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Phantom in the Night

Phantom in the Night (B.A.D. Agency, #2)(39)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Joe cleared his throat. "You stepped outside BAD parameters while on this case, Terri," he said, pulling her attention. "Learn anything?"

He meant her working without a partner, but she was in no mood to be agreeable. She thought on his question a minute before answering.

"Yes, I did. I learned that the bad guys are not always bad, the good guys are not always good, and to quote the pirate Captain Barbossa, the parameters are like rules, mostly guidelines. And that it takes a little bit of bad boy to fight the evil in the world."

Tee inclined her head respectfully. "They can be taught. Who knew?"

"I also figured out that I no longer want to do field work," Terri added.

Nathan sat up. "Really? You’d leave field work?"

"Really." She smiled at him. "You and Grandma need me. Neither one of you can stay out of trouble without me."

He shook his head, the excitement disappearing from his eyes. "Going to be a while before I’ll have any chance to get into trouble. I plan to ask Warden McLaughlin to put in a word for me, but I meant what I said about moving on with your life."

Terri reached for his hand. She knew how hard it was for Nathan to consider asking anyone for help. Now if she could just get him to realize she was not giving up on him.

She was not leaving him like everyone else had.

Joe scratched his chin. "By the way, that little prison issue of yours… gone."

Nathan swung his gaze to Joe. "What are you talking about?"

Joe shrugged. "Your brother made a deal with what was at the time a bona fide representative of the DEA. He kept his part. DEA owed you a clean record. One thing in life I hate is a lying a**hole, so I made sure they did what they were supposed to. Including an honorable discharge from the military."

Tee gave Nathan an almost warm half smile. "You’re a free man, Drake, regardless of which identity you choose. And while you’re at it, how about another one. We’ve looked over your files and with your training and courage_"

"_we’d like to have you join BAD," Joe said, finishing her sentence.

Terri took Nathan’s hand in hers. He gazed into her eyes and said, "Let me think about it and get back to you."

"Yeah, like maybe in two weeks, since I’m still technically on medical leave," Terri added.

Tee tapped her nails against the table. "You got twenty-four hours to decide and you really want to say yes. We don’t want civilians walking around who know about us. Got it?"

Nathan gave her a cocky grin. "Wow, you’re like a ferocious bunny, aren’t you?"

Joe laughed. "Worse. A bunny can be fluffy sometimes. Tee always goes for the throat. Trust me. I’m her partner and she’s shot me three times now."

Tee rolled her eyes. "You’re such a crybaby."

"Let me almost shoot off one of your testicles and see how you cope."

"You shouldn’t have moved, Joe. It was your fault."

"Yeah, everything’s my fault."

Tee winked at him. "Good, then we agree."

Joe rubbed his forehead, then pushed a hard stare at Nathan.

Nathan inclined his head a short nod Joe must have taken as a firm answer. One warrior giving his silent word to another. "Good. See you in two weeks."

"Thanks, Joe and Tee. Since this is the only vacation we’ll get for a while, let’s go." Terri grabbed Nathan’s hand and hurried out.

Stoner was waiting in the hallway. He shook Nathan’s hand. "I signed on with this bunch as a contractor. If they didn’t talk you into staying, I’ll need that voodoo coin of yours."

"I’m keeping it for now," Nathan said.

Carlos came up behind Terri and hugged her. "Glad you’re better."

Nathan hooked Terri’s arm and snatched her away, then tucked her next to him.

Carlos lifted his hands. "Dude, relax." He sauntered off.

Nathan muttered something Terri barely caught about how they might have to talk about her working here.

She laughed as she led him outside to Commerce Street. The local Nashville traffic was humming as tourists drifted along the shops and restaurants soaking in the home of country music.

Terri looked up at Nathan. "What do you want to do?"

"Something I thought would never happen again," he said, taking her hand and leading her toward the small garden to the side of the building. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her.

She stopped and stared into his eyes. "You thought you’d never get to kiss me again?"

"That, and I thought I’d never get to ask you to marry me. You deserve more than a man with my history, but I found you and I want to keep you forever."

"Okay, deal." Her soul beamed with happiness. "I want you forever, too. You’re going to have to find me a ring soon."

"I plan to have one on that finger today."

"Good, because I already have your engagement gift."

His eyebrows lifted at that. "Does it involve a soft bed, cool sheets, and all night long?"

"Well, that will be part of the benefit plan." She winked. He kissed her and she wondered how long it would take to find the soft bed and cool sheets so they could start on all night long. The sooner the better.

She broke the kiss and took his hand. "Come with me." Terri led him to the street and raised her hand as if flagging a cab. In thirty seconds, a shining black car that screamed speed and looked nothing like a taxi pulled alongside the curb.

A long-legged brunette with a short, no-nonsense haircut, boots, jeans, and red sweater hugging her slender curves got out of the car. "Sweet ride. Here’s the keys, luv." She tossed them to Nathan, who snagged the key ring.

"Thanks, Rae," Terri said. "I’ll be back in two weeks."

"Rockin’ news." Rae gave Nathan an admiring onceover, then looked at Terri. "Bloody nice bloke you’ve got there. Try not to hurt yourself with two weeks off." She strode away.

"How did_" Nathan just stared at the Javelin, then he looked at Terri with wonder pooling in his eyes.

"I called the NOPD as soon as Stoner told me about losing Black Death. Philborn appreciated what I did to help them break this case and asked what he could do. I told him where the car had been left so he retrieved it. No one had touched the car."

"Thanks." He swallowed, staring his future in the face. "I’m going to spend the rest of my life finding ways to show you how much you mean to me."

"If you’ll fire this baby up and head for a hotel, I’m up for your first effort."
