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Pale Demon

Pale Demon (The Hollows #9)(32)
Author: Kim Harrison

But Trent and Jenks were a lot alike in many ways, stuff that went beyond their similar sleep schedules. Jenks had the same frontier-justice mentality that irritated me when I saw it in Trent. I knew Jenks killed fairies to protect his family, and I didn’t think any the less of him. Ivy, too, had killed people to survive until she had managed to escape Piscary. I was sure Pierce had, though he hadn’t told me of any except the four hundred innocents in Eleison, dead because of his previous lack of skill. Everyone made sacrifices of some kind to save what was important to them. Maybe Trent had a lot more things that were important to him than most people.

"Where are we?" I said softly as I pulled on my boots, not liking where my thoughts had taken me. I felt fuzzy, like I’d been asleep a long time.

Jenks shifted to face me, his wings catching the light and sending snatches of it about the car. "About an hour outside Albuquerque."

Albuquerque? As in New Mexico? "You’re kidding," I said, scooting forward to drape my arms over the passenger seat into the front. There was a fast-food bag on the floor. No, it was a take-out bag from a chain of high- priced gourmet eateries. "What time is it?" I asked, looking at the clock on the dash. "And where did you get the red coat, Jenks?"

"Nice, isn’t it?" he said, rising up to show it off. "I got it when Trent picked up some breakfast around sunup. All I had to do was tell a story, and the pixy girls gave it to me. I don’t know what time it is anymore. My internal clock is all screwed up."

Trent glanced at me, his eyes showing the strain of too much driving. "We crossed into another time zone. The clock is right, but I feel like it’s eleven. I’m tired."

I did the math, and I looked at the speedometer, seeing it was a mere sixty-eight miles per hour. "Holy crap!" I exclaimed, then lowered my voice when Ivy moved. "How fast have you been driving?"

Jenks’s wings hummed as he returned to the rearview mirror. "Ninety mostly."

Silent, I turned to Trent, seeing a smile lifting his lips. "I have to make up the time somewhere," he said. "You sleep a lot, and the roads were empty."

I tried to stretch by pressing my palms into the roof of the car, but that wasn’t doing it. "I don’t sleep any more than you do," I said as I collapsed back over the seat. "I just don’t have to do it every twelve hours." Trent raised an eyebrow, and I added, "You want to stop for some breakfast? Maybe rent a room for a shower or something?"

"Lunch," Jenks said brightly. "We ate at sunup."

I stifled a smile at Jenks’s satisfaction.

From the backseat came Ivy’s low, gravelly "I’m hungry," and Trent smoothly took the next exit, the off-ramp clean of debris, indicating that it was well used and likely had civilization at the end of it. Though the space between the cities was mostly abandoned, there were clusters of oddballs for gas and food holding back the emptiness.

"Breakfast for the witch and the vamp it is," Trent said, sounding like he was in a good mood. Relaxed almost. I ran my eyes over his clothes, seeing that he’d changed into a pair of dark slacks at some point. Not jeans but still casual. His boots were gone, and soft-soled shoes had taken their place. I’d be willing to bet they were still pricey, but the shine was gone. The businessman was vanishing, being replaced by…something else. Quen, I thought as I slumped back into my seat, might not be pleased.

"Good," Jenks said as Ivy pulled herself together. "I gotta pee. Maybe get me a red hat or something. I gotta call my kids, too."

"Taking up a new profession, Jenks?" I asked, and he slipped a silver dust.

"I like the color," he said, flushing. "And where else am I going to get new clothes?"

My gaze went to the weird landscape as I thought of Matalina. Most pixies died of heartache when their spouses passed, but Jenks had lived, partly due to a demon curse that had accidentally given him a new lease on life, and partly due to his desire to see beyond what was real and into what might be. He had spent half his life breaking pixy traditions, learning about both the grief and the reward that came from taking chances. Matalina had told him to live, and somewhere he’d found the courage to do it. It was the smaller things, like who was going to make his clothes or cut his curly hair, that tripped him up. The obvious choice would be one of his daughters, but the thought had probably never occurred to him.

I slumped as Trent pulled into the single cluster of buildings on the right, sporting a tidy-looking gas station, a small motel, and an eatery. The southwestern flavor made everything look alien. Tires popping on gravel, Trent parked in front of the long, low restaurant. Behind us, a green two-door Pinto slowly turned into the lot and parked at the outskirts.

"Hey, look who caught up," Jenks said, wheezing slightly as he landed on my shoulder.

Alarmed, I turned to look closer, relaxing when I recognized the woman. It was Vivian, the youngest member of the coven of moral and ethical standards. Of the five remaining members, I liked Vivian the best, and might even count her as a friend if circumstances were different. She’d given me a bit of blackmail to use against Oliver, and had enough guts to think on her own. She drove a Pinto? I’d put her down as a BMW kind of girl.

"I saw her at the airport, too," Ivy said sleepily. "I’m surprised she found us at all."

"Hey, I got all the bugs off," Jenks said in a huff. "Don’t look at me."

I eagerly opened my door, and the new air coming into the car smelled of dry grass. My faint headache seemed to ease. Vivian was a concern, but if she’d wanted me dead, she would have done something by now. The woman was lethal despite her diminutive looks and childlike voice. "Think we should go talk to her?" I said, and Trent stared at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears.

"You think you can knock her out? Buy some time to slip away from her?" Trent asked, totally misreading my words.

I snorted, and even Jenks laughed. "Vivian is not the one trying to kill us," I said as I gathered up the trash. "And the last thing I want to do is lose her. They might give the job of tailing us to someone else, someone more likely to throw spells and ask questions later." No, Vivian and I understood each other, and that was more conducive to a good night’s sleep than a cauldron of sleep charms. Even so, I was glad she hadn’t been around when I’d done the demon curse to free Trent. That would have been hard to explain.

Trent opened his door, and the breeze went right through the car. "You do make the oddest friends, Rachel."
