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Out of the Shallows

Out of the Shallows (Into the Deep #2)(46)
Author: Samantha Young

As far as he was concerned, I’d abandoned Andie as soon as she woke up.

I hadn’t abandoned her.

I just didn’t know how to face her, or deal with my conflicting emotions.

I missed my sister. I missed Jake. So much, it hurt. Especially at night, when I’d lay my head on my pillow and I couldn’t think of anything else but how much I wanted my life to go back to the way it used to be.

I argued with myself over and over that what I’d promised God… it wasn’t rational, I couldn’t be held to it. But what if…

What if I accepted Jake back into my life, what if I made my family accept him into their lives, and suddenly, Andie’s eyes closed and they never opened again?

It was a little better when Claudia finished up in Edinburgh and flew to Indiana to live with us. She eased my parents, lit them up in a way I couldn’t right now. She eased me too. I felt like I was forever on the brink of an argument with my folks, and Claudia always reminded me that they didn’t need to deal with my issues right now. So we suffered in stilted silence.

The only time it broke was when I yelled at Mom for visiting the cemetery. I told her it was morbid and it creeped me out—like she was just waiting for something bad to happen to Andie.

Mom told me calmly but with tears in her eyes that she was visiting her mom’s grave. “She’s the only one who would understand what I’m going through right now. I talk to her and I know she can hear and it gives me comfort.”

At that, she’d walked out of the house and my dad said more than two sentences to me for the first time in weeks. He shouted at me for being self-involved and told me to apologize.

I did. I tucked my tail between my legs and apologized.

And then I promptly went online and found out what I needed to do to sit the LSATs in the fall. I’d upset my parents enough this year. It was time to do something for them—something selfless.

Throughout the months Jake called, he texted, and part of me wished he’d move on, while the other half—the half that was utterly heartbroken—was selfishly relieved that he still loved me as much as I loved him.

Chapter Seventeen

We were losing layers of clothing the farther west we traveled. It wasn’t too hot, but we’d driven from melting snow to clear skies and sunshine in a matter of days. Eleven hours after we left Laramie, Jake pulled into a motel in Elko, Nevada.

It had been another quiet car journey. Jake was full of silent questions and I was…

I was searching for me. The me who just said what was on her mind. Told it like it was.

I wanted that me back, because maybe then I could be brave enough to give Jake the answers he was looking for, even if he thought I was crazy once I did.

Beck got out to get us rooms and the three of us sat in the car in silence. Memories from last night had been replaying over and over in my head.

“You’re going to tell me this was a mistake, aren’t you?”

I stared into Jake’s eyes, brushing his hair back from his forehead. “Yes,” I answered honestly.

We didn’t say anything for a few seconds and then Jake said, “Will you stay with me tonight at least?”

Too selfish to say no, I’d stayed.

A few hours later while I was sleeping in his arms, I was awoken by voices. Jake asked Beck to stay in Claudia’s room. I didn’t register it at the time because I fell right back to sleep, feeling warm and safe tucked into Jake’s side.

The next morning, after dealing with the awkwardness of waking up next to Jake, I had to deal with even more awkwardness upon knocking on Claudia’s motel door to get my clothes. Beck opened the door, eyes bright as he threw me a pleased grin before hurrying out. I noted the bed that should’ve been mine wasn’t slept in.

My questioning gaze had flown to Claudia who lay in rumpled sheets, the covers pulled up to her chest, showing off bare shoulders. She looked flushed and flustered, just like I felt.

I guessed I wasn’t the only one who’d thrown caution to the wind last night.

“It finally happened, huh?” I said, a small smile playing on my lips.

Claudia stared at me warily and nodded.

I thought of Jake and the pain in his eyes when I left him this morning, compared to the happiness in Beck’s. I reassured my friend. “Don’t question it.”

Claudia gave me a tremulous smile in return. “Thanks, Charley.” She glanced at the door. “So last night you and Jake—”

“It shouldn’t have happened,” I cut her off as I grabbed my stuff and strode into the shower.

That day on the road was a difficult one. Claudia and Beck were loved up in the backseat while Jake and I were… I didn’t know what we were.

Beck came back with room keys but as soon as we pulled up to the motel, Jake turned to him and held out his hand. “I’ll take one of those keys.”

“I’ve got ours, man.” Beck waved him off.

“No. Charley and I are sharing tonight.”

I gaped at my ex-boyfriend a little stupidly.

“Uh…” From my peripheral I could see Beck turn to me, but I didn’t look back at him because I was still gaping at Jake in confusion. “Are you sure—”

“Key, Beck,” Jake insisted.

“I want to make sure Charley’s okay with that first,” Beck returned impatiently.

Jake looked at me. “Well?”

As we looked at one another, I dug deep for my courage. I knew why Jake wanted us to share a room. He wanted privacy because he wanted answers. He was done pretending he didn’t deserve them. Maybe before I could justify shutting him out, but last night I’d made a choice that had confused and hurt him even more. Jake deserved better than that. He deserved the truth, even if I was scared to share it.

I suddenly heard his voice in my head, words he’d said not too long ago but now felt forever ago. “Come on, Supergirl. Be brave.”

“It’s fine,” I told Beck quietly. “As long as Claudia’s okay rooming with you.”

“Oh, I’m cool with that,” Claudia shrugged with fake nonchalance and I rolled my eyes at her. I could tell she was more than happy with this new arrangement.

It was clear to me that Jake was beyond impatient to talk when he suggested we go to a McDonald’s drive-through and eat back at our room. By now I’d lost whatever appetite I had, but I was so used to pretending none of this affected me that I ordered a double cheeseburger.

Just before Jake closed the door, I heard Claudia giggling happily as Beck let them into their room next door. Despite my own messy life, I was glad for her. I was relieved the experiences with her parents and biological father hadn’t scarred her permanently, hadn’t stifled her generous heart. She was giving Beck a chance, and I believed that chance might just save him from himself.
