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Real Vampires Live Large

“That’s sweet. And you were both magnificent. Really. But can we end this standoff now and give me some privacy? Please?” I sighed. “I had a VV experience, but I’m better now. Really. Let me get dressed.” I saw Richard grab his shirt and shrug it on. And now I owed him a pair of pants. His were shredded beyond repair.

“VV? Where’d you get it? Did this asshole drug you?” Valdez jumped off the bed, in warrior mode again, his growl making even me shiver.

“No. The Fangtastic Simon sent must have been drugged. It turned me into a horny wild woman.”

“You don’t need a drug for that. Or at least not with the right guy.” Valdez chuffed and gave Richard a “go to hell” look. Oh, yeah, he’d heard me a time or two or dozen with Blade. Through closed doors, walls, hell, I’ve been know to shatter glass a half block away when in the throes. (Just kidding.)

“Thanks a lot. But you can critique my love life later. Now get out in the hall. Since I don’t have a door now, you’ll have to stand guard. I need to take care of Richard’s wound.”

It was Will’s turn to snort. “I expect some combat pay after this. To have to listen to Glory get her groove on . . . ” He trotted after Valdez toward the hall door. “Man, I don’t know how you’ve handled it year after year. Valdez, the woman’s a screamer.”

I jumped up and closed the bedroom door then turned to study Richard. He stared at me, his eyes gleaming, pupils dilated as I’m sure my own were. Oops, still naked. I pulled the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around me.

“You’re awfully quiet. Mad at me?” I bent down to check out his leg. A pretty nasty gash, but healing already. “I’m so sorry. Sit down. You’d already given me blood and now—”

“I feel it inside me, Glory. The VV. It plays with your mind and . . . ” Richard touched himself. Oh, yes, he was still hard and horny. “Holy Mother of God, but I want you.” He grabbed my arms and hauled me up against him. The sheet hit the floor.

“No, Richard, that’s the drug talking.”

He shut me up with a kiss that stole my breath. Then he backed me toward the bed.

“Stop it. This isn’t going to happen.” I shoved and Richard stopped. But he still had a wild look in his eyes.

“I don’t like it, Glory. This feeling. Don’t like that I can’t control it. But I need . . . you. Help me.”

“I . . . I understand, Richard. But I also know this isn’t the way it should happen between us. If it ever does.” And maybe I did still have some VV in me, because I was almost willing to martyr myself for the “help Richard get his rocks off” cause. He looked so tempting, standing there with his shirt hanging open and his pants riding low. I held up my hands when he came toward me again. “No, Richard. I know what you’re feeling. You need release. But I can’t do it for you.”

Richard growled and kept coming. I scrambled over the bed, out of reach, and fell against my dresser. A box of powder hit the floor and flew everywhere. I sneezed, then grabbed a lamp and held it over my head.

“Back off, Richard, or you’ll be wearing a lampshade and not in a fun, party way.”

Richard finally stopped, took a breath and ran his hands through his hair. “What the hell am I doing?”

“You’re not doing anything. The VV is doing it. Drink some Fangtastic, my old stuff, maybe you can dilute the effects. ”

Richard looked down at the erection straining his pants and glanced at the kitchen. “Son of a bitch. I can’t believe that crap.”

“I guess Simon hoped I’d get hooked, so he sent me a sample. Then, when his minion came calling again, I’d be hot to trot.”

“I’ve never felt anything like it.” Richard limped toward the kitchen. “No wonder people get addicted.”

“Do you think it’s all tainted?” I bit back a moan. Primo Fangtastic polluted. What a waste.

“We’d better pour it down the drain.”

I ran after him. “Don’t be hasty. Surely not all of the bottles have been tampered with.”

He twisted the top off a bottle and sniffed, then wrinkled his nose. “Sorry, Gloriana, but I don’t think we can take a chance.” He upended it over the sink.

“Wait! Let me see if I can smell the difference. Then I can just do this one at a time. Sniff and drink or sniff and dump. ” I grabbed the half empty bottle from him and inhaled. I know I’m a broken record on the subject, but is there anything as intoxicating as AB negative? And that’s all I could smell. No subversive substance. Just delicious, ready to drink—

“Stop it, Gloriana. Obviously you’re too susceptible to this blood type to be objective.” He grabbed the bottle and emptied it.

“Maybe you’re right, but I swear I can’t smell that stupid VV.” I grabbed his arm. “Slow down, Richard. Maybe we should—”

He gave me a questioning look. “Hooked already, Glory?”

“I’ll show you hooked.” I grabbed a bottle and twisted off the top, then watched the rich red flow down the drain. Twenty-two bottles later and I felt drained. Richard was acting the self-righteous bastard and I wanted to bash him over the head with the empties. He even rinsed out the sink and checked the fridge, like he thought I’d already become an addict and was holding some back for later. Trust me, the VV had really worn off because this Richard was about as appealing as roadkill. He tossed all the bottles into a trash bag and tied the top closed. What? He didn’t trust me not to lick the bottles? Sure enough, he dumped the sack down the garbage chute at the end of the hall.

“I can’t believe you did that to us.” Will had sniffed the sack, then followed Richard all the way to the chute and back. “First we have to listen to Glory shouting hallelujah, then you toss all the good stuff without giving me so much as a taste? Man, are you twisted.”

Valdez nipped Will’s ear. “Shut up. Glory’s still not right. That stuff’s poison.”

“Poison. Yeah, the VV sure is. But excuse me if I don’t do a happy dance that all the AB neg is gone. I know it had to be done, but I can have a moment to mourn, can’t I?” I sat on the couch and put my feet up on the coffee table. I had powder between my toes. At least it smelled good, but I’d left footprints from the bedroom to the kitchen and back to the couch. “Will, I hope you know how to run a vacuum.” I put a hand to my suddenly aching head. “And Glory’s always right. You’d both do well to remember that.”

“You tossed the VV along with the Fangtastic? You have any idea what that Viagra might go for on the open market? ” Will trotted into the kitchen like he hoped to find a forgotten bottle, then out again.

“There is no open market for that drug. You try peddling it and Simon Destiny will hand you your tail on a platter, my friend. ”

Richard had his hands in front of him, like maybe he could hide that giant erection he still sported. God, it had to hurt. I felt sorry for him. At least my ache was inside, not out there for all of us to see. And I also felt a warm rush of gratitude. Until he’d had the VV himself, he’d been a pillar of moral fiber. I couldn’t imagine any other male vampire turning down a naked woman begging for it. Of course I’d shown some backbone of my own, turning him down. Hah!

“I could have saved the VV. For when I’m done being dog of the month.” Will sat down and scratched.

“A month? Is that all you’re signed on for?” I swear Valdez and I would have high-fived if he’d had five. I grinned at him and he wagged his tail.

“I’m not feeling the love here. ” Will looked at the stereo. “And what’s with the sad music? Don’t you have any rap or Beyoncé?”

I glared at him. Was the Beyoncé thing a coincidence? I checked out Richard. Yeah, if Beyoncé had waved her breasts in his face he probably would have been shouting his own hallelujah. Whatever. My head was killing me.

“I have a giant headache. A sort of hangover, I guess.”

“Close your eyes, Glory. Let me help you feel better.” Richard stepped behind me and put his hands on my head. I grabbed the remote, which had landed next to the sofa, and turned off the stereo.

I really was in pain. Both dogs were an interested audience when Richard pressed his fingers over my eyebrows. I sighed as the pain vanished between one breath and the next.

“He’s good. I wonder how he does that.” Will nudged my knee. “The headache really gone?”

“You bet.” I opened my eyes and then reached up to clasp Richard’s fingers. “Thanks.”

“Am I forgiven?” he said as he held onto my hands but stayed behind me.

“For what? Nothing happened.” I let go of his hands and gave the dogs a mental message to make themselves scarce. They both headed down the hallway to Flo’s bedroom and I heard the door slam.

“Sorry about the dog attack.”

“I’ll live. Simon has a hell of a nerve, sending his drugs here. I’m sure Florence has no idea what her lover is up to.”

“She’s obviously not thinking straight.” I watched Richard pick up the apartment door and lean it against the wall.

“You need to get this fixed immediately.”

“I’ll call Damian. He can send over his handy man during the day tomorrow. ” I shook my head. “About the dancing . . . Rain check?”

“Definitely.” Richard slid his hands around me to snug me up against him. Oh, yeah, he still wanted me bad. I looked down. “Is that the VV or—” He kissed me. It was a hungry, demanding kiss. When he tried to move us toward the bedroom, I pushed him away.

“Answer me, Richard. Is your mind clear? Do you want me or is the drug doing your thinking for you?”

Richard shook his head. “Damn it, Glory. I don’t know.”

“Wrong answer, Richard.” I shoved him out into the hall and wished I had a door I could slam in his face. Would it have killed him to say “Oh, Glory, you’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen, of course I want you”? He obviously read my mind because he winced and ran his hands through his hair.
