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Perfect Regret

Perfect Regret (Bad Rep #2)(18)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

I looked over at Maysie who was shaking her head. “Oh, so this is going to be a guy hating, holding Vivian’s hair while she pukes kind of evening. Why didn’t you say so?” I asked sarcastically.

“Shut up, Riley,” Maysie volleyed back. “Vivian, Cole’s an idiot. Just remember where his c**k has been the next time he wants to get up your skirt,” she advised, knowing as well as the rest of us that this was just the latest drama in the ongoing saga of Vivian and Cole.

“Damn straight! I need a guy who keeps his shit at home! Do you know who he’s screwing?” Vivian asked, looking at us as though we knew aleady.

Each of us shrugged. “Cira, that bitch. I always knew she was a slut,” Vivian muttered. Maysie and Gracie exchanged a look. Cira was their former sorority sister and anything Chi Delta related was a touchy subject where they were concerned.

I smacked my hands down on my knees and got to my feet. “Well as much as I’m enjoying this riveting discussion about the notches on Cole’s bedpost, I’m going to go get changed. Gotta put my party face on, right?” I asked, smirking at Maysie who stuck her tongue out.

A half an hour later, the four of us were piled in the back of a cab and headed for downtown Bakersville. We were dropped off in front of The Boogie Lounge, the town’s one and only dance club. It was a Tuesday night and the place was heaving.

I realized why when we didn’t have to pay a cover and were informed by the guy at the door that it was Ladies’ Night and all our drinks would be half price. “It’s Ladies’ Night!” Vivian yelled as we made our way to the bar. Gracie laughed and pulled me by the hand.

“Let’s get you a drink so you’ll do some dancing,” she yelled over the bad techno music. I couldn’t help but smile and let her lead me through the crowd. Maysie followed close behind. We ordered our drinks and were quickly ditched by Vivian who had instantly latched onto a Sophomore guy I knew from the English department.

“Girl’s going cougar tonight, I see,” I commented, watching Vivian press herself against the poor guy.

Gracie rolled her eyes. “She just needs to stop trying to make Cole her boyfriend, then she’ll be a hell of a lot happier. That guy will never commit and she ends up upset and acting like a moron every time she’s reminded of what a slut he is,” she said, picking up her drink and turning toward the crowd.

“I don’t know, they are kind of perfect when they actually have their shit together,” Maysie reasoned as we made our way to the second floor so we could people watch.

“Perfect like a case of genital warts,” I muttered and the girls laughed.

“Well, what about you, Ri? Have you sorted out your guy issues?” Gracie asked innocently and my stomach dropped. Crap, what did she know? I glanced at Maysie who stared back blandly. If she told anyone about Garrett, there was going to be a full on chick fight, friend or not.

“Uh, what do you mean?” I asked, sipping on my luke warm beer.

“I mean with you and Damien,” she said, giving me a confused look. My chest loosened and I let out a little sigh of relief. I really had to stop freaking out every time I was asked a question about boys.

“Damien’s a tool,” I said shortly, not wanting my ex to soil the evening I was being forced to have.

“I’ve just never seen you like that, Riley. It was a little scary,” Gracie stated and I grit my teeth. Gracie meant well, she was just a little oblivious at times, particularly when she was drinking. I could tell by the flush on her face and neck that she was well on her way to smashed, a state she seemed to be falling into a lot lately.

“Wow, thanks, G, I appreciate that,” I remarked, leaning against the railing and watching the people on the dance floor beneath me.

“I just meant that douche isn’t worth you being so upset over him. I really wish we didn’t have to see him so much at the newspaper. And now that he’s dating Jaz, that just sucks,” Gracie rambled and I turned on her sharply.

“He’s dating Jaz?” I asked, feeling my throat tighten. But what was strange was I couldn’t decide if I was upset or not. My emotions were feeling oddly jumbled.

Maysie leaned across me to smack Gracie’s arm. “Seriously, Gracie, enough,” she said, her voice hard. Gracie grimaced.

“Oops, did you not know they went out last week? I thought you knew,” she murmured and I shook my head.

“Must have missed the bulletin,” I answered, turning back to stare out into the crowd. I was officially done talking about Damien Freaking Green.

“Shut up!” Maysie said less kindly.

“What? I thought she knew!” Gracie hissed to Maysie behind me. Then she squealed loudly and I looked over my shoulder.

And then promptly wished the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

“Garrett! Mitch! I didn’t know you guys were coming tonight!” Gracie shrieked as Garrett, Jordan, Mitch, and Cole walked up to us, looking very much like a group of guys looking for trouble.

Jordan pulled Maysie up against his chest, kissing her soundly. “Sorry to interrupt your girls’ night. We decided to come out for some drinks and I knew you were going to be here. I couldn’t stay away,” he said softly against her mouth and I had to look away. Their blatant affection making me feel uncomfortable.

I was normally able to stomach (with much queasiness of course) their PDA, but knowing Garrett was standing so close, I felt stiff and awkward. I’m sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he had seen me naked not so long ago. Or the fact that my friend was practically dry humping his leg as she clung to him.

“Please stay! It will be so much more fun with you here!” Gracie pleaded, hugging Garrett’s arm. Garrett’s face was impassive and even in the dim light, I could tell his eyes were bloodshot and puffy. His blatant drug use disgusted me. And I was even more disgusted with myself for sleeping with someone who had such a disregard for himself.

Garrett glanced at me and he smiled. It was a small grin but it magically transformed his face and made my heart pound just a little bit harder. And all thoughts of disgust and shame were drowned by a more concerning emotion known as lust.

“You girls seem like you’re doing fine without us. Far be it from me to mess with your good time,” Garrett stated, his eyes roaming over my body in an intimately familiar way that had me flushing in equal parts indignation and frustrating desire. Clearly my body was ready to have a repeat performance whether my head was on board or not.
