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Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(28)
Author: Emma Hart

"When will Jen be here?" I say, looking towards the door.

I need to break eye contact. If I look at him for much longer I’ll jump over the damn table between us and kiss him senseless.

I flush at my own thoughts. Sheesh. Can I get some ice with this drink?

One kiss today is enough.

"She said ten minutes twenty minutes ago," he replies. "So you’re looking at another ten."

I inwardly groan. "Great," I mutter.

"Anyone would think you’re still not totally comfortable being alone with me, despite the fact we’ve just spent the day together. Closely, too," Alec says casually, finishing the rest of his drink. "Another?"

He picks up my empty glass and heads towards the bar. I can’t help but watch him go.

And admire his behind.

A lot.


He comes back a few minutes later, a rose wine in one hand and a pint in the other.

"What makes you think I still don’t wanna be alone with you?" I ask, taking my drink from him. My fingers graze his as he hands it over.

"The way you look for Jen after oh, twenty minutes." He raises an eyebrow.

"That’s so not true." I protest and shake my head.

"Isn’t it?"

"Nope." I sip my drink and the alcohol settles warmly in my stomach.

God knows I can do with some Dutch courage, the way this conversation is heading. I know I’ve shown him some trust – more than I wanted to. But there’s only so far I can go in one day.

"Then why are you always so anxious for her to get here? You were fine earlier," he questions.

"I like spending time with her. It’s been a long time." And I’m scared if I’m alone with you for much longer I’ll completely break.

"I’m not gonna jump the table and kiss you, Lexy." He smiles slowly and it makes him even sexier. "Unless you want me to, of course."

Oh, but isn’t that the problem?

"Not at all," I lie smoothly. "You’re fine where you are, Alec."

He quirks an eyebrow and lifts his drink as I see Jen skip into the pub.

"Happy birthdaaay beautifullllll!" She sings and wraps her arms around me. I return her hug, ignoring the looks from people around us.

"Happy birthday, Lexy." Carl winks at me and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks, guys." I beam up at them and Jen sends Carl to the bar as she takes a seat next to me.

"Ready to party on?" She nudges me.

"Oh hell yeah!" I laugh.

Carl approaches the table carrying a tray with four shots and four drinks.

"Know the bartender." He winks at me.

"Oh hell no," Alec bursts, eyeing the shots. "No way."

I pick up one and sniff it. The strong smell of liquorice embraces me and I smirk at him.

"Not afraid of a little Sambuca, are you, Alec?" I taunt him.

"That stuff is lethal." He frowns.

"Aw, can’t likkle baby Alec handle his ‘buca?" Jen teases in a baby voice, picking up her shot glass.

"Man up, dude." Carl slugs him in the arm and hands him the shot which Alec takes, reluctantly.

"To Lexy, and finally being legal!" Carl says loudly and we all chuck the shots back.

The spirit burns the back of my throat and I click my tongue.

Alec screws his face up and shakes his head as he gets an all over body shiver. He takes a long slug of his pint and I laugh.

He narrows his eyes at me playfully. "Shut it, Miss Barely Legal."

"Ohhh, pulling out the big guns, are we?" I grin cheekily. "You still owe me a drinking challenge." I glance at Carl. "You both do."

Carl holds his hands up. "We do. Tomorrow night?"

"What’s happening tomorrow night?" I look at everyone.

"Beach party," Jen answers.

"On the Bay?"

"Yep." She smiles at me.

I hesitate. Alec notices and takes my hand in his.

”You’ll be fine.” He looks straight into my eyes. ”I promise I won’t let anyone come near you.”

I nod at him and look at both of the guys. "In that case, you’re on, boys."

"Sure you can handle it?" Carl winks.

Alec makes eye contact with me again and I look into the eyes that have kept me up at night.

"I can handle anything you throw at me."



Sometimes, you don’t know what to expect from a day. Sometimes you wake up with a clear plan. Sometimes, a spanner gets thrown in the works so you’re back to not expecting.

I definitely don’t know what to expect from today.

Something has changed between me and Alec after yesterday. I don’t know if it’s far enough to say I’m ready to throw myself into his arms and beg for forever, but the defining line has been smudged by his kiss. Obviously smudged.

And I’m not likely to beg forever, but you get it. Whatever it is, it’s got a smile on my face, despite the looming beach party. Bing is insisting on coming – of course he is – but I don’t want to go. I have no doubt that if James is there and so much as looks my way he’ll get another black eye, but I don’t really want to go down that route.

And that’s why I’m dawdling.

That’s why I conveniently can’t find anything to wear. It’s also why my mascara has conveniently gone missing. Or if I’ll be honest, it’s hiding under my pillow. But no one else needs to know that.

”You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Bing pokes his head round the door. ”Why don’t we all just hang out here? Me and Dad can set up the burner outside.”

”Don’t need the burner,” I reply and sit on my bed. ”It’s hot enough.”

”Then we’ll just chill out on the decking.” He shrugs. ”Really, sis, you ain’t gotta go.”

”No.. I..” I sigh. ”I want to go, but I’m worried he’ll be there.”

”If he is and he so much as looks your way he’ll have another black eye,” Bing growls.

Point? Proven.

”That’s exactly what I don’t want to happen, Bing.”

”Pretend Alec is your boyfriend. He might as well be.”

”I’m gonna ignore that last part.” I glance at him. ”But I doubt that’ll make a difference. Guys like James.. They take what they want, whether it belongs to someone else or not. Not that my anything belongs to anyone but me.”

”Ah-huh.” Bing nods and sits next to me. I can hear the disbelief in his tone. ”Dear sister, when will you see that something of yours does belong to someone?”


”I’m just asking. I’m as thick as two wooden planks and even I can see it. Just admit it to yourself and we’re cool.”

I smack him with my pillow. ”Maybe I’m not ready to totally admit it to myself, yet. I’ll let you know when I am, though, so thanks for the advice, champ.” I roll my eyes.
