both in fine shape. They haven’t had too much to drink, and they don’t seem the least bit lost. I would say they’re thriving in this atmosphere."

"That may well be, but they’re also driving me and the other customers insane."

Will took note of the couple who had just walked in the front door. "You’re in luck, because a distraction is on the way."

"Mavis has total control of that karaoke microphone. Short of a major power outage, I don’t know what sort of distraction would help."

"Try Gloria and Justin. And if I’m any judge of these things, and I think I am, they’re doing it, too."

Amanda watched Gloria and Justin approach. "At least that doesn’t make me flinch like it does with Mavis and Chester."

"It makes me flinch. Justin looks way too happy. He’s heading for a fall." Will thought that described his own situation, too. Things were going well with Amanda, too damn well. He was getting used to being with her.

But logic told him that eventually this stalker thing would resolve itself, and she wouldn’t need him anymore. She’d realize that her studies had suffered while she was playing patty-cake with him, and she’d tell him goodbye. He couldn’t even hold out hope for them at the end of the semester, because she was going on to graduate school, and after that she’d want to establish a practice.

All that took concentration, and he was afraid she’d see him as a distraction. She’d ask him—nicely, of course—to vamoose. If and when that happened, he didn’t know if there was enough booze behind the bar at Geekland to make him forget her.

"Will, my boy!" Justin clapped him on the back. "How’s life treating you?"

"Not bad." He looked around for Justin’s date for the evening. "Where’s Gloria?"

"She went to the ladies’ room to freshen up. We took a cab over, and we enjoyed a little action on the way, if you know what I mean."

So Will had been right. It hadn’t been so hard to guess. The big grin on Justin’s face had been enough to clue him in. "Justin, you know how I feel about this. You’re going to get yourself attached, and she’s only in it for the cheap thrills."

"These thrills aren’t cheap, buddy. She has an arsenal of goodies at her place. I’d hate to estimate the total value, but it’s high. She introduced me to a few of her top-of-the-line toys. Did you know there’s such a thing as a vibrating c*ck ring?"

"No, but I don’t think you’re the vibrating c*ck ring type, if you don’t mind me saying so."

"That’s how much you know. Gloria says I am, and that’s what I choose to believe. Hey, why is everybody singing rounds?"

"You don’t want to know."

"How’s everything going with Amanda?"

"Good." He glanced toward the ladies’ room to make sure Gloria wasn’t on her way. "Very good."

"Yeah?" Justin smiled. "That’s awesome, buddy. I wondered if staying in her apartment would be the icebreaker. Sounds like it—"

"Cut. Here comes Gloria. She can’t know."

"Right. Although she might not care so much anymore."

"There you are, my two nerdlings." Gloria stepped between them and linked her arms through theirs. "Want to hear my fantasy?"

"No." Will extracted himself from her grip.

"I’m not too keen on that one, either, Gloria," Justin said.

She chucked him under the chin. "My provincial little geek, afraid to try a threesome. Or maybe you’d be fine with it if we made it two women, instead?"

Will gave Justin a look that said plainly, See what you’re in for?

Justin shrugged. "Two women might be cool."

"There you go. Maybe I could talk Amanda into—"

"Don’t even think about it," Will said.

"My, my, so protective." Gloria smiled at him. "But you’re right. Amanda’s too uptight for that."

Justin smiled at Will but said nothing.

Will should have kept his mouth shut, too, but he hated hearing Amanda described that way. "She’s not—" He stopped himself just in time. "She’s not cut out for that kind of thing."

"Definitely not." Gloria looked at Will more closely. "I do believe there’s a tiny hickey on your neck, William."

Will adjusted his collar and hoped he wasn’t blushing. Damn it, his cheeks felt warm. "I pinched myself in the …" Shit. What explained a hickey other than the obvious? "In the hose from the hand-held shower head," he finished, hoping she’d buy it.

She laughed. "Creative. I have to say, you’re quite the guy, pretending to be Amanda’s boyfriend by day and schtup-ping someone else by night. You realize I’m insanely jealous. After all, I asked first."

Justin edged his way into the conversation. "But it doesn’t matter now, right? I mean, you have me, now."

Will had his hands full deflecting Gloria’s curiosity, but he took a moment to feel sorry for Justin. The poor jerk was already wearing his heart on his sleeve.

"Well, of course I have you, my galloping geek. But that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten all about Will. My attention span is not that short. So tell me, Will, who’s the lucky girl? Anybody I know?"

"No." Will made sure he didn’t glance in Amanda’s direction. He couldn’t look at Justin, either. He should elaborate, make up some imaginary girlfriend, but he was coming up empty.

"If it’s that receptionist at Cooper and Scott, I’ll be insulted. She’s not nearly as stacked as I am."

"It’s not her. It’s … someone in my apartment building."

"Will’s notorious about keeping his affairs to himself," Justin said. "He doesn’t even tell me half the time."

Gloria turned to him. "Yes, but did he tell you this time? Because if you know, I’ll bet I can coax it out of you. I want to know who my competition is."
