Read Books Novel

Permanent Bliss

Permanent Bliss (Bliss #3.5)(9)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Time to poke the bear.

“I did promise you that didn’t I?” I take a shaky step sideways, spinning his body around as I move around him. Stopping when his back is to the bed, I cup his jaw and gently lick his lips, dragging my hands down his chest to his sweats and easing a hand underneath the waistband, gasping in delight when I feel skin and nothing else. His fingers dig into my hips as I find my favorite super part.

Superman came prepared I see.

Thrusting into my hand as I tighten my grip around his girth, I stroke up and down his hard as steel cock, matching the rhythm of my tongue as it rolls against his, our mouths fused together in a battle for supremacy.

“So f**king hot,” he murmurs against my lips as his hands trail back to cup my ass.

“Yes, you are,” I reply back as I pull my hand out of his pants and push them down. “I need you naked. Now.”

“Not gonna say no, gorgeous. But I need you naked too, especially if we’re gonna have crazy monkey sex.”

“Hmm, mac-robatics and monkey sex. Things could get messy.”

“Messy is good. Messy is fun. Messy means we’ll be too tired and worn out to give a shit.”

“Exactly,” I say before pulling my dress up my body and over my head. He quickly moves to copy me, reaching behind his neck and pulling off his tee in one clean swoop before opening his eyes to find me standing before him in nothing but a hot pink bra and panty set.

“Damn,” he says to the roof. “Thank you, God.”

“I think you should be thanking Victoria’s Secret, not God, but we’ll go with it.” I wink as I reach behind my back and try to undo my bra, struggling to look sexy as I struggle with the clasp.

Daniel cups his hands on my shoulders and turns me, moving my hands out of the way and expertly removing my bra, trailing his hands down my bare arms as he moves the straps out of the way. I tremble under his touch as he lowers his mouth to my neck and sucks my skin lightly, soothing the slight sting away with his tongue and sending waves of pleasure straight to my hoo-ha.

“And the panties … shall I help you with those too?”

“Fuck yes, especially if you’re going to pay my ass the same treatment as my neck.”

“That can be arranged.”

He does as requested and just as before, my hoo-ha receives the same very welcome messages. Gently grazing his teeth against my ass cheek while he drags my lace panties down my legs, he trails his fingers back up the inside of my calves and then my thighs. Brushing over my slit, he gently parts me and finding my clit before lazily stroking me until I’m a squirming, panting mess.

“Wasn’t I supposed to be on my knees?”

“You were, weren’t you? I think I like this just as much, but as you wish.” With one last hard bite of my ass, making me yelp in shock, he stands up in front of me, hands up in surrender. “I’m all yours, gorgeous.”

I smirk. “That you are. Now, I think you need to lie down.” I lift my hands to his shoulders and shove him firmly, watching him fall on his back onto the mattress, his legs spread either side of mine as I stand between them, looking down as his c**k jerks in response.

Lowering myself to my knees, I look up at him as he lifts his head and watches me through heat filled eyes. I lean forward and lick a trail from balls to tip, circling the head before repeating the torturous journey, for both me and him, back down again. The groan I hear lets me know he’s feeling this just as much as I am.

Not breaking eye contact, I roll the head of his c**k around my tongue, wrapping my lips around him as I suck firmly, then release him, smacking my wet lips together. “You know, this reminds me of the first night we had sex.”

“Really? I remember that night very well. You were just as hot and just as talented with your mouth.”

“Was I?” I ask as I dip my mouth and take his full length into my mouth, feeling him at the back of my throat before pulling back again.

“Oh f**k, yes … I thought I’d come so f**king … fast with you sucking me off and playing with yourself … God … took all my self-control to stop long enough to bury myself inside you …” His words heat my body like wildfire, his voice so f**king sexy I’m thinking of fast-forwarding past foreplay and diving straight into the monkey sex part of the evening.

But before I can contemplate my next action, I’m whipped back up on my feet and gently pushed backwards by the shoulders, landing with a soft thud on the bed. With the grace of an Olympic high diver and the desperation of a dog in heat, Daniel falls face-first between my legs, his mouth latching onto my pu**y like a sex-starved man (and we all know that he may be many things, but Superman is not deprived by any stretch of the imagination.)

Soon enough, in a speed that only Daniel plus copious amounts of alcohol can ensure, I’m screaming out praise to the good Lord above as I experience one of the BEST drunken orgasms known to man (or in this case, woman). I kid you not, I see stars, colors, and feel my entire body levitate all at once, and that was just the first climax. As he tends to do, Daniel doesn’t ease up on his worshipping of my snatch. He invites his fingers to the party, and when combined with his lips wrapped around my clit and the scraping of his teeth against my skin, I scream out again, my head spinning and twirling like a possessed woman overdosing on Viagra.

“Fuck. Me,” I say, my boneless body lying splayed, sated and soft on the bed.

“Gladly,” Daniel says hoarsely as he suddenly appears over and above me, plunging his c**k inside of me in one hard jolt, causing my head to lift suddenly, connecting with his top jaw and the unmistakable sound of

1) A formerly perfect smile.

2) My forehead as it meets the aforementioned perfect smile.

3) My dreams of having the world’s prettiest wedding photos crashing down to Earth with a huge nuclear bang.

Chapter 5: “Happy”


“Daddy has a boo boo, Riley,” I say to my overly inquisitive daughter as she admires the healing cut on my lip, and wouldn’t you know it, she melts my heart by leaning forward from her favorite perch on my lap and placing a sloppy, yet thankfully soft, kiss on my lips. Sitting back on her butt, she gives me a huge toothy smile and claps her hands in glee before clambering down onto the floor of the living room and toddling off to sit beside her brother who is playing with his wooden truck and blocks on the floor in front of us.

It’s now Saturday, a week before the wedding. A week after the orgasm from heaven that turned into the orgasm from hell. Mac’s hard head meeting my teeth and jaw, resulting in a broken front tooth and a cracked counterpart. Two porcelain veneers and a shit load of money later, my smile is as good as new.
