Read Books Novel

Real Vampires Have More to Love

“Wow. Is she kidding? I didn’t think Flo was afraid of anything or anyone.” Aggie was wide-eyed.

“Smart people, vamps, Sirens, whatever, are afraid of Simon Destiny. He’s got power on top of power. I’ve come up against it and almost didn’t live to tell about it.” I leaned against the table. “It’s kind of like that freeze thing you do. I bet your boss can do that to you. Am I right?” Aggie could freeze you in place, and you couldn’t even blink. It’s a skill I’d like to have, I tell you that.

“Yeah, and I hate it. You feel freakin’ helpless.” Aggie shuddered.

“Well, Simon can do it too. And he can read your mind past any block. Totally blows your defenses.” For once, Aggie and I were in sync.

“Bet he couldn’t read my mind.” Aggie’s chin went up.

“Not a bet I’d take.” I sighed, tentatively tried to sit on the stool and hopped up again. It was better, but it would take a day of vamp sleep before my bum would be 100 percent. I wished for my computer mirror upstairs. I just knew there was a boot print on one or both of my cheeks.

“I’m sure a throw-down between the Storm God and Simon would be quite a sight, but I wouldn’t want to be close by. Simon’s got a goddess backing him that’s from some part of the Underworld. So we tread carefully around the EVs. Unless we have no choice.” I grinned. “I almost skewered Simon once. To save Rafe. Simon’s never forgiven me. So I don’t trust him. I don’t doubt he’ll try to get even with me someday.”

“But you called him and sounded calm as can be.” Aggie actually sounded admiring. “Didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Don’t underestimate my BFF. Eh, Glory?” Flo stepped out of the bathroom, a vision in pale pink and lace. When Richard saw her in that, he’d swallow his tongue. “How I look?”

“Gorgeous. That’s your shower gift from me. Take it off and I’ll wrap it. Save it for your honeymoon.” I grinned and got up when I heard a knock at the back door. I knew who it was, could smell him through the door, but asked anyway. “Who is it?”

“Your long lost love, Glory. Who else?” Greg said cheerfully. “Why are there mortals with crossbows and your picture lurking in your alley, lady? Want me to take them out?”


“Get in here.” I grabbed Greg’s arm and dragged him inside, then slammed the door. “Are you crazy? How many are there?”

“Four. A leader and three bodyguards. That’s my take.” Greg grinned at Aggie. “Introduce me to this beautiful lady.”

“I won’t be doing her any favors, but, Aggie, this is Greg Kaplan, the creep I told you about who does grunt work for the EVs. Greg, Aglaophonos, a Siren who can freeze you in your tracks if you do her wrong, so behave yourself.” I don’t know why I bothered warning him; it would have served him right if he’d ended up a statue in the park across the street.

“Now, Glory, I’ve risen in the ranks at EV headquarters lately. And I’m not so bad once you get to know me.” He ignored Flo, who, muttering Italian curses obviously intended for him, had emerged from the bathroom dressed in her own clothes again. He smiled at Aggie. “Aggie, I’m sure you can make up your own mind about the men you meet.” Greg gave her his “I’ll seduce the panties off you, but I hope you’re not wearing any” look.

“I certainly can.” Aggie looked from me to Flo and back to Greg. “That freeze thing is no joke. I can turn you to what amounts to stone with a look, buddy boy.” She ran a red-painted fingernail down the front of his blue button-down shirt. “But that’s only in an emergency. Seems a shame to turn a hot guy into a cold statue.”

“Much as I enjoy watching the mating dance here, we’ve got a war party in the alley, and I’ve got an idea.” I tapped Greg on the shoulder. “Give me your cell phone.”

“Why?” He reached into his jeans pocket anyway, then sniffed. “Glory, anyone tell you your new perfume smells like maple syrup? When I was mortal, I loved the stuff.”

“Thanks. If I can’t eat, at least I can smell yummy. Now I assume your number is untraceable. Right?”

“Of course. Can’t have just anyone calling EV headquarters.” Greg grinned at Aggie. “You should come out there. It’s an amazing place. I’m sure you like water. We’ve got a creek and private pool where you can swim as nature intended.”

“Glory, I’m either going to throw up or toss Gregory out the door into the alley again. What are you going to do?” Flo shoved him out of the way and stepped to my side.

“Listen.” I hit 911 and pressed speaker phone.

“Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?”

“Oh, my gawd. Oh, my gawd. They’re going to kill us!”

“Slow down, miss. Where are you?”

“Sixth Street. Near the alley behind where I got my new tat and that coffee shop, Mugs and somethin’. Oh, yeah, Muffins! My boyfriend parked his bike there, and when we went to get it, this gang of guys were like hiding between the cars.”

“Did they threaten you?”

“Yeah, yeah! They had, oh, my gawd, spear guns. And Ronnie, he’s saying’ what’re they doin’ next to my bike? And wantin’ to take ’em on.” I sobbed noisily.

“Is anyone hurt?”

“Not yet ’cause I’m not lettin’ him get killed even though he’s got shit for brains. Oh, my gawd, oh, my gawd! They’re comin’ this way! They’ve got real guns too, not just those spear things.” I screamed Ronnie’s name.

“Miss, please stay on the line. Help is on the way.”

I yelled “No!” then slammed the phone shut.

“Bravo! I forgot you were an actress, Glory.” Greg clapped.

“I want to see what happens when the polizia come.” Flo laughed, and even Aggie grinned.

“Let’s go out through the front and hit the roof. We should have a great view of the action from there.” I opened the door into the shop and told the clerk I was taking off for a while. There were a couple customers in the store, and we got a few curious looks as we hurried through, my boots squeaking when they stuck to the floor. A quick glance assured me that there wasn’t anyone suspicious out front, so David Westwood must have concentrated on the alley this go-round.

I punched in the security code, then we ran up the stairs just as we heard sirens coming down Sixth Street. It wasn’t an uncommon sound in this area, and I’m sure David ignored it, figuring there was trouble farther down the street.

We’d just settled on the roof when police cars screeched to a halt at both ends of the alley. Uniformed officers wearing bulletproof vests hopped out and crouched behind vehicles, shouting for the men hunkered down near the Dumpster and my car to lay down their weapons and come out with their hands up.

David cursed and threw down his crossbow. His men tossed guns and rifles into a pile, and I shivered. All this to take me out? Flo put her arm around me.

“You outsmarted them, mia amica.”

“This time.” I leaned against her.

Flo sniffed. “You do smell funny. And walked funny out of the shop, like you’re hurting. You want to explain?”

“Maybe later. Look!” I pointed to a man behind the police cars and the officers assigned to keep the interested crowd back while Westwood’s gang was being handcuffed.

“I’m worried about you, Glory.” Flo wasn’t giving up.

“But it’s Jerry!” I concentrated and sent him a mental message. We were pretty far up, but he should be able to hear me.

“He sees us!” Flo hugged me. “Now I feel better. He’ll come, and you can tell him what’s wrong.” She glanced at Aggie and Greg, who were whispering. “Those two chummy? I don’t like it.”

“Aggie’s a big girl, and she can be mean as a snake. Remember? She can handle Greg.” I had my own worries. Aggie wasn’t even in the top ten. Flo was right. Jerry had glanced up and nodded. Message received. Now he was talking to a policeman and giving the silent prisoners who’d asked for a lawyer a narrow-eyed look. Reading minds.

The men still weren’t wearing the vamp-detecting glasses. Why not? Had Brent kept those a secret? All his guards had worn them. If the innovation had died with Brent, it was an unexpected advantage to us. If these guys had worn the glasses and noticed Jerry was a vampire . . . Well, what would they have done? Yelled “Fangs!”? In front of the police, who were already interested in why they were hanging out in the alley with my picture and weapons?

Oops. My picture. I bet the cops would come calling to ask me about that. I’d have to make up a story. And what would David’s story be? Spurned lover? That would make him a stalker. Of course he could afford the sharpest lawyers and would probably get off with a plea bargain and community service. His best bet would be temporary insanity. He could point to his daddy’s vampire-hunting Web site. Claim the crazy ran in the family. I heard the door to the roof open. Jerry was here.

Greg’s body language changed from seducer to warrior in an instant. Obviously he remembered that Blade wasn’t a fan of the EVs or their representatives.

“Aggie and I are going down to my car to try some samples. What she doesn’t want for her shower, she’ll leave for you at the shop.” Greg finally acknowledged Flo with a tight smile. “Florence, guess you should come with us. These are for your parties after all.”

Flo glanced from me to Jerry’s grim face. “Glory, that okay with you?”

“Sure. Make a list of what you like.” I smiled at her. “Jerry and I need to talk. I’ll be fine, right, Jer?”

“Of course.” Jerry nodded. “Florence, Aggie.” He didn’t acknowledge Greg. “Be careful, ladies. If you need me, give me a mental shout. I’d be more than happy to eliminate any problems.” He gave Greg a warning stare.
