Read Books Novel

Real Vampires Don't Diet

"I'm shifting and flying above you guys as lookout. Any problems at the place where you want to come out, I'll dive-bomb Valdez and head you off."

"Good idea." Ray dragged me close to the edge of the dock then reached for my skirt.

"What do you think you're doing?" I swatted at his hand. "This is a stupid time for a pass."

"I'm always up for a pass. But this time I'm trying to keep you from drowning. Your skirt looks stretchy. If it gets caught around your knees, you won't be able to swim. So pull it up." Ray kicked off his shoes.

"Sorry, I get it." I pulled my skirt up until it was little more than a wide belt. "Hey, take off your pants if you need to. Won't embarrass me." Overhead, a hawk shrieked her agreement.

"Not necessary. Here goes." Ray dove off the dock, then appeared beside Valdez. "Come on, Glory, jump." So I held my nose and threw myself into the water. Damn, but that water was cold. And I swear something slimy crawled up my leg. Then Ray had me, his arm around my waist as he swam us along the shoreline. We saw strobe lights at his house and I realized the fire trucks had finally arrived just in time to watch the second floor collapse in a shower of sparks and with a roar that could probably be heard for miles.

I bet the paparazzi were there snapping pictures, hoping to get Ray and me running naked from the flames. Or, even better, the firemen dragging our charred bodies from the rubble.

"Quit muttering about those damned paparazzi." Ray's arm was rock solid around me. "The firemen will keep them back and we've dodged them."

"It's just wrong that they hope to make news out of a tragedy."

Ray kissed the top of my head. "No tragedy, babe. I'm okay. So are you. Even the boat can be replaced. And, look, we can get out of the water now. You beat Westwood again."

"You're right, Ray. I should be singing."

He laughed as we practically crawled out across the blessedly grassy slope. "No, you promised to spare me. I'll sing for you later. Maybe write a new song about this. After some healing sleep. Right now my throat's raw from that smoke."

"Yeah, mine too." And I was beyond cold. I pulled down my soaked skirt and picked my way through mud and rocks, ignoring Ray's curse when he found a few sharp stones with his bare feet. Valdez walked on my other side and, when Brittany appeared, we were all glad to stop for a breather.

"Blade and Lily are next to his car, just a few hundred yards down the way. You guys okay?" She put her hand on Valdez's shoulder.

"We're cold, wet, Ray's homeless, and his voice is temporarily cooked, but other than that we're great." I heard my own bitterness and sighed. "Sorry, Brittany. What time is it anyway?"

"Time for you to die, vampire."

We all froze for an instant, just long enough to see the man emerge from the shadows, a crossbow in his hand. He had it aimed at my heart of course. Because Brent Westwood had had me on his most-wanted list for a long time. I sent Ray and Valdez mental messages. "I'm okay. Don't try to be heroes." My answer? Twin growls of rage. I put out my hands to try to physically restrain them. Yeah, like that would work. They did stay put temporarily. Probably trying to figure out a plan of attack that wouldn't get me skewered in the process.

"Westwood. Cool plan tonight. Too bad all you managed to do is start a very expensive bonfire." I kept my chin up and my voice steady. Good for me.

"You telling me not one monster fried?" Westwood sneered. "That's okay. I was just flushing them out anyway. I want my trophies, you know. Let me see your pretty fangs, vampire."

"Don't you know anything, vampire hunter? My fangs only come down when I smell mortal blood. Come closer and I bet they'll slide right down." I snarled for effect.

"What if I peg the dog there? Bet his blood would get you going." He swung his crossbow to aim it at Valdez and I could see his finger tightening on the trigger.

I didn't think, just sprang, leaping the thirty feet between us before Westwood could get off the shot. I didn't have time to savor the look of shock on his face as I jerked the crossbow from his hands and aimed it at his heart.

"Big mistake, Westwood, threatening my friends." I felt Brittany, Ray and Valdez at my back, but none of them touched me. I guess they realized this was my fight.

"You and your friends are dead, vampire." Westwood laughed, obviously a few cans short of a six-pack. "You don't think I was stupid enough to come alone, do you?"

"Maybe you didn't start out alone, but you are now." The voice coming out of the dark was smug. "Sorry, asshole, but your backup guys were easy takedowns. Just like you're gonna be. Take him, Glory."

I didn't think I could do it. Just kill a mortal in cold blood like that. I saw the necklace around Brent Westwood's neck with more than a dozen pairs of fangs. One set had belonged to MacTavish, a man I'd admired. Still I hesitated. Westwood obviously sensed it and suddenly tried to grab my hand. When he screamed, I realized I'd pulled the trigger.

"You got him, Glory!" Drac's cackle of triumph made me shudder.

I handed someone the crossbow and turned my face into Ray's chest. I was glad Westwood was finally dead, but wasn't sticking around for a victory dance. I heard Drac, Benny and Luke talking about the reward Blade had offered.

"Think he'll give it to you, Glory?" Benny wanted to know.

"I'm not interested." Somehow Ray had gotten me a few feet away from the body sprawled on the ground. "If you guys can clean up the, uh, scene, you can have whatever Jerry's offering." Jerry. Yes, I needed to see him. Ray's arms tightened around me and I realized he'd read my thoughts.

"Come on, Glory. It's been a rough night. Let's go. We've got only about an hour until the sun comes up." Ray carefully kept me away from Dracula's celebration. The smell of fresh blood did have my fangs down, but my stomach heaved. I felt Valdez's warm presence beside me and dug my fingers into his fur. Maybe I should be dancing around Westwood's remains. Instead, my legs felt limp and I stumbled. Ray swung me up and into his arms.

"Brittany, can you make sure"

"Yeah, boss, but send Drac's girlfriend if you can. Lily? She'll know what to do about cleaning up this mess. The car's that way, just a hundred yards or so down that hill, then up again. Can't miss it. She's there with Blade." I closed my eyes, tired to the bone.

"Come on, Glory girl. I think you're in shock. Valdez, you know where we're going. Lead the way." Ray carried me and I was glad to let him. I heard splashing and realized he was wading through water. The low-water crossing. Almost there. I finally opened my eyes and saw the SUV and Jerry standing there. Lily stood beside him.

"You can put me down now, Ray. Thanks. I guess I was in shock. That whole thing was pretty intense." I kissed his cheek.

"Anytime you need me, babe. I'm here." Ray eased me to my feet.

I turned and Jerry was right there.

"What happened? You look"

"Please don't finish that sentence. It'll only make me feel worse." I reached up and patted his cheek, then looked at his daughter.

"Lily, Drac and his crew have hit the jackpot. Brittany's with them. Valdez, would you take Lily back to the scene?"

"Sure thing, Blondie." Valdez bumped against me. "You okay note? You scared the hell out of me."

"Yep. We're survivors, aren't we? I guess I'd better quit calling you puppy." I smiled and, out of habit, rubbed his ear.

"I don't mind. It grew on me." He wagged his tail and loped off. Lily gave me a searching look, then hurried after him. It didn't take long to bring Jerry up to speed. He cursed, gathered me into his arms, and I think I even saw his eyes gleam. My Scotsman close to tears? Impossible. Must have been the moonlight. Finally, I could tell he wanted to go see Westwood for himself, but I made it clear that I'd seen enough of that horror show. He wasn't about to leave meespecially alone with Ray.

"Hey, give me the car keys. I'll drive Glory home. You can shift for yourself. Right, Blade?" Ray was all for taking the car and me himself. Valdez and Brittany were back, glad to leave clean up duties in Lily's experienced hands.

"Never mind. I'll hear all about it from Dracula tomorrow night." Jerry helped me into the car.

"Ray and Brittany are going to need a safe place to stay tonight, Jerry." I knew it would take a while to get arrangements made.

"My place is pretty small."

Ray grinned. "We've slept together before, Glory. No big deal. Right, Blade?"

"Forget it. Come to my house. I have spare rooms. All of you come to my house. Get in the car." Jerry opened the back door.

"Glory and I sleep together and it is a big deal. Right, Glory?" He winked at me. Yep, Jerry winked. Don't you love male competition?

"I'm in shock. So I think I'll just sit here and keep my mouth shut." I picked up my purse from the floor board and handed Ray my cell phone. "Ray, call Nate and let him know you're okay. Have him call your parents. If they see on the news that your house burned down, they'll worry themselves sick. And get him to call Barry too. To prepare a press release. Just that we got out all right and we're staying with friends."

"Look at you, Glory. Thinking like a rock star's fiancee every minute." Ray reached between the seats and squeezed my shoulder.

"She won't be your fiancee for long, Caine. You're about to be dumped on your rock-star ass." Jerry started the car and backed out of the driveway.

"If she does it right after my house burned down, she'll look like a heartless bitch. The tabloids will have a field day." Ray punched in some numbers. "Hey, Nate. You get Sienna home okay? Good. Listen. Bad news" I tuned out the rest of the conversation and turned to Jerry as he headed home. "You know Ray's right. I can't break off the engagement right now. It should wait a while. At least until he's set up in a new place."
