Read Books Novel

Perilous Light

Perilous Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #2)(36)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Monty joined me as we finished packing up our gear. “You doing all right?”

I shrugged. “Yeah. Just a little shell-shocked.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I can understand that.”

“Things are never going to go back to normal, are they?”

“Define normal.”

“I guess I don’t know anymore.”

“Neither do I, kid, neither do I.” Monty playfully tapped me on the shoulder before walking off.

I finished packing my stuff and headed to the mouth of the cave. We couldn’t spend much more time in the same spot, but I wasn’t ready to return to the Resistance. I hoped Mom would be able to train me in time. I didn’t know how much more I could take of potentially passing out if I used my abilities too much.

Mom walked beside me as we headed out. I shared as much energy with her as I could, but she was still weak.

“You are going to be a good Essence, sweetheart.”

“You sure about that?”

“Positive. You just need guidance. I am amazed at how well you are doing without any training.” Mom smiled warmly, making me feel at ease.

“Well, I had some help from Ruth.”

“Ruth was such a wonderful woman. I am so glad you had the opportunity to meet her.” A cloud of sadness passed over her face. Ruth’s death was one of the things that had shaken Mom hardest when Monty filled her in on what she had missed the last few years.

“Yes, she was. I know we don’t have time now, but will you tell me more about her later?”

“Of course. We will have plenty of time for that.” Mom sounded so confident that it was contagious. I had forgotten how she had that effect on me.

We headed back through the prairie. Although the landscape was as flat and endless as before, it felt so different traveling it with Mom and Calvin. Instead of focusing on how much I wanted to see them, I was able to just enjoy their company. I felt complete somehow. We planned to spend the night at an old house my mother remembered. Calvin didn’t leave my side, and I noticed Liam glancing over at us a few times. Calvin seemed ambivalent about Liam’s revelation.

I peeked up at Calvin tentatively. “You’re not mad, are you?”

“Why would I be angry?” He squeezed my hand.

“About the kiss.”

“Which kiss? It seems they keep adding up.”

“But you said you understood about the kiss with James; I already told you it wasn’t my fault.”

“But the one with Liam was?” Calvin’s face relaxed, and I realized he was joking. “It is all right, Charlotte. I understand you were still a child. Of course, I would have preferred to be your first kiss, but we cannot change that now.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

“We are lucky that Liam is now one of your Guardians. We have so few with us.” Although he didn’t say it, I knew he was thinking of William. I also noticed him giving Liam a sidelong glance as he said it. I had a feeling my friendship with Liam bothered him more than he admitted.

“Yeah, very lucky.” I figured telling Calvin I was ecstatic might be pushing it too far.

Calvin put his arm around my shoulders, holding my pack in his other hand. We walked in silence for a while, listening to the chatter of the others in the group. I gazed at the trees, amazed by the gorgeous hues of the foliage. Leaves in bright reds, purples and blues colored the landscape.

“So how far away is this house?” I called to my mother, who walked holding onto Monty’s arm.

“Not too much further.” Mom smiled and waited for me to catch up. It was surreal walking next to her. I reached out to touch her, needing to prove to myself that she was real.

“I am really here, sweetheart.”

I was glad my mother knew me so well, but then I realized that she might be able to read my feelings like Ruth could. “Mom, can you read my thoughts?”

“Not your exact thoughts, but your feelings. You can read mine, too.”

“How?” I asked excitedly. I hadn’t even contemplated that I could do it, too.

“I will teach you how, as well as how to block me.” She gave me a knowing smile and nodded toward Calvin. I could feel my cheeks burning. My mom had been gone since I was in middle school, so we had avoided a lot of the awkward talks about boys. I had a feeling we would be making up for it soon.

“So Calvin, you are from Rawlins?” Mom asked.

“Yes. My family has always lived there.” Calvin sounded nervous.

“So this must have all been a real change for you.”

“Yes. But not as much as it has been for Charlotte.” Calvin winked at me. I never took Calvin as the winking kind of guy, but the gesture made my heart race.

Mom smiled. “True, but it looks like Charlotte is adjusting just fine to me.”

Monty let out a huge sigh, getting our attention.

“What is wrong, Monty?” Mom asked.

“Nothing that can be changed.”

“What do you mean?” Mom tugged on Monty’s arm.

“I am of course happy to have you back, but it does not change that it was my failure to protect you that led to your imprisonment and Charlotte’s predicament.”

“Your failure? Monty, you gave up everything to protect me, and from what I have gathered from speaking to all of you, you have continued to sacrifice to take care of my children.” Mom’s eyes were full of concern.

“I never should have allowed Blake to get you. I was your Guardian and your brother.”

“Monty, I do not want to belittle your abilities, but there is no way you could have stopped Blake. No one could. I am the one who should carry the blame. I underestimated Blake; I should have known better. I should have sensed it.” I had to bite my lip to keep from jumping in to ask her to explain that. I thought about how wrong I felt around Blake.

“What do you mean, Emma?”

“Blake is no longer just a man,” she said with so much sadness that I focused on her voice more than her words.

I didn’t process what she was saying until Liam broke in. “Not just a man?”

“I was already suspicious that he was dabbling in something dark, but I could not confirm it until he kidnapped me. My last memory before falling into the deep sleep was of Blake standing over me, and I realized he had somehow obtained something different, the very opposite of the power from the Source. This makes him virtually unstoppable.” I shuddered involuntarily.

She must have noticed my response. “I said virtually. You have the ability to stop him. I can feel your strength, you have more power than I did.”
