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Predatory Game

Predatory Game (GhostWalkers #6)(98)
Author: Christine Feehan

Jess’s smile was faint. He knew exactly what Ken was thinking. “Don’t go worrying. If it comes to that, we’ll do it up here. I know it would be a nightmare to protect them in town.”

“Where do we stand with it all?”

“About the same. The espionage ring is still in place, and unfortunately several army personnel are involved along with a major player in the White House, which pretty much means we’re f**ked. Violet is on the loose with her own personal agenda and Whitney is busy manipulating everyone.”

Ken grinned at him. “Yeah, well, we like life interesting.”

“I’ve got to get back and catch a little sleep before the big event.” Jess tried to sound casual when he was anything but. He couldn’t wait to see Saber-to hold her in his arms.

Ken snorted. “She’s a little pissed at you, my friend. Don’t expect a warm reception when you crawl into her bed to-er-sleep.”

Jess smirked at him and walked up the path toward the cabin, waving at one of the guards crouched high in the cliffs overlooking the property. He had spotted several of the GhostWalkers patrolling and knew they had arrived for the wedding. His wedding. He grinned like an idiot, just thinking about it.

He’d been gone seven days while he was meeting with the admiral to give him the findings of the investigation. But now he was home and determined to see Saber.

He had hated leaving her behind, and she’d been less than happy about it, but he felt she was safer under the protection of the GhostWalker team.

He slipped through the open window and just stood there a moment, drinking in the sight of her. She was so beautiful she made his heart ache. Stripping quickly, Jess climbed into bed, pulling her feminine form into his arms.

She cuddled into him, curled like a little kitten, as his larger body wrapped around hers protectively. Her blue-black curls felt like silk against his face and her soft skin invited his touch. He inhaled her, pulling her scent deep into his lungs. His body was already hungry, his mouth craving the taste of her.

He stretched, moving his legs, reveling in the miracle of being able to do so, then leaned into her and kissed the nape of her neck, his hands sliding up her rib cage to cup her br**sts. He was a big man and she seemed so fragile, yet he knew there was power in her-steel in her. She would stand beside him no matter what happened.

It was a luxury to be able to touch her, to wake up to her soft curvy body. His. He smiled again and pushed the sheet from her, sliding his body over and down hers.

“What are you doing here?” Saber didn’t open her eyes.

Her drowsy voice was mesmerizing, sliding through his system like a drug. “Go back to sleep. I want to indulge myself a little bit.”

“You left me and I’m mad at you, so go away.”

He slid his hands over her soft skin from her br**sts to her belly. She didn’t open her eyes but she frowned at him.

“You don’t deserve me. Go. Away.”

“It’s our wedding day.”

“It was. I was abandoned. Left behind. Deserted. I’m dreaming of retaliation right now and you’re disturbing me.”

He brushed the tip of her breast with his lips, feather light. “What kind of retaliation?” He felt her stomach muscles bunch in answer.

“I’m finding one of the very hot Special Forces marines to take your place. He will adore me and never leave me.”

“He will get his throat slit and you will be punished severely. Go back to sleep and dream about a proper retaliation such as killing me or something. That’s much more appropriate. And no jarhead could ever take the place of a SEAL, baby.” He bent to bite gently, his tongue bathing away the small sting.

“Ow!” She pushed at his head. “Go away.”

His mouth closed over her breast, suckling strongly, tongue dancing over her nipple, flicking and teasing until she was arching into him and the hands that had been pushing him away were pulling him closer.

“Fine,” she muttered. “I guess I’ll keep you.”

He laughed and kissed his way down her belly, caressing her thighs and pushing them apart. He lay over her, his hands on her abdomen, his arms locking her h*ps in place while he bent to taste her. Beneath him, she jumped, her h*ps jerking, but he held her still and took several long, satisfying licks. The honeyed taste of her was sexy as hell, and he decided waking up should be all about indulgence. He could have his way every morning and be a happy man all day.

“You’re so beautiful.”

Her body was flushed, her thighs tight. Muscles bunched in her stomach and dew glistened on the tiny corkscrew curls guarding the treasure he was after. He held her open to him, and bent his head and drank, tongue stabbing deep, circling her cl*t and drawing out nectar.

Her body thrashed, but he held her firmly, giving her a small smack on her bottom. The little flair of heat sent more honey his way. He lapped it up in appreciation. “Stay still. This is my time, you can do whatever you want later-after all, I have to show you navy men are up to the task.”

Saber moaned, clutching at the pillow to keep from lifting off the bed. His tongue was like fire, stroking little flames around her clit. He suckled, the sound sexy, sinfully wicked. A sob of pleasure escaped and she clawed the sheets, trying to stay still for him. His eyes went hot and dark with lust as he felt the first tremors in her body.

“Oh, yeah, baby, come apart for me.” His finger swept over her slick heat, pushing deep, and she felt the rush of an orgasm overtaking her. Instantly he bent his head again and used his sinful mouth to increase the strength of the quakes, his tongue probing deep, until she went wild, thrashing under him and crying out his name.

Jess grinned as he pulled back. She was so beautiful with her eyes nearly opaque and the signs of his mouth all over her. He kissed her thighs and laced her fingers between his own, stretching her arms over her head and pinning her hands to the mattress as he bent forward to find her mouth with his. He could kiss her forever. He planned on kissing her forever.

He took his time kissing her over and over, deepening each until he could feel the same urgency in her as he felt. He shifted, sliding from the mattress, wanting to be on his feet, dragging her body to the edge of his bed.

“What are you doing?”

“Anything.” He lifted her h*ps and bent to drink again. She cried out brokenly, her breath coming in ragged gasps. “Everything.” He licked another offering of warm honey and then straightened over her. “Open your mouth.”
