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Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps (The Game #2)(56)
Author: Emma Hart

“I have to watch you ride a horse wearing those pants?” I clarify, half hoping she’ll be putting a baggier pair over them.

She ties her hair into a messy bun on top of her head and turns to me, her pink lips curved in a smile. “Yep.”

I stand up and pull my own pants on. “Please tell me it’s easy to ride a horse with a hard on.”

She covers her mouth with her hand and lets out a loud laugh, her eyes flicking to my dick. “I’ve never, um, tried it. Not personally.”

I pull my shirt on. “This is gonna be a f**kin’ nightmare.”

“But I’d imagine it’s pretty hard.”

“Yeah? Then at least I have something in common with it.”


Megan pulls up outside a row of old stables on the edge of Palm Springs. There’s nothing beyond them except open space, and I can see why the stables were built here.

“This is the place I learned to ride. I called ahead this morning and asked them to saddle the horses up for us.” She smiles at me.

“Right.” I look dubiously at the stables.

“Come on!” She gets out of the car, and I follow suit. “Oh, and, um, don’t go caveman, okay?”

“Why would I go caveman?”

“The owner’s son may have a teeny tiny crush on me.”

I look at her blankly.

“He’s only just sixteen,” she carries on. “He’s crushed on me since he could walk.”

“Right.” I have to ride with a boner and deal with a sixteen year old guy making eyes at my girl. Who said this was a good idea?

“Oh, Aston.” She laughs, grabbing my hands. “Don’t be grumpy. He’s cute.”


“As in sweet-cute, not hot-cute.”

“Am I cute?”

“You’re hot-cute.” She tugs me forward and kisses my cheek. “There is a big, big difference.”

I grin as she leads me over to a stable with two brown horses. Her smile widens and she drops my hand, racing over to one of them. She runs her hand down the horse’s nose and hugs its neck.

“Hello, boy,” she coos. “Did you miss me?” She nuzzles her face into the horse’s neck, and I find myself smiling. That is definitely sweet-cute.

I keep my distance. I’m really not a horse guy. I have no idea why I’m here.

Megan turns to me, a light in her eyes and a huge smile on her face.

Scratch that shit. I know exactly why I’m here. I’m here because this makes her happy, and if I wanna do anything in my life, it’s make this girl happy. No matter what it takes or whatever I have to do to achieve it, I’ll do my damnedest to put that smile on her face as many times as I can.

She unbolts the door and leads the horse out, patting his neck. “This is Storm. He’s my baby.” She glances at me. “He was my sweet sixteenth present. Most people got a car. I got a horse, and worked for my Dad for a year to get my car.”

“Isn’t a horse cheaper?”

“It depends, but my boy is a thoroughbred and worth more than I could have earned in the year leading up to my birthday. Besides, a car is a car. Storm is one of my favorite guys.”

“I thought I heard your voice,” a woman calls and appears from the back of the stable. “It’s good to see you, Megs. Your boy has missed you.” The woman pats Storm.

“I missed him.” Megan smiles at her. “June, this is Aston, my boyfriend. Aston, this is June. She owns the stables and takes care of Storm for me while I’m at college.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say.

“So you’re the reason she called ahead? Learning to ride?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She nods approvingly. “Nice choice, Megan. He’s cute.”

Megan snorts into her hand. “I’m getting that a lot.”

“I don’t mind.” I grin.

“Let’s just hope Poppy thinks you’re cute. She likes beginners, and if you chuck her one of these …” She throws me an apple I didn’t even realize she was holding. “… She’ll love you forever.”

“Where is she, then? I’ll go charm her.” I wink at Megan, and throw and catch the apple.

“This is Poppy.” June unlocks a door and leads out a white horse with gray speckles. “She’s the calmest of the bunch and she’s been with me for six years. She’ll take care of you.”

I walk up to her, gently reaching out to rub her neck and offering the apple. She takes it, eating it in under a minute, and nudges my shoulder with her nose.

“You’re not having any more,” June scolds her. “You be nice to Aston, old girl. Megan likes him.”

Megan reaches over and pats her nose. “Hey, girl. Ready to ride?”

Poppy neighs in what I assume is a yes, and both women lead the horses to the paddock. I follow behind, lagging slightly. Horse-riding. I never thought I’d see the day I’d be riding a horse – especially not to make a girl happy. I shake my head in a mild sort of amusement.

“Right.” June waves me over to her, and I watch Megan expertly mount Storm. Those pants are tight as f**k. Crap.

“Yep.” I stand next to Poppy, staring at the saddle.

“Gather the reins in one hand, put your left foot in the stirrup, and hold onto the wither,” June orders me. “Then push up and swing your leg over her flank. Make sure you don’t kick her.”

“What if I do?”

“Then she’ll take off, and you’ll land on your ass.”

Megan giggles, and I shoot her a look. “No kicking horse ass. Got it.”

“Ready? Go.”

I do as she says, sitting on Poppy’s saddle.

“Not bad,” June praises. “Now let your legs hang down, and I’ll sort out your stirrups.”

She fiddles with them and instructs me on how to settle my feet in properly. She puts a hat on my head, tightens the strap under my chin, and pats Poppy’s behind. She begins to move and I grab the reins tighter.


“Sit up straight!” June barks. “Megan, he’s all yours!”

“Thanks, June!” She waves her off, and Poppy follows Storm out into the paddock. Megan turns to me, grinning. “Whatever you do, don’t squeeze your legs.”

“Why not?” I mutter, wishing I could lean forward and grab the horse’s neck. I admit it. I’m scared of this damn beast.
