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Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story(24)
Author: Krista Lakes

Owen stood in the entrance. He was wearing just simple jeans and a white button-up short-sleeved shirt, but he looked like a knight in shining armor to me. He gave me a crooked smile as I opened the door.

"Hi, Kaylee," he greeted me, running a hand through his rain soaked hair. Little droplets of water went flying, sparkling like diamonds as they fell.

"What are you doing here?" I gasped in amazement. I was sure he was going to disappear at any moment, that I was going to wake up and be back in my bed alone.

"I told you that I’d be back. I just had some things I needed to do first." His smile lit up my world. I took a step forward, afraid he would shimmer and fade like a desert mirage. He stepped forward and took my hands in his. They were wet from the rain, but still warm and strong.

"There’s something I need to tell you, Kaylee." His blue eyes searched my face, their crystalline depths holding me captive. "I quit my job."

"What? Why would you do that?" I asked in surprise. He smiled down at me and brushed a tendril of hair from my face.

"Because it wasn’t making me happy anymore. You make me happy. I couldn’t bear the thought of taking another trip without you."

I pulled back slightly in surprise. "But you love your job!"

"No, I love the challenge of my job. The job itself is immaterial. Without you, it wasn’t fun anymore. When I was away from you, all I did was miss you. I don’t want the job anymore. I just want you." He said it simply, as though it were nothing but fact, but it made my heart pound in my chest.

"What about the sheik? And Jack?"

"Oh, you heard about that?" Owen flushed slightly as he shrugged. "Publicly, Jack is going to fire me. Privately, I quit. It saves face for Jack and the company, the sheik gets what he wants, and I get what I want. You."

I opened my mouth, but couldn’t find any words. No one had ever made me as happy as Owen did with that one small word: You. He wanted only me.

"There is one down side, though," he said, giving me a thoughtful look. "It does mean that we will have to be slightly frugal. I won’t have the paychecks from Jack’s company rolling in anymore."

"I’ll pick up extra shifts at the hospital," I said, only half-joking. I would do whatever it took. I wasn’t letting go of him ever again.

Owen laughed and pulled me closer. "Not that frugal! I still have a stake in the company, but we should probably just borrow Jack’s private jet instead of buying our own."

"That’s fine by me. I hate flying anyway." I could feel a silly grin spreading across my face, happiness bubbling up inside of me.

“In the meantime, though, I am going to need a job. I was wondering if you were still interested in opening that bed and breakfast. Maybe even having some help from your husband?“ he asked.

My mouth dropped open. “Is this some kind of proposal?“ I asked.

Owen leaned down, not answering the question. His hair dripped rainwater onto my face as he kissed me softly. My heart soared in my chest, every fiber of my being taking flight. Owen was mine and I was his. We didn’t have to be apart anymore. “Yes,“ I said, not waiting for him to repeat the question. “A thousand times yes.“ I leaned back in and kissed him again.

Owen broke the kiss, and smiled down at me. "Jack and Emma met on vacation. You are my vacation. You are the person that makes me feel relaxed and wonderful. Wherever you are is home to me."

I reached up and touched his cheek, losing myself in his cobalt eyes. "I love you, Owen Parker."

"I love you, Kaylee LaRue."

And then he kissed me.


I stand anxious at the back of the church, smoothing the satin of my dress with sweaty palms. I’m not anxious about what I am doing; I’m anxious that I am going to trip or stutter in front of all these people. I was meant to be with him, and this ceremony is just to show the world what we already know. There is no anxiety about what I am doing when it comes to Owen.

The organ music starts, filling the church with a beautiful melody. I hold my bouquet of plumeria to my nose and inhale the delicate flowers once more. These flowers are Owen’s and mine. They represent our love. Beautiful and sweet. I smile, and step through the ornate wooden doors.

Mom and Dad walk on either side of me, the two of them beaming with pride as we move in time with the music. Mom is crying, but she keeps dabbing a Kleenex to her eyes so her mascara doesn’t run. Dad’s lips are tight, but it’s to keep them from quivering as he walks his oldest daughter down the aisle. I know they’re proud of me.

Everything disappears. I don’t see anything or anyone but Owen. The old church with its intricate stained-glass windows, the pews with red satin seats, the bridesmaids and the groomsmen, they all just seem to fade away. The only person that matters is standing there, grinning, waiting for me to join him.

I kiss my parents, whispering that I love them as they let me go. Dad shakes Owen’s hand and claps him on the shoulder. I know I’m blushing as Owen reaches out his hand to help me up onto the dais. Owen’s hands are as clammy as mine, and we grin at one another. I’m happier right now than I ever thought possible. In this moment, everything is perfect.

The minister begins speaking, but I’m not looking at him. I’m looking at the man I’m marrying, the man who holds the key to my heart. I glance out at the people watching us, noticing them for the first time, and seeing only smiles and tears of joy.

I can see my sister from the corner of my eye, smiling as a tear runs down her cheek. She doesn’t bother wiping it away, unashamed at her joy. Marissa and Allie stand behind her, the two of them grinning like this is the best day of their lives. I know it certainly is for me.

The minister asks Owen a question, and he looks at me with eyes more blue than I’ve ever seen. "I do," he says, his voice shaking with emotion but full of confidence. Jack hands him a ring, and Owen carefully slides the stone onto my left hand. It sparkles in the light, full of hope and promise.

The minister turns to me, and I make the same promise, Emma handing me a platinum man’s ring. Owen mouths, "I love you," as I slip it on his finger. I smile and almost kiss him right there, but catch myself just in time.

I lose myself in Owen’s eyes, surprised when I finally hear the words I’ve been waiting my whole life to hear. Owen grins, happiness radiating out of him as he reaches for me and our lips meet. I can hear people cheering, but it’s nothing compared to the joy inside my head.

I capture this moment in my mind, treasuring every detail like a precious jewel. Someday, I will tell my grandchildren of this moment and how, even though we were indoors, it tasted like rainwater kisses.
