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Perilous Light

Perilous Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #2)(33)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Is it me, or does Alexander have some personal vendetta against me? It seemed so intense.”

Bry set down his drink. “Do you know anything about the history of the Nordicos?”

“I hadn’t heard of them before this week.” I didn’t like the looks I received when I admitted that. “What? No one gave me an orientation. I hadn’t even heard of Energo before a year ago.”

“Ada, would you like to do the honors?” Bry asked. I could count on one hand the number of times I had heard Ada talk since meeting her.

Ada let out a sigh. “I assume you know that your sister is not the first Essence to be born to an Essence?”

I nodded, eager for her to continue.

“The other was born after the Sutonti nation invaded Energo, and a soldier forced a Guardian to kill the Essence with a Guardian sword.”

“What? Why would he do that?” Less than a minute into the explanation, she had already lost me.

Ada blushed. It was rather cute, but I tried to ignore her when I noticed Samantha looking my way.

Bry picked up the story. “He was seduced by a Sutonti woman.”

“Oh.” Ada must have blushed because she was embarrassed to talk about a woman seducing someone.

“The soldier should have been tried for the crime, but he escaped with the help of his lover. He obviously could never return to Energo, so they left for Sutonti.”

“But they were turned away at Sutonti as well,” Henry threw in. “Killing the Essence had not been part of the Sutonti king’s intentions when they invaded. He had wanted the Essence alive because he wanted her for himself.”

I thought about how many events in history occurred because of a guy who wanted a girl. I couldn’t help but look over at Samantha.

“So, the rogue soldier and the Sutonti woman found some unclaimed land and recruited a handful of followers from Energo and Sutonti to help build a new nation. They called it Nordico.”

“Wait, so that’s how the Nordicos developed?” I asked.

“Yes, the two groups created a new people with many of the strengths from each nation.” Henry seemed to enjoy his part in the storytelling.

“They have the physical strength of those of Energo and the Sutonti ability to live in water,” Ada said.

“Wow. Okay, so I get that. So why does Alexander hate me so much, yet defend Blake if he is so anti-Energo?”

“Because of your mom.” Ada quickly looked down.

I had a feeling I didn’t want to hear the rest of the story, but I had to know. “What about my mom?”

“Suffice it to say, Alexander had an interest in her and was very disappointed when she chose to run to your world instead of turning to the Nordicos for support.” Bry did not share his sister’s embarrassment, and met my eyes as he talked.

“Oh.” I had to hear about guys wanting my sister and my mom. Great.

“It should not surprise you, Kevin. Beyond beauty, as the Essence, your mother also held great power. Many wanted to get their hands on it,” Bry said. “And you are evidence of how she spurned Alexander.”

So Alexander hated my very existence. “And he supports Blake because…?” I wanted to get the topic away from my mom’s love life.

“My best guess is that he feels camaraderie with Blake. They were both rejected by your mother.” The words sounded funny coming out of Ada’s singsong voice.

I wondered if I looked as shell-shocked as I felt. “Why didn’t my mom go to the Nordicos? At least Nordico has some connection to Energo. Why go somewhere more foreign?”

“She did not trust them. There was only one place she knew she would be safe from the politics of Energo, and that, of course, is where you were raised,” Samantha answered.

“I assume Alexander is unaware of what Blake did to your mother. I thought about telling him in order to get his support, but it was not my place. Perhaps he would listen to you.” Bry finished off his drink, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Wait… you want me to convince Alexander to get the Nordicos on board? You think his thing for my mom is enough?”

“I do. He mourned your mother’s passing. I believe he feels enough for her, even after being jilted, to want to avenge any wrong done against her.”

“And explain to me again why you didn’t tell him earlier?” It would have been nice to have had my greatest adversary on board before the first meeting.

“I had to let you take the lead. You had to be the representative, not me.”

“Sure.” I rolled my eyes. Bry always spoke in absolutes about what was necessary, but he usually failed to give any explanations. “So when do you want me to talk to Alexander?”

“How about right now?” Bry gestured behind him. Alexander sat at a table surrounded by some of his advisors, all large men with long blond hair.

I took in a deep breath before pushing back my chair. After stalling for a moment, I finally took a few steps toward Alexander’s table. It was humiliating to have to ask for his help again.

He looked up as I reached the table. “Can I help you, child?”

“We need to talk.”

“So talk.”


“There is nothing you could possibly want to discuss that cannot be said in front of my advisors,” Alexander challenged.

“It’s about my mother.” I hoped the mention would be enough.

“Your mother is dead.” His voice sounded cold, and I started to doubt Bry’s belief that Alexander would help if he knew the truth.

“Maybe not,” I said offhandedly.

Without warning, he jumped out of his seat, grabbed my arm, and dragged me over to an empty table in the corner of the pub. Too surprised to protest, I stared at him as he pushed me down into a chair. “Talk, boy.”

My previous fear of Alexander had not been from his physical strength, but I started to reevaluate it. There weren’t too many men who dared push me around like that. As much as I wanted to regain some self-respect and simply walk away, I knew I couldn’t. “Blake kidnapped her and has been keeping her in some weird catatonic state. With my Mom close to death, a new Essence was chosen, my sister.”

“Where is she? We leave now.” He stood abruptly.

“Suddenly Blake doesn’t seem like the man of the year, huh?” I instantly regretted my comment.

Alexander grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. “I asked you where she is.”
