Read Books Novel

Play with Me

“Just listen,” she pleads and grabs my hand, holding on tightly. “Meg, I love your voice. I always have, and you know that. I was always your biggest fan.”

“Hey!” Nat protests, and I grin at her.

“Jules, I haven’t sang in front of an audience in years.”

“It’s not like you’ve forgotten how, sweetie. You don’t have stage fright. You will kick ass. Just one song, please?”

I bite my lip and look over to Natalie and Samantha who are both smiling at me.

“Who did you hire to play at the reception?” I ask.

“I don’t know, Luke took care of it.”

“Luke?” I ask, my eyebrow raised.

“Luke knows everybody,” Nat rolls her eyes. “I’m not sure who he got, but he wanted it to be our gift to Jules and Nate.”

“So it’ll probably be someone famous. Not a local band.”

Jules shrugs. “Probably just some up and comer band. But Luke knows the kind of music we like, so I’m sure they’ll be great. But you don’t have to sing with them. You can borrow a guitar and do just one song. I’d love for you to play the song for our first dance. Please, it can be your gift to me.”

Her eyes are pleading me. How can I possibly say no?

“What song?” I ask with a sigh and she smiles widely, her beautiful face beaming, and I can’t help but smile back as she hugs me tight.

“I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz.”

“I actually know that one,” I grin at her and then Sam and Nat. “I guess I’d better start practicing.”

“This is so awesome,” Nat hugs Jules. “I can’t wait to hear you.”

“And I can’t wait to hear you for the first time,” Sam says with a grin. “Sounds like it’ll be a helluva show.”

“I’ll do my best.”

I turn and take one last look in the mirror. “Are we sure about the dark lipstick?” It’s a dark raisin color, giving my lips definition and is a stark contrast to my white skin.

“Definitely. It’s hot. And it’s color-stay, so Will can kiss you all night and it won’t smudge or come off.” Sam winks at me.

“Okay. Wow, I clean up well, if I do say so.” The doorbell rings and I suddenly feel my stomach roll with anticipation.

“That’s Will.” The girls jump up and head out of my room. “Stay up here for a few minutes.” Nat kisses my cheek. “Take a deep breath. Let him wait for you. You’re stunning. Have fun.” And with a smile and a wave, she follows the other two downstairs to let Will in.

I hear his voice and smile. That deep baritone does things to me.

I bet he can sing well.

“Where is she?” he asks.

“She’s just finishing upstairs. She’ll be down in a second.” Sam tells him.

“I’m going up.” I hear him head for the stairs.

“No, you won’t,” Jules laughs. “Be patient. She’ll be right down. Have fun tonight.”

“Be good,” Nat says and then I hear the front door open and close and Will sets the alarm.

What is it with him and that alarm?

Suddenly, I hear him take the stairs two at a time and he’s standing in my doorway, staring at me. And I just stare back. He’s in a tux, looking all 007, and hot and… mine.

“What happened to you waiting downstairs?” I ask with a raised brow.

“Fuck that, I want to see you.” He swallows hard. “Wow.”

“Yeah?” I look down at the dress and turn a circle so he can see the whole thing. “You like?”

“Hmm,” he murmurs. “You are absolutely gorgeous, but you’re missing something.”

“I am?” I look down again, then turn to the mirror, making sure my hair is still in place. “I think Jules covered everything.”

He moves up behind me and catches my gaze through the mirror. As he leans down and kisses my neck, right below my ear, he wraps an arm around me, palm up, with a blue Tiffany box, wrapped in a white bow, sitting on his hand.

“I think this might complete your outfit,” he murmurs into my ear.

“You’ve already given me so much,” I whisper, eyes glued to the tiny blue box.

“I would give you the world if I could, sweetheart.” My eyes fly back to his in the mirror and he’s smiling softly.

“You are my world,” I whisper. His eyes widen, and just when I think he’s going to go all mushy on me, he smirks.

“Who’s cheeky now?” he asks, reminding me of the café in New Orleans.

“Cheeky?” I ask with a chuckle.

“Cheeky,” he mouths to me, his face happy. “Open it.”

I pluck the box from his hand and he rests his hands on my shoulders as I open it. Nestled inside are the most over the top chandelier diamond earrings I’ve ever seen. I pull one out and hold it up to the light, watching the light reflect off the diamonds. They’re swirly, with a huge princess cut diamond in the middle, set on its side. They are totally my style.

And totally the most expensive things I’ve ever had my hands on.

“Will…” I try to protest, but he takes the earrings from me and turns me around gently.

“When I saw these,” he begins and fastens one to my right ear. “I knew they belonged on your perfect little ears.” He fastens the left one and then turns me back to face the mirror so I can see them. “See? Now your outfit is complete.”

I push one of the earrings with my index finger, watching it dangle along my jaw line, then turn in Will’s arms, loop my arms around his neck and kiss him, softly, thoroughly. He rests his hands on my hips and patiently lets me explore his lips with my own until I back away and grin shyly up at him.

“Thank you.”

* * *

The ball is exactly what I expected. We are at a posh hotel in downtown Seattle, surrounded by gorgeous people, tall flutes of champagne, tiny bits of food being passed around on silver platters and lots and lots of money.

It looks exactly the way it does in the movies.

Surprisingly, I’m not nervous. Jules was right, I rarely have stage fright, and I’m completely comfortable with Will at my side, his hand resting on the small of my back. He’s charming, talks easily with everyone who stops him, but makes sure that he always knows where I am, who I’m with, or draws me into the conversation.

Will and I wander through the silent auction room, looking through all of the items up for bid. There is everything from spa days to art work to a week in Italy. When Will sees the week in Italy, he looks down at me with a wide grin.
