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“I wouldn’t let you choose between me and your family,” I murmured, knowing he would hear.

“Nina,” he said in that familiar frustrated tone, “you’re not listening to me. She knows how I feel about you, so you can stop worrying about Claire.”

I raised an eyebrow. “She might know how you feel about me, but one of these days she might over look it.”

“You’re the love of my life, Nina. There’s no overlooking that.” Jared spoke the words casual y, but my legs disappeared. I had to steady myself against the counter to keep from hitting the floor.

“You okay?” he asked, continuing his workout.

“Me? Er…yeah. I’m just fine. Perfectly fine. Why?” I sighed at my utter failure to fool him. Jared simply smiled with a knowing look, never slowing his repetitions.

Claire emerged from the bathroom in a hooded sweatshirt and sweat pants, her hair pul ed back into a wiry bun. She looked like a seventeen year old girl, for once. She fel into the couch, feet hanging over the arm, flipping through channels of the flat screen.

Once the dishes were finished I lingered in the kitchen, wiping down the counters over and over again. I decided to take my suitcase upstairs to organize my things as best I could, hanging my clothes in Jared’s closet and finding a place for my shampoo and toothbrush. It was fun playing house for the week, but it only took so long.

I stood in the middle of the room, feeling lost. Jared was stil deep in his workout, and with Claire on the couch I saw no point in enticing him upstairs. I decided to try Jared’s incredible tub to pass the time.

The steam danced above the surface of the water as I let my robe fal to the floor. I stepped in with both feet, stifling a moan. Once I was submerged to my neck, my body instantly relaxed. I loathed the communal showers of Andrews; I would miss more than just the tub when I returned.

“Nina? Did you grab a towel?” Jared said, his voice muffled through the door.

“No, I didn’t,” I said in a sing-song tone.

“I’l grab you one.”

Within moments, Jared’s arm poked through as he cracked open the door, extending a thick navy blue towel. I frowned.

“I can’t reach it,” I teased.

I heard Jared sigh before he opened the door just wide enough to get through, turning his head to the opposite direction. He was stil only in shorts and running shoes, dripping with sweat.

He took a few more steps in my direction, holding out the towel. The water sloshed as I raised my steaming arm to grab it, setting the towel beside me on the ledge.

“Thank you.”

Jared sighed and left the way he came, making sure not to open the door any wider than absolutely necessary.

I slid under the surface of the water to suppress the laughter. He was working as hard to preserve my chastity as I was to rid myself of it.

I remained in the tub until my feet and hands were sufficiently pruned. Wrapped in my robe, I climbed the wooden stairs, noticing Claire was no longer on the couch. When I reached the top, I heard the shower running.

I rifled through my things and chose a pink silk pajama set, and just when I buttoned the top of my shirt, Jared walked out of the bathroom in a pair of black cotton pajama pants.

“Where’s Claire?” I asked.

“She had to go out…training,” Jared explained, pul ing the first aid box out from under his bed.

I sat down and held my hand palm up for him to work with. “I thought you were finished with your training. What else could she possibly learn? And from whom?”

“You’re ful of questions tonight,” he said, working quickly to disinfect and redress my wound.

“And you’re evading them.”

“We have to acuminate our skil s when we….” he trailed off, his eyes darkening the way they had during our first date.

“What is it?” I asked, watching him place the last strip of tape on my hand.

“Can I ask you to do something for me?” he asked, closing his eyes.

“Anything. Except leave.”

Jared’s eyes popped open. “I don’t want you to leave. I’m asking you to wait.”

“Wait for what?”I grimaced. Jared had a knack for confusing me.

“Leave this one alone. For now.”

“What’s going on, Jared?”

“I promise to explain everything to you soon. But I’m just not ready to—,” he squirmed uncomfortably, “—can you wait?”

“If that’s what you want.”

Jared’s face instantly relaxed. “Thank you.”

“Can I ask just one thing?” I whispered, peeking up at the clouds reforming in Jared’s eyes. “I just…was wondering…wil you ever have to leave me? For training, I mean.”

Jared smiled once again, obviously relieved at my question. “No. I’m finished with my training. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”

“Poor me,” I teased.

I pul ed myself back to lean against the headboard and Jared lay on his stomach beside me. He hugged my legs to him and rested his head on my lap, and I happily ran my fingers through his damp hair.

“Are you running a fever?” I asked.

Jared looked up at me, puzzled. “I don’t get sick, Nina, remember?”

“I know, but you…you’re burning up,” I said, feeling his forehead.

“I run a little hotter than everyone else. It’s a constant thing.”

“How much hotter?” I asked, skeptical.

“Around one-oh-four usual y. I just got out of the shower, so I’m probably a little higher than that at the moment.”

I stared at him blankly; I had nothing else to say.

Jared chuckled at my speechlessness and let his head rest against my leg again. “It’s real y not a big deal. Claire runs about the same. It has to do with how our bodies handle the extra…abilities.”

“Abilities….” I repeated. Most of the time I had a handle on Jared being half-angel, but only when I tried not to think about it. The details made my head spin.

“I can’t imagine how it must be for you,” he said. “It’s hard enough getting to know someone when you start dating, and then you have to deal with your boyfriend spouting off unbelievable particulars al of the time.”

“Oh, it’s boyfriend, now, is it?”

Jared laughed and sat up, readying himself to pounce.

My mouth hung open, feigning shock. “Don’t you dare!”

He grabbed my legs and pul ed, sliding me underneath him. He playful y pinched my sides, tickling me as my laughter chimed through the loft.

“Okay! Okay. Boyfriend it is,” I giggled again.

Jared sighed in contentment at my words. “Everything I’ve ever wanted is right here in my arms.”

I couldn’t imagine why he looked at me that way. Six bil ion people in the world, and a man so perfect he was also half divine had chosen me. That fact alone was more than I deserved, but for him to say something so beautiful with that look in his eyes, I couldn’t help myself.

“I love you, Jared.” It didn’t seem like enough, but once the words tumbled from my mouth, his smile turned into pure elation, as if I’d given him the one thing he’d wanted his entire life. Before I could think to say anything else, his lips were on mine.

He kissed me differently this time; it was gentle, almost cautious. I wrapped both of my arms around his neck as he continued to work his warm lips softly against mine. He put so much emotion in these smal , slow, tender kisses that I found myself fighting tears. He kissed me like a happy ending.

And then he stopped.

In one smooth movement, he moved me to my proper place in the bed. He crawled over me careful y, lying directly behind me, tracing my body with his. I took a deep breath and let out a satisfied humming sound that compel ed Jared to pul me closer.

Just before I drifted off to sleep, I said the first prayer I’d uttered since I was girl. I wasn’t sure what I’d done to deserve such a wonderful gift, and I wasn’t sure if it was insolent, but I thanked God for fal en angels.

Chapter Ten


Over the next few days, we settled into a comfortable routine. Jared took me to school, returned to sit with me at lunch, and then waited outside my last class. At night, I studied while he worked out, and I became quite accustomed to fal ing asleep in his arms. Each time he dressed my wound a sense of dread came over me; the healing cut meant that our nights together were numbered.

The girls at our regular lunch table became quite taken with Jared, while the boys tried their best to ignore him. The lines were clearly drawn. Lisa even invited Jared to a tentative girls’ night out, to which Jared only replied with a raised eyebrow, causing those who were paying attention to laugh.

I noticed Ryan being careful to speak only to me, making a point to ignore anything Jared contributed to the conversation. By Thursday, the tension at the table had elevated.

“Are you coming to study group tonight or not?” Ryan asked, clearly in a bad mood.

“I’m not sure what the plans are tonight.”

Jared looked at me and began to speak, but Ryan cut him off. “What? You need permission?” he snapped.

I glared at him. “It’s cal ed being courteous. You should try it.”

Jared lightly touched my knee to keep me calm. It wasn’t working; Ryan couldn’t be more proficient at getting under my skin.

“Just because I’m not happy about how weird you’ve been, doesn’t mean I’m being a jerk,” he said, his eyes narrowing.

“You said it, not me.”

“You’ve moved in with this guy,” he motioned to Jared, “you don’t talk to your friends anymore, you’re skipping out on study group…I’m doing what friends do, Nina. I’m making sure you’re okay.”

“She cal ed me last night,” Beth said defensively. Ryan ignored her.

I could feel the heat radiating from my face. “You’re not being a friend. You’re being aggressively nosy.”

Ryan rol ed his eyes. “Are you coming to study group or not?”

“I’m coming,” I growled.

Ryan’s demeanor immediately changed. “So, you wanna grab something to eat after?”

I felt Jared’s hand tense around my knee.

“Not funny, Ryan,” Kim scolded.

Ryan continued to look at me expectantly. Everyone at the table watched for my—and Jared’s—reaction.

“Jared is picking me up afterward. We have dinner plans,” I said, glaring at him.

“I thought you said you didn’t know what your plans were,” Ryan goaded.

I leaned forward in my chair, taking in a sufficient breath to unleash my temper across the table.

Jared final y spoke, “We have dinner plans every night, Ryan. You’re welcome to join us.” I shot Jared a surprised look and noticed that his face was free of any sarcasm.

Ryan’s eyebrows furrowed, taken off guard by Jared’s sincere invitation. “I think I’l pass.”

I smiled smugly at him, turning my attention to Jared. “Are you ready?”

“I am,” he said, leaning over to kiss my forehead.

Lisa and Carrie swooned.

At the door of my classroom, Jared set my bag on the floor beside me, pul ing up the handle.

“Thank you,” I said, giving him a quick peck.

“I assume you’l be hanging around here until study group.”

“You assume correctly,” I nodded.

“Cal me when you’re finishing up, I’l pick you up at the Rock.”

I grimaced. “It’s ridiculous that you have to sit outside and wait on me. Why don’t you just come?”

“Nina, it’s what I’ve done for the last three years. You need to spend time with your friends or they’re going to start worrying about you.”

“Ryan is the only one that’s worried, and he’s just being difficult,” I said, running my hand over the sleeve of his jacket.

“He’s jealous.”

I wrinkled my nose. “We’re just friends.”

Jared smiled and kissed the top of my hair. “I’l see you later, then.”

As soon as class was over, I headed directly for Andrews. The sun was shining, and I was just beginning to enjoy my walk when Ryan appeared beside me.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hi,” I said, less than enthusiastic about his company.

“Oh. c’mon. You’re not that mad,” he teased, throwing his arm over my shoulder and squeezing.

I squirmed from his embrace. “You tried to humiliate me in front of everyone, Ryan. What was the point in that?”

“I told you what the point was. I’m worried about you.”

I breathed out a sarcastic laugh. I was never safer than when I was with Jared.

“Nina…,” he said, slowing down. Before I could get too far ahead of him, he jerked me back by my coat sleeve to where he stood. “Nina!”

“What?” I growled, trying not to trip over my bag. I jerked my arm from his grip and smoothed out my sleeve.

“You have to admit you’ve been MIA this week. What’s going on with you? You barely know this guy.”

I fidgeted as I tried to think of a believable answer. I knew it appeared that way to him—and everyone else—but I couldn’t defend myself with the truth.

“I didn’t move in with him. My hand is infected, so he’s changing the dressing every night. As soon as it heals I’l be back at Andrews.” I couldn’t help but frown at the thought.

“He could do that at Andrews,” Ryan argued.

Of course he was right, but Jared and I both knew it had been a flimsy excuse al along. I didn’t like the thought of him spending the night in his Escalade outside Andrews, and Jared was more than ready to make the present living arrangement permanent. Neither of which I could explain to Ryan.