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Permanent Bliss

Permanent Bliss (Bliss #3.5)(13)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Fuck, I love you.”

“Right back atcha’.” And it’s not lost on me that her voice cracks as we stand there in each other’s arms, absorbing the moment. I love the fact she feels this too.

Yes, we have been together for almost three years, and many may see this moment as a mere formality when we’ve already achieved everything else. But as a man, there is nothing more fulfilling than knowing the woman you love wants to be yours just as much as you want to be hers, and admitting that it means just as much to you as it means to your wife is nothing to be ashamed of.

As I lower my lips to hers and shamelessly bury my tongue in her mouth, throwing everything I have into the connection so that Mac knows we’re on the exact same page, I’ve never wished for a time machine more than I do right then and now.


Once Daniel and I have had a moment, just the two of us inside the restaurant, I see Daniel nod to the maitre d’, letting him know that we’re ready. Daniel obviously decided to torture me tonight since he’s wearing a matching blue, button-down shirt with dark charcoal-gray dress pants. He looks utterly delicious, and if there wasn’t the wrath of the parents at risk or the undeniable promise of Spinelli’s tiramisu for dessert, there is no way I’d be able to stop myself from jumping aboard for a ride.

I hear my dad’s booming voice echo around the room. “Would you all please stand and welcome my daughter and future son-in-law, Makenna and Daniel, as we celebrate their last night of freedom.” He clears his throat and there’s no missing Jenny’s gasp of shock at his audacity. “I mean, celebrate their impending nuptials.”

Daniel’s mouth twitches and I struggle to hold in a giggle as we step around the corner, hand in hand as the room erupts in applause. I feel my cheeks heat up as I realize that being the centre of attention is something I’m going to have to get used to this weekend. Daniel squeezes my hand encouragingly before placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me around the room to the head of the table where there are two empty seats waiting for us.

Although there are only twenty-five of us at the dinner, we decided to hire out the restaurant for the night so that we could take our time and enjoy this with our family and closest friends. Having never been married before, we honestly didn’t know what to expect but we knew that everyone at this rehearsal dinner was important to us and we knew we didn’t want to be rushed.

Once we’ve finished our entrees and mains, there are the expected speeches by both of our fathers, and even Noah stands up and manages not to embarrass either of us even though we both know he has a LOT of dirt up his sleeve.

I lean toward Daniel so that my mouth is near his ear. “I wish your brother was here.”

He flexes his hand which is resting on my thigh in response. “I do too, but there was just no way he could make it.”

“Looks like you’re not the only one who can make a grand entrance, big brother,” a low, gravelly voice speaks up from above us. We both look up at the same time and I grin when I hear Daniel curse. “Shit, man.”

He stands and hugs his younger brother Brandon, a last minute surprise guest that only Daniel’s parents and I knew about. He hadn’t been sure he would be able to make the wedding, but a week ago he called to say he was booked in on a last minute flight and would make it for the rehearsal dinner. Call it one of the few things I could get over my man, but the look on his face right now makes all the secrecy worth it.

“This is Mac.” Three words, full of love and pride, is all Daniel says.

Without warning, I’m scooped up into Brandon’s arms as he proceeds to squeeze the very life out of me. “Can’t … breathe …” I wheeze as both the Winters men start laughing at me.

When he lets me go, Daniel is quick to wrap an arm around my waist and pull me back to my side. “When did you get in? I thought you were stuck.”

“Seems like the family wanted to keep my trip home a secret. The look on your face is well worth it.”

I lean into Daniel’s side and push up on my toes so that my mouth is right by his ear. “You can punish me later.”

He growls in response, the muscles in his arm tightening against my bare back. “Fuck yeah, I will,” he murmurs as he kisses my temple.

“Now, Danny Boy, you can tell me which bridesmaids I get to bang.”

Say what? This is the well-mannered brother-in-law I was told I was going to be meeting. “Considering there is only one bridesmaid, and she’s my very happily engaged best friend, I think you’re shit outta luck on that one.”

Brandon shrugs and flashes a cheeky grin at both of me. “It’s all good. There’s always the wedding tomorrow. Weddings cause single women to get reflective and horny, especially when there is an open bar, sappy speeches, and the bouquet toss.”

God, I’m glad I got the charming brother out of the two.

“S’pose I better go mingle. There are two hotties over there who look like they need a tour guide to show them around Chicago and I’m just the man to do it.” Brandon’s attention focuses over my shoulder and I can’t resist the temptation to turn around and see who he’s talking about, almost choking on my drink when I spot Zander’s sisters, Zoe and Mia.

When I turn back around to tell him he’s shit out of luck with those two, he’s already making his way over to them.

Turning in Daniel’s arms, I lift my arms around his shoulders, pulling his body against mine before lifting my head to steal a quick kiss. “You better go save him before Zander goes all alpha-cop on his ass,” I murmur against his lips.

“I probably should,” he mumbles before running his tongue along my bottom lip and taking advantage the moment I open my mouth.

“Ahem.” We pull apart and turn to the left to find Zander standing there. Speak of the devil.

“Hey, Zan, glad you could make it,” Superman says as they shake hands.

“Wouldn’t miss it. Was just wondering if I could have a word with Mac quickly.”

“Sure, man. I’m going to go distract my brother and save your sisters.”

“What?” Zander suddenly squares his shoulders and stands up to his full six foot two inch frame, scanning the room for Brandon.

“It’s all good, man. I’ll sort him out.” Daniel slaps Zander on the back before stepping away and leaving us alone.

“What’s up? Did you come to steal me away?”
