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Penmort Castle

Penmort Castle (Ghosts and Reincarnation #1)(82)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“Cash Fraser,” Mrs. Truman’s curt voice came at them and Cash let one arm drop as he turned both Abby and himself to face the older woman when she went on, “would you care to explain how this could happen?”

Abby took one look at Mrs. Truman and knew that in all her bad moods, this one was the worst. She looked outraged.

“Mrs. Truman –” Abby started, knowing exactly how it happened.

She’d panicked and overreacted, she hadn’t let Emma tell her the whole story before she freaked out and took off.

She was so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Cash’s voice talked over hers. “I don’t know but I’m sure as f**k going to find out.”

He was reaching in his inside pocket of his suit jacket and Abby’s fingers curled around his wrist.

“It was me,” she whispered when his hand stilled and his head tilted down to look at her. “It was me. I think Emma was going to explain, but I heard ‘car accident’ and you at the hospital and I –”

“That still doesn’t explain why Fraser didn’t call himself,” Mrs. Truman snapped.

“I did. Four times. Her mobile was going directly to voicemail,” Cash returned and Abby knew why this happened, she’d been on and off the phone with Jenny and Fenella several times, giving them the complicated directions through Bath to Cash’s house. Cash went on. “I had to follow the ambulance to the hospital so I called my office and told them to phone Abby and explain that I’d be late.” His eyes came back to Abby’s and a muscle was working in his jaw. “Obviously, they didn’t perform that simple task very well.”

“Please don’t be angry at anyone, it was me. I –” Abby started.

“Abby, there’s a big f**king difference between ‘Mr. Fraser will be late due to his PA having a car accident’ and ‘There’s been an accident and Mr. Fraser is in hospital’,” Cash replied, his voice holding a sharp edge of anger.

“Cash, really –” Abby started to protest but Cash cut her off.

“Abby, a minute ago you were staring at me with tears in your eyes and I could feel your heart beating through my f**king clothes,” he clipped, the sharp edge of anger became blunt and heavy. “I don’t employ staff to terrify my girlfriend. I employ them to be professional and know how to f**king communicate.”

“Cash!” Abby cried, worried she’d gotten the Unknown Emma into serious hot water but he ignored her and looked at Jenny.

“I’ll take Abby home,” he informed Jenny and Abby’s eyes moved from being narrowed in annoyance at Cash to Jenny.

Abby saw her friend was staring at her. Jenny’s face was pale, her eyes were knowing and her lips were pulled in between her teeth. This last was probably to stop herself from speaking, as in asking Abby what in the heck was going on in her screwy, messed up head.

“Oh thank God, you’re safe!” Nicola called, rushing forward with Fenella on her heels, Honor and Cassandra striding up quickly behind them.

“Jesus,” Cash muttered.

Mrs. Truman turned toward them and waved both hands in the air.

“It was a mistake. Someone named Moira was in a car accident. Cash was being a good employer. All’s well,” she announced then turned back to Cash, silently conveying it was his fault if her next words were true, “except, maybe, the chicken.”

“I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault, I –” Abby started but stopped when Cash’s arm gave her a non-too-gentle squeeze that stole her breath and her ability to speak.

“Oh, my dear, not at all. We’re just glad Cash is all right,” Nicola said, smiling kindly back and forth between Abby and Cash, both her face and body showing visible signs of relief.

“Now I really need a G&T,” Cassandra muttered to Honor and Honor grinned, straight-out, no guard up, not only at Cassandra but also at Cash and Abby.

“I hope dinner isn’t ruined!” Fenella fretted somewhat loudly.

“We’ll throw together an omelette or something if it is,” Nicola suggested, turning everyone around by ordering in the kind of voice only a mother could pull off, “Everyone, back to the car.”

They all moved away but not until after Abby showed Jenny the key to Cash’s house on her key ring (all the while avoiding her searching eyes) and Mrs. Truman gave Cash one last glare.

As Abby’s BMW disappeared from sight, Abby turned to Cash and looked up at him.

“I feel like an idiot,” she told him, because she did.

“Don’t,” he commanded, voice steely.

His hands coming to her neck and he brought her forward several inches, his head bending so his forehead rested on hers. She could see his black eyes, intense with some feeling she couldn’t read but whatever-it-was made her heart skip several beats.

“Don’t,” he repeated, this time softly, his fingers flexing at her neck.

Abby was trying to avoid the look in his eyes and how it was making her feel but he was so close, she couldn’t escape it.

“I hope Moira’s going to be all right,” she whispered.

“She will,” Cash replied.

Abby’s eyes moved to the side away from his but something happened to her.

It was like she no longer had control over her actions, like something deep in her that she didn’t know was there surfaced and took command.

Her eyes closed and she heard her voice say so quietly there was nearly no sound, “I’m glad it wasn’t you.”

She felt his mouth on hers and before giving her a soft kiss, he said there, “I know, darling.”

Then her body, still not under her control, moved into him, closer, closer, until her head went under his chin, her h*ps connected with his, her hands curled into the lapels of his suit jacket, her cheek rested on his chest and his arms slid around her waist.

In her ear, she could hear his heart beat and against the skin of her cheek, she could feel it and all she could smell was the scent of him.

She let go of her breath and, also against her control, she felt for the first time in six years, at peace.

Chapter Twenty

Two Important Things Happen to Cash

Cash sat in the dark of his study on the ground floor, the moonlight streaming in through the windows he’d swivelled his chair to face.

His eyes were on the shadowy, bare branches of the trees he could see in his garden. His mind was on Abby, asleep upstairs in his bed, as well as on her foolish best friend who he was trying to find one good reason not to murder.
