Read Books Novel

One Dom to Love

She gasped. “Gone.”

“What happened?” He lifted his free hand to her other nipple, giving it equal attention.

Raine arched, thrusting her lush breasts deeper into his hands. God, how had Hammer resisted her for so long? Already, Liam was hungry to fuck her. But hell, she needed his guiding hand far more than sex.

“Hammer always hunts down any man who touches me and sends them away.”

So Hammer had been hoarding Raine. Yes, he’d begun by protecting her, but…the road to hell was paved with good intentions. And as her little backside squirmed in his lap, Liam realized he’d better keep that in mind, too. No way she could mistake his throbbing cock for passing interest.

She twisted around to look at him. He shouldn’t…but he couldn’t fucking stop himself.

Liam cupped her face, then captured her mouth. She opened hesitantly, but that was all he needed to deliver her a deep, drugging kiss. Then Raine went wild, turning toward him, throwing her arms around his neck, and straddling him, pressing herself tightly against his body.

The lass was indeed starved for touch. A groan slipped free from his chest as he gave it to her with a wicked onslaught of his lips and tongue. Her breath caught, and she wriggled her pussy against him like she’d caught fire.

Normally, he might not think she’d earned an orgasm. She hadn’t been formally punished for her defiance yet. But Hammer had hurt Raine far more with his rejection than if he’d opened her skin with a whip. What she needed now was a reason to stay. And Liam needed a way to bind her to him so he could keep her here. He meant to use every weapon at his disposal: kindness, affection, pleasure. He’d steep her in orgasm until she had no interest in leaving. Then, once she’d learned a bit, once he’d displayed her pleasure with him and given Hammer the opportunity to go insane with jealousy, and once his friend had claimed the woman he loved…well, then Liam figured he’d consider it a job well done.

Raine clung to Liam, ground herself into his thick, steely cock, and whimpered. Every kiss between them was fireworks and rocket launchers. God, he felt incredible. Hot, muscled, persuasive, determined. He kissed like a god. With one seductive whisper, he could distract her utterly. One touch, and she felt her defenses crumbling. But those lips could capture her soul. Yes, she loved Hammer, but…Liam set her on fire.

Why? Why wasn’t her body following her heart?

She pulled away and blinked into Liam’s dark eyes. Why did that matter if Hammer didn’t want her? Liam had given her a host of reasons to consider his proposal. Maybe she should.

“Was that a yes to my proposition?” His gaze drilled into her as he waited for an answer.

Raine could actually feel his desire when he touched her, surging toward her like a tidal wave, big and strong and sure. But what if he got tired of her after a few days? What if he fucked her once or twice then got her out of his system? What if she ended up alone again?

Liam brushed his fingers through the hair at her temple, then palmed her neck—a silent reminder that he waited. Did she have it in her to submit, really and truly? Did she trust him enough to try? Maybe. She wanted to. But she’d probably fail. As tempting as his offer was, she should save them both the trouble now.

On the other hand, what if she said yes? Raine suspected she’d be out of her clothes and flat on her back in less than a minute. Would that really be so bad? Besides being sexy as hell, Liam made her feel like a goddess. And she really needed that now. Kink aside, he seemed like a gentleman. Maybe he’d give her time to learn and adjust...get used to him.

Raine drew in a shuddering breath. “You heard my argument with Hammer. I’m not very good at being submissive, I don’t think. When I lose my temper, I’m awful at controlling what I say. I mean to be good… I think I’m doomed to disappoint you.” For whatever reason, that thought nearly made her cry again. Her throat closed up. Embarrassment stung. “For my own selfish reasons, I want to say yes. But you’ve been beyond fair. I can’t be less so. The truth is, I probably can’t be what you want or need.”

He smiled gently. “We’ll never know unless we give it a whirl. I’ve the desire and patience to help you. What have you got to lose, lass?”

Hammer was already lost to her. “Nothing, I guess.”

“Precisely. We’ll have an enjoyable battle of wills, you and I. I promise, you’ll not be bored.”

A tremor passed through her when his broad hands surrounded her waist. This man could never be boring, not when he ignited every red-blooded cell in her body with a single touch.

“Take a chance, Raine,” he coaxed. “Have you not shed enough tears from these lovely eyes? You could do worse than a big bastard like me.” He chuckled, clearly trying to lighten the mood. “I’d try my best to make you feel good about yourself and the two of us together.”

With every word he spoke, she grew more tempted—and confused. He said all the right things. He echoed so many of the sentiments she’d longed to hear from Hammer. Raine wondered if she should pinch herself…or wait for the punch line. But no denying that Liam made some great points. The idea of taking a chance with him made sense, even though it scared the hell out of her.

“I hear you. I just I don’t know how to take you. You sound like you’re for real, but I keep coming back to the question, why me? You must want a proper submissive. And I… Look, if you just want sex, that’s easy. I’d be interested. We could do that now and call it a day. You don’t have to take me on as a ‘project’ for that.”

Raine couldn’t pass up the chance to feel good and focus on nothing but the pleasure Liam could give her for an hour. She reached for the hem of her halter top, ready to yank it over her head. It wasn’t like Hammer would care.

“Now hold up there.” He stayed her with a light grip on her arm and a shake of his head.

She froze. Shame flooded her. Crap, she’d done it again, thrown herself at a man who had no intention of taking her up on her stupid, impulsive offer. Once more, she’d been put in her place. Though Liam had done it differently than Hammer, the result still made her feel the same. Rejected. Embarrassed. Uncertain. She’d thought Liam wanted her, but...

“I-I’m sorry. Oh, god.” She felt sick. “I d-didn’t mean to presume… I’m going to go.”

When she tried to scramble to her feet, he tugged her back against him. “Stop. I want you, lass, something fierce. But if it were just a fucking I sought, do you think I’d even be talking to you now, hmm?” He cocked a brow. “Why would I seek out a distraught woman for sex who’s been through the wringer when I can find a compliant sub?”

With that deep, lilting voice that turned her on, he made a really good point.

“What are you saying?”

“Let’s go about this the right way, shall we?” Liam lifted her from his lap. “Strip and kneel on the floor here at my feet.”

Raine hesitated. “B-but I was stripping.”

“Carelessly and without a single thought of submission in your head. That’s not acceptable. That’s not how it’s going to be. Go on now. I want to see you bonny and bare.”

With trembling fingers, she locked her gaze on his as she lifted her shirt over her head. Then she eased her skirt down her hips. With a pounding heart she sank, naked and on her knees before him. Breasts thrust out, she knelt with legs spread.

Liam silently praised her with a soft hand down her hair. She could feel the heat of his stare all over her. “You look lovely. What’s your safe word?”

She barely had time to bask in his praise before his question hit her. She blinked. “Do I need one? Are you going to…hurt me?”

“You always need one, no matter what. Tell me yours.”

Her mind went blank. She’d never needed one before, and she’d heard many over the years of working here at Shadows. It had to be something she could say easily, but not something she’d shout in the midst of pleasure or pain. “Paris?”

He raised a brow. “Beautiful city. Is that why you picked it?”

“I’ve never been, but I’d like to go someday. It just popped into my head.” She shrugged.

“Paris it is.” A little smile played at his mouth. “Now, tell me why the devil you would think you’re a project. You’re a woman, beautiful and feisty. But you don’t see that in yourself, do you?”

She grinned a little. “Is that your polite way of saying I’m pretty but a brat…Sir?”

“Maybe a wee bit.” His rich, deep laugh caressed her before he fell serious again. “Raine, you know I can only take what you give me. Submission means you have the control. Always. Like now. Stand up and turn back around. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see?”

His voice turned deeper, more controlled. Finding the courage to look in the mirror was difficult. She couldn’t force herself to face her own reflection. She bowed her head, fretful that she’d annoy or displease him. Something in her seemed to shrivel up at the thought.

He walked across the room and flipped on the bright, glaring lights overhead. In the terrible hush, she didn’t know what to say. Feeling his silent will, she followed his command and raised her head. She frowned as she got a good look at her tear-stained face.

“Oh my god, I’m a mess!” Raine couldn’t stand to look at her splotchy cheeks, swollen eyes, and wild hair under those intense lights for a second more. She glanced away.

“No, none of that, lass. You’re a beauty. Look again, past the tears. What do you see?”

“I don’t know,” she murmured as she forced herself to gaze at her own reflection, trying not to flinch. “Someone lost. Someone who’s been lingering where she probably shouldn’t. Someone everyone in this club probably thinks is pathetic.”

Liam cupped her face in his hand, raising her chin. Side by side, their faces reflected.

“There’s a wee bit of a lost soul here, but you’re no longer the frightened child you once were. You’re a woman grown, and you need more than Hammer has allowed you. But you haven’t found the Dom willing to give it to you.” He wrapped an arm around her. “Until now.”

Maybe Liam could give her more. Hammer had watched over her, helped and protected her, which was more than she could say for her own family, but he hadn’t nurtured her as a submissive or a woman.

Liam palmed her heavy breasts. She sucked in a shaky breath as his thumbs lightly brushed over her nipples. As she liquefied beneath his touch, she watched the heat grow in his eyes.

“There’s my beauty, right there. Just a little trust... Give me that, and I’ll make it better.”

Or make it worse. In seconds, he’d set her entire body aching and yearning.

“Liam,” she whimpered, arching her back, legs shifting restlessly, silently begging for more.

“There now. Softly does it, lass. Put yourself in my care. I know what you need and I want you to let the longing you’ve kept inside you free. But you’ve got to be still for me.”

Damn it, that voice of his deepened again, turning her on even more. As his fingers pinched her tight nipples, she writhed. Her hips bucked. Her pussy wept. She wanted to close her eyes and savor every sensation, but his demanding stare held her prisoner.

Suddenly, his hands settled gently on the curve of her waist. “I know you’ve been hurting. But if you want me to help you, you’ve got to be still and give yourself over to me.”

It wasn’t easy, but Raine forced herself to relax, stop her movements, and look at the two of them in the mirror.

His smile made her glow. “Excellent. For your effort, you deserve a little reward.”

He lowered one hand, aiming between her thighs. His caress brushed down her abdomen agonizingly slow, but his intent was clear. His other hand continued to torment her nipple as his warm breath skimmed over her neck.

“Please, Liam,” she whispered, struggling to remain still under his slow, teasing touch.

His hand lingered over her, his hovering fingers taunting her. “I feel the heat of your cunt, Raine. I smell you, too, sweet and ripe.”

She couldn’t speak, only look into his eyes with a beseeching hunger. Her hips jerked involuntarily toward his touch. His fingers grazed her bare heat. He quickly removed them.

“Now what did I tell you?”

“To stay still.” She bit her lip. Would he punish her now? “I’m trying, I swear.”

“Try harder. Your will is strong. Be brave enough to surrender your control. If you can do that, you’ll get what you need.”

He was right; she knew that. She’d watched enough scenes to know how it worked. She closed her eyes, focused, not on the way he made her ache, but on hearing his voice in her head and heeding his command. Be still. It took a moment. The urge to lean closer to him, sway into his mesmerizing touch was strong, but she forced her will to be stronger. With a deep breath, she raised her chin, opened her eyes. And didn’t move.