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On the Hunt

On the Hunt (Sentinel Wars #3.5)(79)
Author: Gena Showalter

"We’re not made to remember. It creates too many complications. I remember this life, here on Earth as Kate’s guardian . . . and some memories from before I was sent down here. Maybe a few hundred years’ worth? But that’s about it."

"Wow. That’s . . . Don’t you ever wonder what you don’t remember?"

She shook her head. "I’m invested in this life." She patted her chest. "Being Sunny Renfroe. It’s who I am right now. If anything, being an angel teaches you about the importance of every second of life, how precious every moment really is."

It was exactly how he felt about being a hunter. So much time spent serving and witnessing demonic death had taken a toll, but it had also caused him to understand the precarious balance between life and death, good and evil. Still, despite all that he’d seen, he hadn’t ever encountered anyone, male or female, remotely like Sunny Renfroe.

"You’re an anomaly for me. I mean, don’t take that the wrong way," he rushed to clarify. "But I’ve never seen a damned thing about human guardians, not in the lore, not out in the field. Actual guardian angels? Yeah, I think I’ve seen my own a few times while in the heat of battle. They’re big and scary like your boss guy. But you? Nothing like you, not ever, Sunny."

She smiled her wide, enchanting smile once again. "Well, Jamie Angel, not that you know of."

"But I knew you weren’t human within moments of meeting you." He couldn’t help beaming with pride. He wanted her to admire his skills and abilities, wanted to prove that he could be worthy of her interest, her care. He wanted her to love him.

He realized it right then, a quicksilver thought, right through his heart. He wanted this woman to love him, body and soul. Eternally or not. Even though he had only known her for a day, he already realized that he was falling for her. Hard. He could almost taste how badly he ached for Sunny to turn those wide-set brown eyes on him and whisper words of affection.

And it was utterly forbidden.

He stared at the floor, trying to still his racing thoughts. She’d said something, but he couldn’t seem to focus or hear.

"Hmm?" he tried, gazing at his booted feet.

"I was explaining about Kate. Why I’m her guardian."

He forced himself to glance upward, trying his level best to appear composed. "I’m sorry; I was just . . . processing. Taking it all in," he said, not wanting her to read his thoughts or his heart. "So Kate . . ."

"Because she’s a vampire, her guardian must be in human form. Otherwise her special sight would reveal the angel’s identity."

"And that’s the part I don’t get. You’re saying angels watch over vampires?" He gaped at her, unable to keep the revulsion out of his voice. "Why would God protect a band of bloodthirsty creatures like them?"

Sunny’s eyes flashed with mild anger. "Jamie, did you not just hear me? I’m Kate’s guardian angel. Please don’t speak about her so disrespectfully . . . or her kind. They’re God’s creatures, too, and they aren’t evil. They’re also very vulnerable, and as you well know, God protects his own."

It was going to take a while for him to think of vampires as vulnerable or as "God’s own," but he also recognized that Sunny would know far better than he would. Made him more than thankful that he’d recently called off any plans to hunt vampires. At least there was one thing he’d done right in this whole fiasco, and maybe that would chalk up a few heavenly points in his favor.

"Okay, vampires aren’t evil. Noted. I’ll be sure to update the company files. So tell me, then—how did Kate luck out and get you?"

"It’s the way with all vampires. Their watchers are sent like I was . . . into their lives. Friends, relatives, neighbors . . . we take a number of roles in the vampire’s life, but the purpose is always the same: to guard them from demons—" She stopped short for a moment, anxiously fiddling with the hem of her sweater, obviously hesitating for some reason. "And we protect them from misguided hunters, ones who believe the falsehoods and myths about vampirekind. People like . . . you."

"That might just be the worst I’ve felt all night, Sunny Renfroe," he said, kicking himself for all the years he’d tormented Kate, needled her about one thing or another.

She shook her head vehemently. "You’re a good hunter, Jamie. Excellent. You didn’t know…. It was part of why I came today. I thought, well, maybe I could help you understand in some way. Influence you."

"You certainly affected me," he said in a voice that sounded seductive, even to him.

Sunny didn’t miss his tone or implication, rising suddenly to her feet. "And now I’ve answered your questions," she said with false brightness. "I should go find Kate. . . ."

He caught her arm, spinning her toward him. She pushed back against his chest, but not very hard—and not very convincingly. He slid one hand around her lower back, not holding her too close, but near enough. "I have to see you again, Sunny. Friends. We can be at least that, right?"

Her palms still rested against his chest, and he swore he felt the heat of her skin through his long-sleeved T-shirt. "Friends?" She searched his face, brown eyes flicking back and forth across his features. Perhaps she was trying to read his true intentions.

"Just friends. I want more, but . . ." He pressed his nose against the top of her head, inhaling the lavender scent of shampoo. "I’m realistic."

"Yes, of course. You want to be friends with a guardian angel. Both your feet are planted firmly on the ground."

"We already are friends," he countered. "Wouldn’t you say? So I’m really just arguing for a continuation of the status quo."

She sighed into him slightly, then stepped backward. "You are a highly persuasive individual."

"I try my best." He gave her a flirtatious yet simultaneously sweet smile, a contradiction, just like the man himself.

Sunny walked to the other side of the room without answering, and at first he thought she never would. But then she paused at the bottom of the steps, turning toward him. "Okay. Friends for now. . . unless I hear an objection from Kiel. And if I do? You might never see me again anyway."

Chapter Six

"Shay, honey, it’s me." Sunny cradled the phone against her ear. She was still lying in bed, barely having slept at all last night. "I got a favor to ask."

This favor was the closest thing to a plan of action that Sunny’s many sleepless hours had yielded. Drawing a breath, she laid that plan on her friend. "You know those books that Jamie had in the cellar last night? Any chance I could borrow a few of ’em?"
