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Raven's Prey

Raven’s Prey(19)
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz

On an impulse he turned around and walked back to Honor’s shack. In his overnight bag he located two of the shirts he had worn during the week and started back to the stream. Deliberately he walked down to the water’s edge and called softly.


She glanced up warily, holding a soaking-wet pair of panties in one hand. For a moment Judd found himself oddly distracted by the sight of the feminine garment. Unbidden, a vision of Honor wearing only the silky underwear came into his head and he found himself swallowing awkwardly. Why did he suddenly feel so warm?

“Honor,” he tried again, “would you mind doing these shirts? I could use some fresh clothes. Especially if we’re going out tonight.”

She stared at him as the women around her giggled delightedly. They might not have understood his English but there was no doubt about what he was asking his woman to do.

Then she proceeded to shock her audience by demanding in simple Spanish, “What will you give me, [_se;aunor, _]in exchange for washing your shirts?” She tilted her head saucily, her hands on her hips, as the village women gasped in dismay at the utter daring of Judd Raven’s woman. Didn’t she know when she was well-off? She had been lucky enough to get away without a beating for the grave crime of running away from her husband, and now she seemed determined to push her luck. Crazy [_Norte Americana. _]Everyone waited in breathless anticipation to see what Judd would do. Just imagine, a woman demanding payment for doing her husband’s laundry! It was incredible.

“She will get payment, all right,” Lupe Martinez confided to her friend Maria. “She will get a taste of his belt! That one is not a man to put up with her sauciness!”

“He has yet to beat her,” Maria pointed out practically. “Perhaps he won’t this time, either. But I think she will do his shirts in the end.”

Judd stood quietly for a moment contemplating Honor’s unexpected sassiness. Somehow he’d just assumed she’d take the damn shirts and do them without a fuss. After all, she was already wet.

He tried to read her expression. She didn’t look angry or even rebellious. What sparked in her green-and-gold eyes was closer to outright mischief than anything else. It confused him. Anger or rebellion he could handle. How did a man deal with a woman bent on mischief?

“What do you want in exchange [_for _]washing the shirts?” he finally hedged, speaking in English.

“How about an autographed picture of you kissing your plane?”

He stared at her, hardly able to believe his ears. Wasn’t she ever going to let up on that idiotic business with the plane? Damn it to hell! How did she dare to taunt him like this in front of the village women? Even if they didn’t understand what she had said they knew perfectly well a challenge had been issued.

“I’m beginning to think you’re jealous of the Cessna,” he drawled coolly.

She tossed her head. “You ought to be careful about putting all your faith in that metallic female. My guess is she has a heart of ice-cold steel. Of course, that might suit a man like you to perfection.”

“Is your heart any softer or warmer?” he asked evenly.

That brought a flush to her cheeks but she held her ground, standing ankle-deep in the stream, her hands on her hips. “Only for the right man.’”

“Which, I assume, isn’t me?” He arched one black brow inquiringly.

“You assume correctly,” she told him with relish,

“Well, then, if your heart is as cold as the Cessna’s, there’s not much difference between the two of you, is there?” Why the hell was he standing there letting her bait him like this? But he was trapped, Judd knew. He couldn’t walk away from the challenge. Even if there hadn’t been any witnesses he wouldn’t have been able to walk away with it. The need to answer Honor Knight’s saucy defiance was almost primitive. He felt a desire [_to _]assert himself over her that he [_couldn’t fully _]explain. The shirts were rapidly becoming only an excuse. What had gotten into him?

“Oh, I’d say there are still a few differences between me and mat damned plane,” Honor said cheerfully, beginning to feel on top of the situation.

“Name one,” be growled.

“I can dance.”

He nodded as if taking that fact into consideration. “Can you?”

“Ummm. And I can broil a steak.”

“A useful talent.”

“Let’s see, what else? I can mix a good margarita.”

“If you’re that skillful with your hands I’ll bet you can wash these shirts, too.”

“I probably could. If they happened to belong to a man who preferred me to an airplane. But since they don’t…”

But Judd, apparently, had had enough. Amid the excited squeals of the women he leaned down and yanked off his boots. Then, [_heedless _]of the fact that his jeans were getting wet around the bottom edges, he started forward into the stream.

On a note of laughing protest, Honor turned and ran, heading for the opposite bank. A part of her delighted in having provoked him with her teasing. He wasn’t truly angry this time, merely determined to win the small confrontation. She wasn’t even sure but what, in some small way, he was actually enjoying himself, although she had the feeling he would never admit it. This kind of playfulness was new to him, she realized, and he didn’t quite know how to deal with it.

Which didn’t mean he wasn’t going to make a damn good try, she acknowledged as he came striding across the stream toward her.

“Judd! No, wait…!” she gasped, torn between laughter and an unexpected panic as he leaped onto the bank behind her and scooped her up in his arms. “I was only teasing.” She felt the strength in him as he carried her easily against his chest back into the stream. There was a sensuous, blatantly erotic tug on her senses as she absorbed the impact of his sun-warmed body. “What are you going to do?” she demanded, trying and failing to struggle free. Around her the other women laughed delightedly.

“Get my shirts washed.”

Damn it! She still couldn’t read the expression in his eyes. Was he amused? Or was he simply set on getting his shirts washed? What was it with this man? Couldn’t he give vent to any of the softer emotions like playful humor?

“Judd?” Suddenly she started to lose her nerve. She didn’t understand this man and it was dangerous to tease wild animals. She should never have started the mischievous byplay.
