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On the Hunt

On the Hunt (Sentinel Wars #3.5)(88)
Author: Gena Showalter

So he was head-to-head with a particularly malevolent demon with nothing but his bare hands to use as a weapon. He assumed fighting stance, offering a prayer for strength and assistance. For several long seconds, the red-eyed demon glared at him, his ugly leather wings brushing together.

The appendages created an earsplitting sound, and the demon grinned in pleasure at Jamie’s pained reaction.

"You’ve been a splinter in my ass for long enough, hunter," Thrastikas growled, and once again began swinging the chains overhead, allowing them to gain momentum as he ran at Jamie.

In a blur, Jamie was dragged to the ground, the thick, rusty links wrapped tight about his throat.

He gasped and coughed, trying to draw even a single gulp of air, but the force was too tight on his windpipe.

With both hands, he grasped at the chain, frantically trying to loosen the pressure so he could breathe, but the demon only tightened his hold, laughing viciously. Jamie scrabbled at the ground with his boots, flailing as he tried to fight back.

"A fitting end," Thrastikas taunted. "A torturous death for one who has tortured me for far too long. Now, like so many of my brothers have done by your hand . . . you will die."

Jamie gagged, still clawing at his throat, trying to get a bead on his comrades, but they were much too far away to help him now; he could hear them fighting farther in the distance. He was on his own, at least until the other hunters could dispatch the demon horde.

Everything began to grow darker, dimmer, and Jamie knew he was dying. Instead of struggling, he let his thoughts go to Sunny. Pictured her bright, lovely eyes, the warmth and care he’d seen reflected there. Her purity. Her sweetness.

That was what heaven would be like. Death would be like Sunny Renfroe.

Maybe he was dead already. The darkness suddenly grew golden and bright as a sun, the penumbra overshadowing Thrastikas. Jamie couldn’t even see the demon in the blaze of glorious light. Heaven. He was already there, the transition far easier than he’d always imagined.

And Sunny was there with him! She stood in the center of the glowing energy, beaming down at him, pure love in her eyes. He smiled back, trying to reach toward her, but he remained prone and his body wouldn’t obey. Of course not, he was only a spirit now, no longer a physical being . . . although it seemed he should be able to walk and move in heaven. Just as it seemed that his throat shouldn’t hurt and burn so harshly and the gash on his forehead shouldn’t throb still. The afterlife was a lot more painful than he’d expected.

Sunny knelt beside him, gently touching his throat, and the sharp pain dissolved. Then, with a light brushing of her fingertips against his forehead, that pain vanished as well.

"Sunny?" He gasped the word, sounding gritty like sandpaper. Lifting both hands to his throat, he tried to loosen the chain, but it was no longer around his throat.

"Be still and don’t try to talk," she soothed, stroking his hair.

He peered up at her, not understanding what he’d just experienced. He’d have sworn he was in heaven when she appeared in that halo of light. "Am I . . . dead?"

She pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, caressing his cheek. "No, my love. You’re going to be fine. You’re safe."

He might be safe, at least for now, but Sunny wasn’t! There were demons all around; Thrastikas might hurt her. In alarm, he tried to sit up. "You gotta get out of here," he warned hoarsely, but she pushed him back down easily. He caught sight of Thrastikas’s crumpled form only a few yards away; his wings and body had been scorched, the chains melted. His once-beady red eyes stared lifelessly, all the hell fire gone from their depths. Sunny had done that; Sunny had used her angelic power to turn his enemy to an ashen heap.

"Sunshine," he whispered hoarsely. "Thank you. I’m sorry . . . so sorry about . . ."

"Shh, just rest, Jamie. Rest." She kissed him softly on the lips, and it was warm, strange.

Different from any other time they’d shared a kiss. So much so that whatever she did caused him to fall fast asleep immediately.

Sunny watched Mason and Evan hoist Jamie’s still form into the backseat of Mace’s pickup truck.

She’d given him a holy kiss, placing him in a deep, healing trance. Although she’d instantly mended his wounds, the emotional and spiritual trauma of coming so near to death needed to be healed as well, and that took time.

Once Jamie was laid out on the seat, looking peaceful—and so fast asleep that he began snoring loudly—Mace turned to her. "I don’t get it." He shook his head. "We were knee-deep in battle with some truly wicked demons, and then . . . they went ghost on us. And where did you come from?" He pointed at Sunny. "You were suddenly here and then all the demons were gone.

And Thrastikas was toast back there. He was scorched against the ground. What’s up with that?"

Sunny gave him an evasive smile. "Well, I was worried about Jamie." She turned and peeked at him one more time, wanting to reassure herself that he truly was all right.

"So you came out into the thick of a demon battle? Really, now," Mace continued, popping her on the arm. "I don’t believe you. There’s got to be more to it than that."

Shay started pushing Mason toward the driver’s side. "Leave Sunny be. Isn’t it bad enough that she’s got to contend with Jamie? She doesn’t need you, too."

He stopped in his tracks. "Contend? From where I’m standing, sissy, there’s a lot more than that going on between those two."

Shay gave her brother another shove. "Just drive. There’s no big conspiracy here."

He was still muttering about vaporized demons and supernatural forces when Shay closed his truck door, giving Sunny a brief and conspiratorial grin. "Thanks, sweetie," Shay said. "I know we allowe you our lives. Or at the very least we owe you Jamie’s life. That you cared enough to come out here . . ."

Sunny lifted her finger to her lips dramatically, and whispered, "Shhhh. If he hears, it might go right to his head."

Shay burst out laughing. "Oh, my gosh, you so totally have my brother’s number already."

I so totally love your brother already, Sunny nearly blurted in reply, but turned back to her car instead. Her work tonight had only just begun.

Chapter Ten

How long am I supposed to wait? I need to see you, Sunny. Give a guy a break, why don’t you? You’re killing me here….

Sunny smiled, reading Jamie’s latest message on her iPhone. He’d texted her repeatedly during the past three days, and every time Sunny had indicated that it wasn’t time yet, but that she definitely wanted to see him. That she had some big news. Something that would give him hope, but she needed time.
