Read Books Novel

Play with Me

Damn it, he knows me too well already.

“I’ll just have to figure out what to wear.” I shrug, like it’s no big deal. “It’ll be okay.”

Will narrows his eyes at me in thought but then just smiles at me. “Are you ready?”

“Yeah, I have to work in a little while.”

“Let’s get you home then.”

* * *


I drop into the Shelby and pull my phone out of my pocket before even leaving Meg’s house. I just walked her to her door so she can get ready for work tonight. I hate that she works nights.

She works too fucking hard.

But then, I suppose most nurses do. It never occurred to me before I met her that patients need around the clock care. Of course, it makes sense, but not really something most people think about.

She works too fucking hard. And I hate that she drives home alone in the middle of the night in that piece of shit car of hers.

I told her to keep the Rover, but she refused.

Damn stubborn woman.

I dial Jules’ number and wait impatiently for her to answer.

“This is Jules.”

“Hey, it’s Will. Do you have time to meet up with me tonight?”

“Um…” I can hear her shuffling papers and typing on her keyboard. “Yeah. I should be done here around seven. Why?”

“I just want to take you and Natalie out to eat,” I answer innocently.

“Where’s Meg?” she asks.

“She works tonight.”

“Have you talked to Nat?”

“Not yet, I called you first.” I run my hand down my face and sigh. “I just need to talk to you guys and I haven’t seen much of you over the past few months.”

“Hey, I’m not complaining. Sure, I’ll pick Nat up and meet you. Where are we going?”

“Just come to my place, I’ll order in.”

* * *

“So,” Natalie begins, taking a bite of an eggroll. She’s adorable, and looks happy, which is all any of us have ever wanted for her. She’s as much my sister as Jules is. “what’s up with you and Meg?”

They’re both fucking nosy as hell. But this is why they’re here.

“I’m completely in love with her,” I reply calmly and load my plate full of lo mein and chicken and egg rolls and dig in. I pause and look up at the girls. They’re frozen. Jules’ chopsticks are paused half-way to her gaping mouth and both sets of eyes are wide.

“What?” I ask.

“Did you just say you’re in love with her?” Jules asks and sets her chopsticks down.


“Okay.” They look at each other and then back at me. “Have you told her that?” Natalie asks.


“What did she say?” Jules asks.

I squirm. I really don’t want to admit to these two that Meg hasn’t said it back. They’ll never let me live it down.

“Has she said it back?” Natalie asks softly, her eyes full of sympathy and all I can do is shake my head.


“Fuck,” Jules whispers. “Will, Meg has trust issues…”

“I’m aware,” I interrupt her. Do they think I don’t know this shit? Of course I know. “I didn’t ask you here for this.”

“Well, I think we should talk about it,” Jules answers stubbornly. “Meg is fantastic, and I’m so glad that you guys are doing well.”

Natalie nods in agreement. “Definitely. Meg is awesome, and I’m glad that she’s back in our lives. I’ve missed her.”

“Look guys, I know you like her. That just makes a relationship with her that much easier. She’s great.” I shrug and smile at my sisters.

“Don’t hurt her,” Jules whispers, her pretty face completely serious. “Honestly, Will. Meg is strong, but she has already had enough shit thrown at her in this life.”

“I know, Jules. Seriously. I’ve met Sylvia up close and personal, and have removed her from Megan’s life.”

Their eyes bug out again.

“How did you manage that?” Natalie asks.

“I paid her.” I shake my head as I remember the look on that bitch’s face as she signed the contract severing all ties with her only child. “She got a shit load of money to disappear. She signed a contract. She won’t bother Meg again. If she does, I’ll sue the shit out of her.”

“Wow.” Natalie swallows and laughs ruefully. “I wish I had thought of that.”

“You wouldn’t have been able to afford it back then,” I answer softly.

“How much did you pay her?” Jules asks.

I just shake my head again. “More than she expected. Look, this isn’t why I asked you here. I need a favor.”

“Okay, shoot,” Jules stuffs half an eggroll in her mouth and chews with her mouth open.

“You’re so fucking classy,” I mutter.

“Thanks.” She smiles and stuffs the other half in her mouth.

“I’m taking Meg to the Children’s Hospital Charity Ball next Saturday and she needs a dress. I need you to buy one for her. I’ll give you my card, and then I need you to tell her you’re lending it to her.”

“Why?” Nat asks with a frown. “Just take her shopping.”

“She wouldn’t let me,” I shake my head in frustration and sigh. “I know her. There’s no way she’ll let me take her out and spend a bunch of money on her.”

“You’re right. At least you didn’t land a gold digger,” Jules shrugs and then keeps eating, ignoring my scowl. “Okay, we can buy her something. What should we get?”

“Oh!” Nat jumps in her seat and takes a drink of water. “There’s a local designer who makes the most beautiful gowns that are totally Meg’s style. Rocker-ish, but elegant. Here.” She pulls up her iPhone and starts tapping it, and when she finds what she’s looking for she turns it so Jules and I can see. “See? Look at this one.”

It’s perfect. The dress is flesh-colored with red and orange flowers beaded in small patches. It’s gathered lightly at the stomach, giving it definition. There are cap-sleeves, and a low v-neck so it’ll show off her amazing cleavage.

It’s Meg.

“That’s perfect. I want that dress.”

“Will, I don’t know if that exact dress is available.”

“I don’t care how much it costs. That’s the dress.” I shake my head and glare at them. How hard can it be? “Just call her and tell her I want it.”
