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Nerd in Shining Armor

Nerd in Shining Armor (Nerds, #1)(19)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

"I’ll bet Disneyland’s cool." Lincoln looked wistful.

"You haven’t been there?"

"Not yet." Lincoln glanced over at Annabelle. "I don’t know if Mom told you, but planes freak her out. She’s all, If God had meant us to fly he would have given us wings." He flapped his hands for emphasis.

"She told me."

"Don’t you think that’s kind of weird?" Lincoln shot her a quick look. "No disrespect, Mom, but, like, everybody flies these days. It’s safer than driving your car."

"But if your car starts misbehaving, you can pull over to the side of the blessed road!" Annabelle said. "It’s not like you can park an airplane on a cloud."

Matt cleared his throat. "To be honest, I’m not crazy about flying myself. Only do it when I have to. Now, how about some Seven-Up for both of you? If that goes down, we can move on from there."

"Thank you. That would be very nice." Annabelle was impressed. Even though Matt didn’t like her, he’d come to her aid. Then he’d cleverly changed the subject. From her point of view he was not only handsome, but sensitive to other folks’ feelings. Either his ex-wife was a very silly woman or Matt hadn’t revealed his bad habits yet. Of course he had some—everyone did—but they’d have to be mighty black

to offset his good points.

"I guess Seven-Up would be cool," Lincoln said.

Annabelle lifted her eyebrows in warning.

"Yes, thank you," he added quickly.

Annabelle sighed. She had an uphill battle, because if Lincoln was polite around his friends they’d make fun of him and call him a wussy. She’d listened to him belching and wisecracking when he thought she couldn’t hear him.

But that behavior wouldn’t wash when he was around her. She couldn’t let him slide into disrespectful ways or, worse yet, behavior that reminded her of the Hollow. She sometimes wondered if he’d somehow inherited the unpolished ways of the folks in the Hollow. But that couldn’t be true, or Genevieve would be like that, too, and she wasn’t. She was such a good girl. Annabelle’s heart contracted as she thought of her tender young daughter out there in some kind of danger, scared and cold, needing her mama.

* * *

Genevieve’s heart beat fast enough to keep time with "The Orange Blossom Special." Even though she’d insulted Jack’s ability to satisfy a woman, he still wanted to take a shot at satisfying her. "I won’t offer you pointers or anything," she said.

"Why not?" He took his glasses off. "I don’t pretend to be perfect at this."

She swallowed. They were really going to do it. And what was even more amazing, she really wanted to. The steady beat of the rain and the smell of woodsmoke took her back to her days in the Hollow, back when she’d first discovered exciting things about her body. She’d lost some of that thrill along the way, but here, with Jack, the specialness was there again.

Although she knew it wasn’t true, she felt like a virgin. "I don’t pretend to be perfect, either."

"You’d better put these in your suitcase." He held out the glasses. "And get out—"

"I will." She took the glasses without looking at him. As she’d imagined this event taking place, she hadn’t figured on feeling shy. Maybe it was the manly way he’d defended himself when she’d insulted him. In that moment he’d stopped being bumbling Jackson and turned into forceful Jack again. She was beginning to cherish that unexpected side of him, and when he acted like that, she got weak in the knees.

They seemed to be on either ends of a seesaw. If one of them was feeling full of vinegar, the other one turned into a bowl of cornmeal mush. Then, in a little while, they’d trade places. It was the strangest thing. Right now she was in the mush stage.

She took out the condom and then couldn’t decide where to put it.

"Just set it beside the beach towel," Jack said, his voice soft.

She laid it in the sand near one end of the towel. Then she reached for another piece of driftwood and gave it to him. "Put this on, so the … so the fire won’t go out."

"I can’t believe we need this fire."

She gathered her courage and looked over at Jack. His skin glistened. Except for the fact that he had chest hair, he looked like a bodybuilder after a workout. "We’ll need it… later."

He stared at her.

"We will, Jack. You’ll cool off eventually."

"I don’t think so."

She had a picture of Jack constantly hot, constantly wanting her. It made her tingle all over. "What now?"

"I think we have to make this one up as we go along." He smiled, slow and easy. "It’s not your average sex scene."

That smile turned her inside out. Set against his dark beard, his teeth flashed whiter than ever. She wanted him to kiss her, and she wanted it to happen in the next two seconds or she might pass out from anticipation.

"You need to come closer," she said.

"I know. But before I get closer and forget everything—"

"You’ll forget everything?" She liked the idea that he’d go crazy with lust and turn into some wild beast. She well remembered the feeling of being ravished when he’d kissed her the first time.

"It could happen. I want you pretty bad."

She looked down at his crotch and discovered he did want her pretty bad. That worked her up even more.

"There’s the sand issue," he said.

She wished he’d stop jawing and do something constructive with his mouth. Like kiss her. "That’s why I spread out the towel."

"I know, but there’s only room for one of us, so the other one has to be on top. All things considered, maybe that should be you. Then you can—"

"Are you fixing to talk me into an orgasm?" As hot and bothered as she was getting, he might be able to do it, but that wasn’t what she had in mind. She was thinking about a little foreplay.

"I don’t want you to get sand up your—" He gulped as she pulled one strap of her dress down over her arm.

She pushed down the other strap and folded her dress down to her waist. "You were saying?"

He looked like he’d been smacked upside the head with a two-by-four. His mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out.

"You should come closer, Jack. I know you can’t get a good view from where you’re sitting. You’re a little blurry to me, so I must be blurry to you."

Slowly, as if he’d been drugged, he dropped to his hands and knees and crawled toward her. Gradually his face came into clear focus and she could see his eyes. The blue was nearly covered up by pupils wide with lust. Now he was in the bowl of mush stage.

"Don’t worry about the sand just yet," she whispered.

He gulped again.

Her heartbeat skittered, knowing that she had the power to make him speechless. "I know I promised not to give you pointers, but now would be a good time to suck on my titties." She cradled her br**sts and lifted them toward him. She wanted to feel the scrape of his teeth and the prickle of his beard. "Have a taste."

Making a sound low in his throat that was half animal, half human, he leaned forward and ran his tongue around her nipple. Then he did it again, his tongue warm and wet as a puppy’s. He began lapping eagerly, making her nipple go from soft and full to hard and tight.

She closed her eyes. This was more like it. Jack might think he had to plan everything in advance, but some things worked out better by letting nature take its course.

When he sucked her nipple into his mouth, he made an mmmm sort of noise, as if he’d just taken a mouthful of pecan pie with whipped cream. He certainly knew how to do this part right—exactly enough pressure to send a signal down below, where the welcome party was being set up. Soon that welcome party would be in full swing, ready to greet the honored guest. Then she’d find out if a man’s thumb had anything to do with how he was hung.

But they could have a lot of fun before that moment came. Opening her eyes, she watched him enjoying himself, and that made the sensation even better. His breath fanned her breast as his cheeks hollowed and his eyelashes fluttered closed.

Then he pulled away and rubbed his mouth back and forth across her nipple, wiggling it around with his teeth and tongue until she was almost ready to come, just from that. Maybe it was the crashing surf outside, or the rain, or the cozy hideaway on a deserted island, but she’d never felt this loose with a man.

Before the ultimate could happen, he paused, like a surfer on the crest of a wave. Heart racing, she balanced with him, breathlessly waiting for what he’d do next. It was better than the Tilt-a-Wheel at the carnival.

With his lips parted, he slid his mouth slowly down one slope and up the other. The soft bristles of his beard tickled her skin, and when he closed his white teeth gently over her other nipple, she once again felt like a captured maiden being fondled by a bold pirate. She moaned happily.

Immediately he became motionless. Then he pulled back and looked up at her. "Did I… hurt you?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

"Oh, no, Jack. I’ll moan if it’s good. I’ll yell if it’s bad."

"You’re sure my beard isn’t—"

"Jack!" She was losing the pirate image, so she grabbed his head and thrust her nipple into his mouth. "Moans are good, yelling’s bad. Now back to business!"

Fortunately Jack wasn’t the kind to talk with his mouth full, so that ended the conversation. Now that they understood each other, she was free to moan some more, which she did, because he’d started that nipple-wiggling trick again.

He’d stopped before, but she didn’t want him to stop this time. She was wound up and set to chime. Maybe he needed some encouragement. "That’s . . . good," she murmured.

He stopped. "What?"

She groaned in frustration. "What you were doing. The . . . the nipple-wiggling thing. I don’t know where you learned it, but—"

"I made it up."

"Do it some more."

He settled in again, and before long she was panting. She’d had no idea that she could come this way. Jack was a genius, all right. Only a genius would know how to use his mouth on her until she . . . oh, goodness . . . oh, goodness gracious . . . oh, for the love of all creation! She cli**xed, letting out a loud moan and rocking back on her heels. She nearly toppled over.

"Gen?" He sounded worried as he grabbed her by the shoulders, his hands gritty from the sand. "Gen, are you okay?"

"I’m … in … high cotton," she said, gasping.

"Is that good?"

Still trying to breathe like a normal person, she opened her eyes and looked at him. "That’s great! Jack, you made me come just then."

"I did? But I didn’t even—"

"I know. Isn’t it amazing?" She gulped for air. "Whatever that thing is that you do with your mouth, you should get a patent on it."

A slow smile tugged at his mouth. "It was good, huh?"


"Wow. I’ve never made anyone come by just—"

"But you need some follow-up." She’d promised herself not to give him tips, but he needed a teensy bit

of help. He had the potential to become really outstanding at this.


"So you move smoothly into the next stage." She took a deep breath. She could hardly wait for the next stage. "You don’t want to be gloating about the first orgasm when you could be leading up to the next one." Hint, hint.

"Oh." That lustful expression returned. "CM."

"Wipe the sand off your hands. You’ll be needing them."

While he wiped his hands on his slacks, she reached behind her and unzipped her dress. Then she pulled it over her head, rolled it up, and positioned it at the end of the towel like a pillow.

"Oh, Gen."

"What?" She turned back to him and discovered he was all eyes.

"You’re . . . incredible."

"Well, thank you, but I’m really nothing special." She liked hearing him say that, anyway, and she was glad she’d worn her white lace bikini panties today. "You just don’t get out much."

He shook his head. "Show me a million almost-naked women and I’d still pick you."

She felt warm all over. No one had ever said something like that to her. "I… I’m glad you think so." The way he was looking at her made her feel prettier, like a movie star.

"I know you said I needed to follow-up, but can I… just look at you for a minute? The light’s starting to fade, and I don’t want to miss—"

"You can look, Jack," she said softly. She rose to her knees and slid her thumbs into the elastic of her panties. "In fact, you can have the whole show."

His breath caught as she slid the panties down to her knees. He seemed completely awestruck. "I never thought I’d see you like this," he murmured. "I never thought you’d want me."

Her heart felt as if someone had put it through the wringer on her mama’s old washing machine. He was treating her as if she were some sort of precious gift. No man had ever done that before. Because she had no idea what to say, she cradled his face in both hands and kissed him gently on the mouth.

He kissed her back the same way, and when his fingers slid along her jaw, they were trembling. From the way he slowly explored her mouth, from the tenderness when he combed his fingers through her hair, she would never know that he was going crazy with wanting her. But she thought he probably was, because he’d just told her she was the best-looking nak*d woman he’d ever seen. Besides, she was going crazy wanting him, so vice versa made perfect sense.

Yet the way they were kissing now was perfect. Perfect. How unbelievable that the sweetest kiss she’d ever had would be from Jackson Farley.

Chapter 12

Heat from the fire blasted the soles of Jack’s feet, but he didn’t care. Now he understood how a person could walk over hot coals. He could do it if he thought about Gen nak*d. He could do anything if he thought about Gen nak*d, even put up with a hard-on the size of a battleship while he concentrated on this follow-up business.

Follow-up should be slow and easy. She’d told him that without saying so, by the way she was kissing him, like she was savoring an expensive dessert. So he’d kiss her the same way, and it was working out great, because he could show her without words how lucky he felt to be here. He was most definitely savoring her.
