Read Books Novel

Out of Line

Out of Line (Out of Line #1)(17)
Author: Jen McLaughlin

“Oh, well, sorry. I just wanted to say thanks. I’ve always wanted a Gucci top.”

I smiled and waved over my shoulder as I started down the hallway. “Well, if I figure out who it is, I’ll pass the message along.”


I made a mental note to put more Gucci out next time Mom sent a care package. Most of the stuff went to the local homeless shelters, but it didn’t hurt to anonymously help my fellow classmates, did it? As I pushed through the doors to the outside, I smiled at the sight of Finn waiting for me. He leaned against a tree, looking completely at ease in his board shorts and red T-shirt. His ink stood out even more against the contrast of the red. When I approached him, he cocked a brow.

“I’m on time.”

“So am I. Look at us, being all grown up and stuff.” I patted his arm. Hot damn, his arm was hard. And huge. “You ready?”


He fell into step beside me, like he always did. I wished I was bold enough to grab his hand again, but he’d clearly told me he didn’t want anything to do with me, romance-wise. So I kept my grabby hands to myself. “Have you ever helped out at a shelter before?”

“No.” He stole a quick look at me. “That’s probably pretty crappy of me, huh?”

I shook my head. “Nah.”

“Why do you do it?”

“Why not?” I stopped at his motorcycle. As I watched, he climbed on and handed me his helmet. Maybe I should have went out and bought my own earlier. Then he would stop insisting I use his. Would that look too forward? Be too pushy? I had no idea. “Shouldn’t you be wearing this instead of me?”

“No.” He looked over his shoulder at me. “Now put it on.”

I took the helmet. I could argue, but I knew when it came to my safety, he wouldn’t budge. He was a lot like Dad in that respect. Once again, the niggling doubt that said he’d been sent here by my father to befriend me came to mind. I shoved it down as best I could. Finn hadn’t given me any reason to suspect him. Just because the past hadn’t worked out so well for me didn’t mean history was repeating itself.

After shoving the helmet over my head, I climbed on behind him and held on tight. The whole ride to the soup kitchen, I went over all the different ways he’d proved he wasn’t Dad’s lackey. He’d kissed me—which Dad would never allow. Taken me surfing—which Dad would hate. Driven me around on his bike—which Dad would flip his shit over. And he was…Finn.

There was no way Dad would send a guy who looked like Finn to protect me unless he was blind, dumb, and stupid. Or incredibly naïve.

We turned into the parking lot, and he shut off the bike. I removed the helmet and handed it to him, but he was too busy scanning our surroundings as if the Big Bad Wolf lurked in the shadows or something. I nudged him with the helmet and he took it without taking his eyes off the people around us. “I don’t like this setting.”

I followed his gaze, but saw nothing out of place. A man in tattered clothing sat on the ground outside the door, but he looked harmless. Hungry, but harmless. A woman leaned against the wall a few feet past him, watching us. Her face was filthy, but her eyes seemed kind. “Don’t be a hypocrite. These people just need food.”

Finn looked at me again. His face softened and he cupped my cheek. I liked it when he did that, but I had to remember it meant nothing to him. Not like it did to me. “Your kindness might be the death of you.”

I climbed off his bike, letting his hand fall to his lap. He quickly followed me, staying close by my side. I stopped walking, giving him a stern look. “I don’t need protecting.”

“I’m not.” He threw an arm over my shoulders. “I’m just being friendly.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah. Sure.” As I approached the woman I’d seen earlier, I reached into my pocket, took out a gift card to McDonald’s, and pressed it into the woman’s hand. “Here. For this week.”

The woman took the card and smiled at me, her eyes lighting up. “Thank you.”

I nodded, uncomfortable with the gratitude. This should be something more people did, and it shouldn’t bring about such appreciation. I wished I could help everyone. I went to the man on the other side of the door and did the same. He thanked me and fell back asleep.

As we entered the building, Finn shook his head. “Does your father know you do this?”

“No.” I tucked my hair behind my ear. “I use the money he sends me every month. He always sends twice what I need. Sometimes more.”

Finn fell silent, but he looked at me weird. As if I was an enigma he couldn’t figure out, which was silly. It was a simple matter. I had money, they didn’t. Easily fixed. It wasn’t exactly rocket science.

We walked up to the woman who looked to be in charge. “Hi. I’m Carrie, and this is Finn. We’re here to help.”

The woman eyed me. Her weathered face cracked into a disapproving frown. I’d been judged and found wanting within seconds. “You okay with getting your hands dirty? A pretty little thing like you?”

Finn stiffened. “Excuse me? I’ll have you know—”

“It’s okay.” I placed a hand on his arm. There he went again, going into knight-in-shining-armor mode. It was cute and all, but I could take care of myself. “I’ll be fine. Where do you want us?”

“The kitchens. You’re on dish duty.”

I nodded and headed for the kitchen. Finn started to follow me, but the woman stopped him by stepping in his path. She barely reached the bottom of Finn’s shoulders, but he stopped instantly. “Not you. You’re out front. Watch for trouble and break it up if it starts.”

He hesitated. “I’m with her.”

“I’ll be fine back there.” I shooed him away. “Go be a protective Marine for someone else tonight.”

“All right.” He gave me a hard look. “Don’t leave this building without me. Not even for air.”

I saluted him. “Yes, sir.”

He grinned. “Good girl.”

I shook my head and headed into the kitchen. The whole way there, I could feel his eyes on me, but once I got inside the kitchen, I was too busy to focus on Finn. The rest of my night was spent scrubbing filthy dishes. By the time I was finished, I was coated in a sheen of sweat and feeling pretty darn gross.

I came out of the kitchen and scanned the room for Finn. He was at the door, his arms crossed. He looked more like a bouncer at a popular nightclub than a volunteer. I shook my head and smiled. He looked as out of place here as I did at the fancy balls Mom always dragged me to.
