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Never Seduce a Scot

Never Seduce a Scot (The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #1)(14)
Author: Maya Banks

Rorie appeared a moment later, lifting an eyebrow in Graeme’s direction. “You and Bowen have a spat?”

Graeme was in no mood for Rorie’s needling. “How much did you overhear? How much did she overhear?”

Rorie shook her head. “We only just arrived in time to see Bowen stalk away to go sulk.”

“Enough with your insults,” Graeme snapped.

Eveline frowned fiercely at him and then stepped in front of Rorie. She folded her arms over her chest and then glared harder at him.

Behind her Rorie laughed. “I do believe she’s protecting me from you, Graeme.”

“As if you bloody well need protecting,” Graeme muttered. “ ’Tis I who need protection from your machinations.”

Rorie stepped around Eveline and then took her hand, tugging her back toward the keep. “Come along, Eveline. We’ll leave the laird to his brooding.”

Graeme watched as Eveline followed behind Rorie and he was struck again by how lovely the lass was. Even when she was glaring him down, she was a sight to behold. All that blond hair shining in the sunlight, her eyes so blue that he could drown in them.

She was so lovely to look at that it hurt. She made his teeth ache over the waste. So young and beautiful and a tragedy had taken so much away from her. If after three years she wasn’t yet normal, the chances were she’d never be normal again.

Running the gauntlet of women inside the keep again was the very last thing Eveline wanted to do. She’d already had to go through them twice since Rorie had begun showing her around the keep, and each time she’d read taunts on their lips. Cruel and insensitive remarks. And Kierstan was there at every turn, staring holes through Eveline, the word “bitch” on her lips as if that were the only word the woman knew how to speak.

It was enough to make Eveline want to bloody that mouth.

In her own home, she’d been content to let people think of her what they may. It was essential to her deception. But here? She had no reason to allow such a thing to go on. It wouldn’t change her circumstances. It certainly hadn’t protected her from marriage to Graeme. And it wasn’t as if she’d ever be forced into marriage with Ian McHugh now that she was wed.

Any man would have been better than Ian. She’d marry the devil rather than to give herself to a man who’d made it clear how she would be treated under his “protection.”

But … There always seemed to be a “but.” It was the problem with creating a web of lies and deceit. It spiraled out of control until it took on a life of its own, and she was helpless to correct it. In too deep. She’d been trapped by her own solution.

What if Graeme was furious that she wasn’t daft? Not so much that he would be angry she wasn’t addled—he’d likely be relieved over that—but he’d been kind and gentle with her. If he didn’t believe her to be “off,” would he still afford her that same respect and understanding? Or would he allow himself to hate her because of who she was? And would he be furious over her deception?

She braced herself as they stepped into the hall. Not as many women were within as had been before. There was no sign of Kierstan, to Eveline’s relief. But the few who were present halted their activities to turn and stare.

This time Eveline made no effort to see what they would say. She forced her gaze on Rorie’s back and followed her into the narrow hallway on the other side of the room. They ducked into a small chamber that was filled with a musty odor.

Ledgers were stacked on a desk and only a small beam of light shone through the furs covering the window. Rorie pushed away the covering, allowing a wash of sunlight in to illuminate the room.

Then she plunked herself in the chair and glanced up at Eveline, looking quite pleased with herself.

Eveline cocked an eyebrow in question and then let her gaze wander around the room. It was tiny, more a cubbyhole than a true room. There was barely room to fit the desk and all the stacks of scrolls and ledgers made the room seem even smaller than it already was.

When she looked back at Rorie, Rorie was talking a steady stream. Eveline frowned and tried to focus so she could follow what the other girl was saying.

“… Da’s room. But I intend it to be mine. Graeme has promised to send for Father Drummond so he can teach me to read and write. Then I can do the accounting for Graeme and he won’t need to worry over the task himself.”

Eveline’s brow furrowed even more. It seemed an odd thing for a woman to want to do, but then she thought of what being able to read and write would mean for her. It would mean a way to communicate, provided the person she wanted to converse with could also read and write. Would such a thing be possible for her to learn, given her inability to hear?

She took another step toward the desk, her stance eager as she stared back at Rorie. Then she pointed to herself and then at the ledgers and scrolls. She cocked her head in clear question.

Rorie frowned a moment as she studied Eveline. Eveline repeated the motion this time, including Rorie so she’d understand what Eveline was asking.

“You want to learn to read and write as well?” Rorie looked astounded by the thought.

Eveline nodded vigorously.

Rorie’s eyes narrowed suspiciously and she rose, planting her palms down on the aged wood. She leaned forward, her features drawn into a near scowl. Her eyes met Eveline’s.

“Just how daft are you, Eveline Armstrong?”


Eveline’s lips tightened into a firm line. She wanted to look away, pretend she didn’t understand, but if she did that, she risked Rorie seeing more than she already had.

And hadn’t she decided that there was no more need for deception? Perhaps she could ease her way into this new life. Take a step at a time.

Eveline swallowed and then slowly shook her head.

“What? No, you aren’t daft? No, you aren’t normal? What are you shaking your head for?” Rorie demanded.

Eveline squared her shoulders, thrust her chin upward, and then stared boldly back at Rorie. She folded her arms over her chest and then firmly shook her head once more.

“You aren’t daft.”

Eveline shook her head again.

“Do you even know what I’m asking?”

Eveline nodded.

Rorie blew out her breath and then sank back into the chair, staring at Eveline with clear incredulity.

“Then why on God’s green earth do you go around allowing people to think you’re touched?”

Eveline held her hands wide apart and then spread them even farther.

Rorie arched up her eyebrows. “Long story?”

Eveline nodded vigorously.

“It’s certainly one I’d like to hear.”

Eveline frowned unhappily and folded her hands over her arms, leaving them crossed protectively over her chest.

“You’re scared,” Rorie said.

Eveline hesitated a moment and then gave one quick nod. She hated to admit to such a weakness, but how could she not be frightened? Everyone hated her here.

Rorie still studied her intently as if trying to reach into Eveline’s mind and pluck out her thoughts, or at least see how sound it was.

“Not just here, though. At your home as well. You were afraid.”

For a long moment Eveline stood there, not wanting to admit that yes, she’d been afraid in the one place she should have felt safest in.

“Eveline?” Rorie prompted.

Her gaze dropped momentarily, but she nodded one more time.

“Tell me this much,” Rorie said as she leaned forward. “Have you pretended all this time? Ever since your accident? Wasn’t it some years ago?”

Eveline shrugged. Who was to say. In those early days, she truly may have been mad. She didn’t remember much. Her world had been in chaos as she’d tried to come to terms with all that had happened. She could understand why her clan had reached the assumption they had. She’d certainly acted like someone not in her right mind.

Rorie’s eyes widened as if something had just occurred to her. “Can you speak?”

Eveline shook her head. It wasn’t a lie. She had no way of knowing if she could any longer. She had no way to judge the sounds. No way to monitor how loud or soft she spoke. Her lips twitched in memory of how to form the words but she didn’t give in to the urge.

“So you pretended to be daft because something frightened you and it was your way of hiding.” Rorie rubbed her chin in a thoughtful manner and then cocked her head sideways at Eveline. “I don’t know whether that makes you as daft as you’re accused of being or if it makes you bloody brilliant. Whatever it was, must have really frightened you to make you go to such lengths.”

Eveline’s mouth trembled and she gripped her arms until her fingertips went white.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” Rorie said. “I can see that whatever it was still frightens the very devil from you. Graeme should know of this, Eveline. He would protect you. He’s an honorable man.”

Eveline swallowed and then shook her head. She put her hand over her chest and then made a patting motion. Then she put her fingers to her mouth and back again to her chest.

“And how, pray tell, will you tell him?” Rorie asked.

Eveline held out her hand, palm up in Rorie’s direction and stared pointedly.

“I’ll concede that point. You did manage to tell me, although let me say this is the most one-sided conversation I’ve ever had in my life. I’m quite worn out now.”

Eveline smiled.

“I was prepared to dislike you.”

Eveline flinched. Dislike was nothing new to her and yet it still managed to make her feel inferior.

“But I find that for whatever reason I’m unable to. You have a certain charm, I suppose. And now since I like you, it means I’m going to have to protect you from the rest of the clan, which also means they aren’t going to be happy with me.”

Rorie shrugged as she made the statement.

“They don’t much like me either, just so you know. The women think I’m hopeless and the men think I’m too focused on matters that shouldn’t concern a lass my age. They mostly ignore me, but if my brother weren’t the laird, I would be treated with higher disdain.”

Eveline scowled at that. She knotted her fingers into a fist and Rorie laughed. “As I sit here speaking of protecting you, somehow I think it will be the other way around, won’t it?”

Catching Rorie’s eye, Eveline put a finger to her lips and kept it there so Rorie couldn’t misunderstand Eveline’s request.

Rorie sighed. “Of course I won’t share your secret, provided it doesn’t go on for too much longer and that it doesn’t hurt anyone or you. However, I won’t allow you to hide up in that chamber. You’ll eat in the hall tonight. You can sit by me. I know it hurts you to hear what members of my clan throw at you, but it will only grow worse if you back down and hide.”

Eveline knew she was right and furthermore, she had no wish to maintain a solitary existence. At home with her family, she’d been surrounded by people who loved her and yet she’d been utterly alone. Here, surrounded by strangers and enemies, she’d found someone who made her feel not quite so isolated. Rorie knew her secret. It was a start. In time, she’d find a way to tell Graeme of the things she’d hidden and hope that he responded well.

Rorie suddenly grimaced. “Ah, there’s Graeme bellowing for us. I can only assume he’s been searching to no avail. ’Tis close to time for the evening meal. Come, let’s go before he finds us.”

Graeme had just come down the stairs from the upper level when he saw Rorie and Eveline enter the great hall.

“Where have you been?” Graeme demanded as he strode toward the two women.

Rorie frowned. “You knew I was taking her around the keep. ’Tis important she be familiar with her new home.”

Graeme made a sound of impatience. “Where were you? You went inside the keep long ago and yet I wasn’t able to find you and no one’s seen you.”

“I took her to Da’s room.”

Graeme glanced between the two women and then gave Rorie a searching look. “Why on earth would you take her there?”

Rorie shrugged. “ ’Tis one of my favorite places.”

Graeme moved his stare to Eveline. “Are you hungry? ’Tis time to be seated for the evening meal, or would you prefer to eat above stairs in your chamber?”

A frown drew Eveline’s features tight, but before she could respond, Rorie was quick to answer.

“She’s sitting with me at tonight’s meal.”

Even as Rorie spoke, Eveline moved closer to her until they were side by side. Rorie reached down to take Eveline’s hand.

So Rorie had done as he’d asked and reached out to Eveline. Indeed, she appeared to have done far more. For the most part, Rorie was a lass who kept to herself and was usually happy to do so. Here, though, she seemed quite happy to be in Eveline’s company. It was something that should content Graeme and lift a burden from his shoulders. He no longer had to worry about what to do with Eveline if she struck up a friendship with his sister.
