Read Books Novel

Real Vampires Live Large

“You are okay, aren’t you, Richard?” He was an inch from invading my space but I was not leaning away from him. He just stared at me, a little something interesting in his eyes before he stepped back and smiled again.

“Of course I am, Gloriana. I’m your friend, if you’ll let me be. Even though you practically destroyed my ride.”

“A ride that was parked illegally.” Okay, a slight exaggeration. “But I said I’d make things right and I will.” Uh-oh. Why did Richard’s smile suddenly make me nervous?

“You know I’m staying with Blade now.”

“Where else?” He had a look that made me want to get all defensive again. Like I had to run to Blade for every little thing? But a burned-out shop was not a little thing.

“I have other friends. Damian offered me a place to stay.”

“Yes. Florence is there.” He got another look in his eyes. Hard this time, like he had a score to settle there.

“You and Flo—”

“Are done. We go our own ways now.” He definitely was nursing some feelings and not warm and fuzzy ones either. I don’t know what went down between the two, but the ending had not been mutual or friendly.

“So I’ll call you. When I’m moved back in.” I jumped off the table. “I know I owe you. I’m sorry about the damage and I’ll make good on it. Somehow.”

“That’s all I ask.” And with a wink, he was gone.

I set about sorting laundry again, but the stench of scorched clothing had my head pounding in about five minutes. I said good bye to my ghosts, gathered up my dog and headed for Blade ’s. I needed a bath, a cold glass of Fangtastic and Blade, not necessarily in that order.

"I have a surprise for you, Glory.”

I sighed and rubbed Blade’s cheek. I was sated, again. And couldn’t quite open my eyes. “Surprise? Like the picnic in the garden? I could go for some more strawberries.” I felt his smile before I finally looked at him.

“No, something a bit more tangible.” He rolled out of bed and pulled on his jeans. “Cover yourself and I’ll show you.”

I blatantly stretched, as sensuously as I could make it, and posed at the angle that made the best of my overabundant curves.

“You sure you want me to cover myself?”

“Quit distracting me, lass. I’m leaving tomorrow night and we need to get this settled.”

Leaving? I snatched up the sheet and held it under my chin. “Where are you going? Why tomorrow? I’m traumatized. I need your . . .” I dropped the sheet again. “Comfort.”

Blade was beside me in a flash. “You will always have my . . .” He drew a finger around one of my nipples, making me shiver.

“Comfort.” He leaned down and kissed me with enough energy to make me pull him down on top of me again. Can we say insatiable? Me, him, maybe all vamps now that I think about it.

“Stop. I’m serious.” He leaped off of me and moved to the end of the bed. Like he needed the distance to keep his thoughts together. Excellent.

“Okay, okay.” I pulled up the sheet again. “Where are you going? After Westwood?” I’d figured out that it was only a matter of time. I’d had Jerry practically stuck to me like glue for almost a week. He’d even wielded a broom to help me clear out the worst of the mess in my shop.

“Aye. I have a lead. Mara and I need to pursue it.”

Of course he’d take Mara with him. She’d insist on it. I should be just as determined to put a period to the hunter’s existence. But I had a business to resurrect. And, while revenge is sweet, it’s not my be-all and end-all if you know what I mean.

“Where do you think he went?” I found my black lace nightgown and dropped it over my head. It was sexy enough that Blade actually stepped a little closer.

“Africa.” He shook his head. “Put on a robe. I’m bringing in your surprise now.”

“Africa? That’s so far away.” I stood and walked up to him. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’m counting on it.” He pulled me to him and held me for a minute.

I felt so close to him. And not just physically. I hugged him and breathed in his essence. Maybe it was because he ’d made me what I am, but Jerry was the only man I’d ever felt so connected with. At least when I wasn’t on the verge of killing him.

“Now.” Blade stepped back and pulled the terry robe from the wad of comforter and sheets at the foot of the bed. “Cover yourself. I don’t want to start this relationship on the wrong foot.”

“Start a relationship?” I tied the robe at the waist and sat on the end of the bed. “Who or what are you talking about?”

“You’ve been in danger, Gloriana. I’ve had concerns about your security for some time.” Blade was looking pretty serious.

“Hey, I’ve got Valdez. We do pretty well. And I did save myself on Halloween. Or have you already forgotten?”

“I’ll never forget that. You almost—” Blade rubbed his face, like he was actually tearing up and didn’t want me to see it. Gee. When he put it like that, I felt a little queasy. I’d had the business end of a stake poking my left breast. One false move . . .

“My heart stopped that night.”

You had to love that kind of declaration. I smiled, threw my arms around him and rubbed his back. “Hey, any damage I got healed almost instantly. Remember, I’m tougher than I look.”

Blade gripped my shoulders and looked down at me. “I never want to see you in such peril again.”

“Now you’re sounding like one of those heroes in a romance novel.” I love those things. Especially the paranormal ones. The things they think vamps do. What a hoot.

“I mean what I say, Glory. I’ve decided to double your guard.”


"Double ...” I extracted myself from his arms and sat down again. “Two dogs? Or something else? Come on, Jerry. It’s hard enough living with Valdez. We’ve worked out our relationship pretty well. But it took a while and I’m not in any hurry to go through that again. Besides, I need my privacy.”

“You need protection.” Blade strode to the door and flung it open. A dog sat in the hall. A cute dog, with wavy white fur and startling green eyes. Green eyes that promised mischief and reminded me . . .

“Who the hell is this . . . this wolf in sheep’s clothing?”

“You know him. Doesn’t she, Will?” Blade gestured for the dog to pad into the room.

“Aye, though it’s been a century or two.” The dog sat in front of me and casually scratched behind one ear. “Damned mutt ye’ve got workin’ for her already is loaded with fleas. I’ll not be sufferin’ this kind of treatment.” He didn’t talk in my head, like Valdez did. No, this one moved his lips. It was bizarre. And if this was who I thought it was, I was putting up a hell of a fight before I took

him on as bodyguard.

“You’ll suffer what is necessary to take care of Gloriana, Will, if you want to earn your reward.”

“You didn’t bring William Kilpatrick into this house, did you?” Mara was in the doorway, Valdez right beside her.

“I did.” Blade turned to smile at her. “I’d think it would do you good to see your brother as a dog.”

“Appropriate perhaps. But I’d rather not lay eyes on him at all. He’s a cur who does nothing but disgrace the family.”

This from a woman who was a blood-sucking vampire. Made you wonder just what it would take to disgrace a pedigree like that.

“We don’t need Kilpatrick here, Blade. I’m more than capable of taking care of Glory by myself.” Valdez came close to lean against my leg. “Tell him, Glory. We do okay, don’t we?”

“Yes, we do. I already told him that.” I glared at the dog that had jumped up on his sister, practically knocking her over. He wasn’t any bigger than Valdez, but he obviously had some vamp strength going on.

“Down, you oaf.” She pushed until he sat at her feet, tail thumping the carpet.

“Where’s the love, sis?” He glanced at me. “Hey, Glory, lass, ye’re lookin’ well rested.”

Well rested. Translation: I had a severe case of bed head, no makeup and looked like hell.

“You expect me to let one of the Kilpatricks invade my space?” And this Kilpatrick in particular wasn’t exactly on the top of my list for potential roommates. Will was a wild child, Mara was right about that. And he chased anything female. He’d cornered me a time or two when we’d first met at Campbell Castle, treating me like the lightskirt all actresses were thought to be back then. In dog form, he was cute. In human form . . . Well, let’s just say he was pretty hard to resist and he knew it. But I’d resisted him. His air of superiority, like I should be honored to do him, had made it easy.

“Aw, now, Gloriana. You know you always had a soft spot for me.” Will nudged Valdez and tried to get closer to me. Growls that made the hair stand up on my arms promised an all-out doggy war.

Blade wasn’t tolerating it. “Enough. You’ll both take care of Gloriana. And she’s your mistress in this, as always, Valdez.”

“Mistress? Is this a sweet deal or what?” Will laid his muzzle on my knee. “Remember me now, sweetheart?”

“Vividly. And I’m still immune.” I pushed his face away and stood. “This is ridiculous. I don’t want or need another guard. Send this . . . beast back to whatever rock he crawled out from under.”

“Glory’s right.” Mara was obviously not struck with brotherly love. “Get out, Will. Don’t let the door hit your tail on the way out.”

“Stop this!” Blade’s voice was a thunderclap. “You’ll all get along. Or answer to me.” He pulled me to his side. I thought about resisting. Don’t you just hate the way he issues orders? But while Blade would never hurt me, he was still one scary dude when he was riled.
