Read Books Novel

On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(38)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

I covered my mouth with my hand. Oh my.

“Can’t you show us how that works, hun?” the ring leader asked.

“She’s hun and not sugar? I guess I should feel special.”

Maddy nudged me. I was on a role. “Nope. You ordered them.”

The guy cocked an eyebrow. “What? You really want to see how good I am with my mouth?”

I was dying, seriously dying. This was too much.

Maddy leaned forward. “Yes, as a matter of fact we do.”

“I’ll show you.”

“Camera,” Maddy mouthed and nodded toward the back of the bar. I got the hint and found what she was hinting at. One of those old school instant develop cameras sat on the bottom shelf.

I got ready. As soon as the guy bent down to take the shot with his mouth I took a picture. I took another right after to show the whipped cream mustache.

He wiped his mouth. “Hey!”

I laughed. And held up the pictures that were starting to develop. “Maybe you can find a better use for your mouth later.”

His friends laughed at him.

He wiped his mouth again even though the residue of the whipped topping was gone. “Maybe I can find a better use of yours.”

Maddy stared him down. “I don’t think her boyfriend would like that.” She winked at me.

The guy leaned over the bar. “I don’t see him.”

“I do.” I saw Macon and decided to play along. I had a feeling Maddy had found out about our secret relationship anyhow. I moved around the bar and ran into Macon’s arms, planting a huge kiss on his lips.

He kissed me back, laughing as I pulled back. “Miss me already?”

“Just making a point.” I took his hand as I led him back over to the bar. “See, my mouth is very well used.”

Macon looked between the guys, three of which still had untouched shots with the whipped cream melting. “Uh, do I want to know what that’s in reference to?”

“No, you don’t,” Maddy quickly answered.

“Okay, I’ll trust you on that.”

“Want your usual?” She asked.

“Yes, but I want your cute partner here to make it for me.”

The annoying guy looked at Macon and then at me before shaking his head. “You guys are seriously weird.” He put some cash down, and they walked off.

“Somehow I doubt they left a big tip,” I laughed.

“No… but it was worth it.”

Macon examined one of the shots. “Wait, did those guys order blow jobs from you?”

“Yeah… and our girl here totally put them in their place. I knew she was a natural.”

I picked up the untouched shots and poured them out in the sink. “Or you’re just a really good teacher.”

“Hey, you’re the one taking bartending classes with her.”

“Speaking of which, where’s my Long Island, woman?”

“Woman?” I put a hand on my hip. “You didn’t just say that.”

“Yes I did.” He smirked. I knew he was irking me on purpose, but sometimes it worked too well.

“Maybe you should make your own.”

“Carly, are you asking a paying customer to make his own drink?” Max took an empty stool.

I pulled down the triple sec. I’d have to double check with Maddy on which rum, vodka, and gin to use. “Is Macon really a paying customer?”

“He better be.” Max attempted to give us all a serious look, but he ended up breaking into a smile. “More importantly, how’s the bartending practice going? You ready for a test?”

“Uh, Maybe.” Was he really going to make me do this tonight? I was already a bundle of nerves over the proposal.

“If you can manage Macon’s Long Island I’d say that’s good enough for tonight. Hopefully when I ask you next time I’ll get a resounding yes.”

I laughed. “I hope so.” I made a mental note to spend more time quizzing myself with my drink app.

“When’s the new musician starting?” Maddy poured a few glasses of wine and walked back over.

“Any minute now.”

“Where’d you find him?” She pressed.

“It turns out he’s been here all along.” Max stood up. “I’ll see you kids later.” He shot us an ‘oh crap’ look and hurried off.

“What was that all about?” Maddy asked.

“No idea.” Macon ran his fingers over a scratch in the bar top. “So, is there any way for a guy to get a drink around here?”

I laughed. “Sure. I can’t promise it’s going to be as good as Maddy’s, but it’s going to be better than last time.”

Macon chuckled. “That’s not saying much.”

I glared at him. “Do you want a drink or not?”

“Of course I do, but I’m winning tonight.”

“Are you guys still playing the ‘who can piss each other off more game?’” Maddy shook her head. “I’d have thought once you started sleeping together that would have lost its appeal.”

Macon turned to her. “Don’t you get it, it’s gained appeal.”

“Umm, what are you talking about?” I shot Macon a look. Maybe she hadn’t figured it out on her own.

“Oh, I forget to tell you. Maddy admitted to knowing that earlier today.”

I resisted the urge to hit him upside the head.

“Ok, let’s drop it. Carly, what can I do to help?”

I decided to let it go. No reason to cause any problems that night. “I think I’ve got this.” I felt a sudden surge of confidence, and I decided to embrace it.

A few minutes later I set what I hoped was a perfectly mixed Long Island iced tea down in front of Macon. Of course in the time I made that one drink Maddy had mixed at least four, but I refused to compare myself to her.

Macon took a sip. “Nice going, babe.”

“Yay!” I jumped up and down.

Maddy patted me on the back. “See, I told you you’d get there.”

A large crowd came over, and I helped Maddy out as best I could.

“Could you cut up some limes for me?”

“Sure.” I’d messed that up the first time she’d asked me to do. I hadn’t realized that limes and lemons have to be cut differently. This time I got it right, and she thanked me before serving a round of Coronas.

I was so busy with the drinks I’d forgotten to look for Colin. Because of that I was as surprised as Maddy when I heard his voice over the microphone.
