Read Books Novel

Never Seduce a Scot

Tonight she dug out one of the silk underdresses that her mother had so carefully packed before Eveline had departed her father’s lands.

It was lovely and Eveline adored the rich green color. It made her feel livelier. Appropriate for coming out of her self-imposed seclusion.

She wore a simple white overtunic that contrasted nicely against the vibrant green. The sleeves were long, nearly covering her hands.

Deciding that if she were going to wear something so grand, she may as well not hold back on the shoes, she dug out the jeweled slippers with sharp pointed toes and slipped them onto her feet.

At home she had a maid who’d arrange her hair, but here she hadn’t been assigned any such person nor had she asked. With the women of the keep so ambivalent toward her, she hadn’t wanted one to attend her.

She had pins and such, again thanks to her mother’s careful packing. Eveline would have likely left it all and gone to her new husband in bare feet and a much-worn linen dress.

After brushing and fussing with her hair, she gave up on pinning the heavy mass up and instead opted to pull some of it back away from her face, securing it at the back of her head.

The result was better than she’d anticipated. She even thought herself pretty. There hadn’t been many occasions at home that had warranted her looking her absolute best. And those times her mother had always taken over and made sure Eveline was dressed appropriately.

It was perhaps too much for a simple evening meal with no guests in attendance, but for Eveline, this was an important evening. It was when Graeme would relate her secret—if he hadn’t already. All eyes would be upon her. She wanted no one to be able to find fault with her—or at least her appearance.

She was nervous. Nay, she was terrified. It did no good to deny it.

She sank onto the edge of the bed and sat there a long moment investigating the looming shadows in the room. There were only two candles lit and the fire in the hearth had long since gone out.

A touch to her shoulder had her yanking her head up in surprise. Rorie stood beside her, an expression of concern on her face. Eveline hadn’t noticed her coming into the chamber.

Rorie turned and picked up one of the candleholders and sat on the bed next to Eveline, so that Eveline would be able to see her face.

“I didn’t mean to startle you,” Rorie said. “Graeme sent me up to see if you were ready to come down to the hall for the evening meal.”

Eveline smiled. “Thank you. I am.”

Rorie’s eyes widened. “You can speak.”

Eveline nodded. “Has Graeme not told you all?”

“I heard. Talk, I mean. No one has said anything to me directly, but there are rumors now. That you cannot hear and aren’t daft at all. Of course I knew you weren’t daft, but I didn’t know the rest. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Eveline sighed. “I’ll tell you the whole of it later. I do not want to leave Graeme waiting in the hall.” She rose and then took a few steps back so Rorie could see her attire. “Do I look pleasing? Like a laird’s wife even?”

Rorie also stood, bearing with her the candle. “You look beautiful, Eveline. Truly. I think Graeme will be more than pleased.”

Rorie put the candle down and turned to leave the room, but Eveline put her hand out to catch Rorie’s. Rorie turned back to Eveline, question in her eyes.

“Thank you,” Eveline said.

Rorie cocked her head to the side. “For what?”

“For befriending me even when it was thought I was daft and when no one else in your clan was kind.”

Rorie smiled, and then to Eveline’s surprise leaned forward to catch Eveline in a fierce hug. Eveline returned the embrace, her heart gladdening at the acceptance of the younger girl.

When Rorie pulled away, she was still smiling. She kept hold of Eveline’s hand and said, “Come now. Let’s go down so that my clan can behold their new mistress in all her glory.”

Graeme impatiently awaited Eveline’s arrival. He’d sent Rorie up for her several minutes ago, and they’d yet to make an appearance.

His brothers were already seated and the other clansmen were filtering in and settling at the other tables. Any moment now the serving women would be in with the food, or at least he hoped Nora had found adequate replacements for the women he’d dismissed earlier in the day.

He was ready to go up to see if there was an issue when Eveline appeared at the end of the hall.

Graeme caught his breath. Indeed, the entire hall quieted. There wasn’t a single murmur as all attention was directed at Eveline.

She was beautiful. Poised. Confident looking. Until his gaze reached her eyes and it was then he could see the fear and nervousness reflected in them.

He stood, without even processing his intention to do so. He stepped down from the dais and walked down the center between the tables lining the walls. When he reached her, he saw that Rorie was just behind her, watching, almost as if she was gauging whether she needed to intervene on Eveline’s behalf.

He smiled at his sister, proud that Eveline had such a champion. Rorie smiled back.

Then he put his arm out to Eveline and turned his smile down to her. “You look beautiful, my lady.”

The fear and nervousness fled her eyes as a smile took over her face. It was so brilliant that Graeme felt like someone had knocked the breath from him.

She slid her hand over his arm, her fingers just peeking from the sleeve of her overtunic. The cuffs were embroidered with dainty silver threads in a swirling feminine pattern that suited Eveline.

Turning, he paused a moment as they faced the hall. All eyes were on them as he began to lead her back down the center toward the head table where his brothers waited.

He noticed that his clansmen weren’t attempting to say anything, even quietly at their tables. He had to hold back his smile. Since learning of Eveline’s ability to see what one said without having to be in hearing distance, they’d likely all be more circumspect about saying anything around her.

When he helped Eveline up the step, his brothers rose and stood while he seated Eveline beside him. Rorie followed behind and slid into her place next to Bowen.

Eveline smiled warmly at Bowen and Teague and then settled gracefully onto the bench. Graeme sat at the head of the table and then offered his goblet to Eveline.

She took it with a murmured thank-you, too low for anyone to have heard. He barely caught it himself, but he wouldn’t draw attention to her by telling her it was barely discernible. He didn’t want to make her any more nervous than she already was.

Across the table, Teague motioned for Eveline’s attention and when she turned her gaze his way, he said, “You look beautiful, Eveline.”

She blushed to the roots of her hair, her cheeks a delightful shade of pink. This time when she said thank you, she said it loudly enough for those closest to her to hear.

Graeme reached underneath the table and squeezed her hand.

Just then, Nora came bustling into the hall followed by a procession of women whom Graeme noted had previously either worked in the fields or were assigned to washing of the clothes. A few looked nervous, having not served the laird directly, but the others dove into their new duty with confidence and began serving food and drink.

Graeme’s table was served first and he made sure Eveline was given priority. By now, it was clear that he would tolerate no disrespect, so the women went out of their way to attend Eveline.

Satisfied that at least for this night there would be no upset for Eveline, Graeme settled back to eat his meal.

“Have you sent for Father Drummond?” Rorie asked.

Graeme sighed. “No, imp, I haven’t.”

She frowned at him, allowing him to see her displeasure over his response.

“You promised.”

Eveline was glancing rapidly back and forth to follow the conversation so Graeme purposely slowed so she would be able to participate.

“Aye, I did at that. I’ve not had the time and to be honest, it hasn’t been a priority with all else we have happening of late.”

“But you promised, Graeme! You said if I was nice to Eveline, you’d send for the priest so I could learn to read and write.”

As soon as the words were out of Rorie’s mouth, she clamped her hand over her lips, an expression of horror etched on her face.

Eveline dropped her gaze, staring down at her food. But not before he saw the devastation in her eyes. It was instinctive for him to want to protect her. It made him furious that Rorie had been so careless.

“Damn it, Rorie,” Graeme growled. “You go too far this time.”

“I’m sorry!” Rorie cried. “Oh Graeme, it wasn’t what I meant at all. You know it’s not. I like Eveline.”

Bowen sighed. “Your temper always makes trouble for you, Rorie. You have to learn to control your tongue.”

Rorie looked near tears and her gaze was solidly fixed on Eveline, who still stared down at the bowl in front of her.

Graeme reached for Eveline’s hand, but it was in her lap, her fingers balled into a fist. He touched her arm instead and she glanced up in question, as if all this time she’d been focused on eating and hadn’t been privy to Rorie’s outburst.

“She didn’t mean it, Eveline,” Graeme said.

Eveline’s eyes widened in pretend confusion, and then she looked down again, but she never glanced in Rorie’s direction. Her lips trembled, betraying her upset, and it was all Graeme could do not to carry her away from everyone. Take her up to their chamber and away from the world, where no one could hurt her again.

Rorie started to rise, but Graeme motioned her down. “Not now, Rorie. You’ve done enough.”

“But I didn’t mean it,” Rorie said, distress obvious in her voice. “I can’t allow her to think it a moment longer. What I said … What I said makes me no better than the women who maligned her. It makes me worse because she trusted me.”

“She’s right,” Bowen said quietly. “Allow her to speak to Eveline, Graeme. If she doesn’t, it will only hurt the both of them, and Eveline has already had an upsetting enough day.”

Graeme reached for Eveline’s hand, this time prying it from her lap and then gently uncurling her fingers. He raised it to his mouth and brushed a kiss over her palm. She looked shocked by the public display of affection. Her eyes were wide and her mouth open as she stared at him.

“Allow Rorie to state her case, Eveline. She didn’t mean to hurt you. Look at her. See how upset she is.”

Slowly Eveline turned, her gaze reluctantly going to Rorie, who by now was in tears, her nose red and eyes puffy. Eveline’s lips turned down unhappily as if she couldn’t bear the sight of Rorie’s distress, even though Rorie had hurt her with her careless words.

Rorie shot up from her seat and hurried around, kneeling between Graeme and Eveline. She took Eveline’s hand from Graeme and turned so she was facing Eveline directly.

“I did not mean it the way you heard—saw—it. When you first arrived, Graeme came to me—”

Rorie was talking so fast that Eveline was looking at her in complete bewilderment.

Graeme put his hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Rorie, slow down. Start over. She cannot understand because you’re speaking too fast.”

Rorie took a deep breath and then began again, speaking more calmly.

“Graeme came to me because he wanted me to spend time with you, to make you more comfortable, and I bargained with him because I wanted him to send for Father Drummond so he could teach me to read and to write. I fully expected to hate you, or at the very least be only able to tolerate you, at best. Whatever my bargain with Graeme was, it had no bearing on our friendship, I vow it. You must believe me, Eveline. I do not want to lose your regard.”

Eveline stared searchingly at her for a long moment and then finally allowed a small smile. Then she leaned down and kissed Rorie’s cheek.

“I’ll forgive you if I can sit in on your lessons with Father Drummond.”

Rorie laughed and then launched herself at Eveline so hard, she nearly knocked them both from the bench. Bowen reacted quickly and caught Eveline before she fell backward.

Rorie hugged her tightly and then drew away so Eveline would see her mouth. “Of course you’ll sit with me during the lessons. I’d be terribly bored without you.”

Eveline squeezed her hand and then released it so Rorie could go back to her seat.

Graeme touched Eveline’s arm in silent support. Then he mouthed the words so no one else would hear.

“You’re very generous, Eveline. Thank you for that. Rorie would have been terribly upset over the thought of hurting you. She’s young and until now has been very much alone, devoid of the company of other women even though she’s surrounded by the women of our clan. She’s attached herself to you. It will be good for her to spend time with another woman.”

Eveline smiled slightly and then glanced back at Rorie, who was eating in silence. When she looked back at Graeme, she said in a very low voice, “I like her, too, and enjoy her company.”