Read Books Novel

Out of Time

Out of Time (Out of Line #2)(37)
Author: Jen McLaughlin


I shoved my T-shirt into the suitcase on my bed, then headed into the kitchen. I had lasagna in the oven, and a bottle of champagne on ice waiting on the table. I didn’t like supplying her with booze, but this was a special circumstance. It called for a romantic dinner by candlelight…

Oh, shit. I forgot to light the candles.

I grabbed the lighter out of the junk drawer and lit the wicks, making sure not to get too close since I wasn’t wearing a shirt, then stood back to admire my handiwork. The table was set, the food was cooking, and the champagne was ready to go. I had an artificial tree set up in the corner, and a few boxes of ornaments and lights ready to go. We’d decorate it together later.

All I needed was the girl, and she should be here any minute now.

My phone rang, and I crossed the room to see who it was. Her father. Fucking fabulous. I swiped my finger across the screen. “Hello, sir.”

“Coram,” he said, his voice tight. “I spoke to Captain Richards, and he assures me he set a man on Carrie for while you’re away. He says you know this man? This Hernandez?”

“I do, sir.” I sat down on the couch. I still had to get dressed in the suit I’d planned to wear for Carrie, but obviously her father needed a bit of handholding right now. I played with the strings of my board shorts. “He’s a great guy. Excellent at his job.”

Papers shuffled. “And you know him how?”

“We’re in the same unit,” I said, dragging a hand down my face. “And he’s in security, too. He’s basically the California version of me, sir.”

Only he won’t fall in love with your daughter.

“And he’ll take good care of her?”

“Yes, sir. I wouldn’t trust him if he wouldn’t.” I yawned and tried to hide the sound behind my hand. I was f**king exhausted, but I could sleep on the plane tomorrow. I’d be spending half a day up in the air, without much else to do. “He’s good.”

“All right.” He sighed. “I guess she’ll be coming home in a little while, anyway, so it’s not too long without you there. And you’ll be back in January?”

“I believe so, sir.”

“You know…” Senator Wallington paused and cleared his throat. “Arnold told me a little about your mission. Stay safe, son.”

I blinked. Was that actual concern for my welfare I heard? That couldn’t be possible. Could it? I nodded. “Yes, sir. I will.”

“Good. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. Keep me posted on, well, you know, your status.” Papers shuffled again. “Also, call your father soon. He misses you.”

I’d talked to him this morning. He’d sounded much better. Even though I had wanted to, I hadn’t told him about Carrie. I’d gotten close, but I decided to wait until we told her father. He didn’t need to be burdened with my secrets.

“Yes, sir,” I agreed. “I will.”

The phone clicked off, and I sat there blinking at it. That had to be the strangest conversation I’d ever had with him. I stood up, fully intent to go get dressed, but my phone buzzed again.

Jesus, what was with the calls tonight? I picked up my iPhone and glared down at it. I sighed and answered. “What’s up, Hernandez?”

“I won’t keep you long, but I have a few questions,” he said, his deep voice coming through the line with perfect clarity. “Can I run them by you real quick?”

“Sure.” I walked to the closet. “But make it quick. Carrie will be here soon.”

“Right. So she knows I’ll be staying at your place while you’re away, right?”

“I’ll tell her tonight,” I answered distractedly. I’d left one suit unpacked, and I couldn’t find it. Ah, there it was, behind my jacket. I pulled it out. “What else?”

“She surfs, but she’s not supposed to surf without you?”

“Correct.” I flinched. “Though I didn’t tell her that part yet.”

“Okay. Please do. I don’t want to do it.”

“I will,” I said, yanking the tie off the hanger. “What else do you need to know?”

We spent five minutes going over her schedule, then Hernandez sighed. “Okay. I think I got it.”

“It’s easy. She goes to school. She studies. She shops.” I snorted. “It’ll be the easiest job you’ve ever had.”

Hernandez sighed. “Why does she need someone, anyway?”

“Got me.” I sat down on the edge of my bed. “She got kidnapped as a kid, so I guess he’s more paranoid than normal. Honestly? She’s fine alone, but don’t let that fool you into thinking you can relax. He will want constant updates—and if you let something happen to her? You’ll answer to me.”

Hernandez laughed. “Down, boy. I’m on it.”

“Good.” I paused. “Thanks, by the way. I appreciate it, man. I can’t go over there without knowing she’s okay, ya know?”

“I do.” Hernandez sighed. “Or, I guess I do. I mean, I’m not in love and never have been, but I heard it can be rough on the mind.”

I snorted again. “That’s putting it lightly.”

“I’ll take good care of her, bro. I promise.” I heard him shut a door or a cabinet. “You go focus on the job, and keep yourself safe.”

I hesitated. “If I don’t come back…”

“None of that,” Hernandez said. “You’ll come back.”

“But if I don’t,” I said, my heart squeezing tight. “Tell her I love her, and take care of her until she moves on. Okay?”

Silence. “All right, man. I will.”

I nodded, my throat aching in a weird way. “Thanks.”

“Go woo your girl now. All’s well here.”

I nodded. “Later.”


I hung up and stared down at my phone. I hadn’t really thought about the whole danger involved when I’d agreed to this plan, but hell, life was dangerous. Just because I was going into a hostile environment didn’t mean I was going to die.

A bus could hit me tomorrow outside my apartment, for f**k’s sake.

Why start worrying about what might happen over there when anything could happen here? It was pointless. Life was life.

You lived, and if you were lucky? You loved and got loved in return. And then, no matter how safe you lived your life, when it was all over, you died.
