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Rebel (Renegades #2)(22)
Author: Skye Jordan

“Hands down,” Lexi ordered.

Rubi rolled her eyes and dropped her arms.

Lexi tugged the fabric of the panties at Rubi’s hip. Jax’s rich voice floated up to the loft from where he sat at the desk downstairs in the main studio of LaCroix Designs, Lexi’s couture wedding dress storefront, talking on the phone. Lexi took the extra fabric at Rubi’s hip between her fingers, pinned it, then measured it with the tape measure hanging around her hip and removed the pin, jotting the numbers on a tablet.

“Quarter turn,” Lexi said. “You’re going to make it to see the house day after tomorrow, right?”

Rubi crossed her arms to keep them out of Lexi’s way. “Yes. How many does this make now?”

Lexi shot her a look from her spot on the floor and muttered around the pins between her lips, “Eight.”

Jax wanted Lexi to move in with him, but his Malibu house was too far from Lexi’s studio to be practical. He’d talked her into looking at houses with him, but the whole thing made Lexi as jittery as Wes made Rubi. In this way, they were similar. Their scare-levels of commitment might differ—for Lexi it was the financial commitment, for Rubi, the emotional commitment—but the fear was the same.

“What’s going on with you and Wes?”

Rubi’s jitters returned, and she had to fight to keep still. “I don’t know. It’s…maddening. He’s maddening. I keep pushing him away, and he finds all kinds of manipulative ways to get even closer. He’s a conniving little shit.”

Lexi laughed as Rubi made another quarter turn and Lexi smoothed her fingers across the lace band over Rubi’s hips. “You like him.”

A little too much girly giddiness filled Lexi’s voice and sent an uncomfortable shiver down Rubi’s spine. “Of course I like him. I wouldn’t hang out with all of you if I didn’t. We’re great as friends, but you know I’m not going to stay with one guy. We both know what happens when I try that.”

“We know what used to happen. You’re a different woman than you were five years ago. Don’t try to feed me that shit.”

“It’s not shit. It’s real. And I’m not that different. Even the thought of a week down the line sets off an anxiety attack.”

“I get it,” Lexi said. “I feel the same thing. Daily. But you work through it. One day at a time. Because a good relationship is worth it.”

“I’m not you, Lex.”

She laughed softly, shaking her head. “No, you’re so much stronger. So much smarter. So much…more.”

The affection in Lexi’s voice warmed Rubi. She thought back to the same loving tone in Wes’s voice and her chest tightened up. Frustration clenched her jaw. She didn’t want to feel like this. She just did. And the lack of control over her emotions added fuel to her self-directed anger.

“He’s suggesting a friends-with-benefits arrangement,” Rubi said.

Lexi’s fingers paused. Her big blue eyes held surprise and disbelief as they lifted to Rubi’s. “Wes?”

“Yeah, that was my reaction.”

Lexi pushed to her feet and folded a pucker in each bra cup, pinning it. “Okay, corset’s next.”

Rubi stepped into Lexi’s tiny bathroom and changed the bra and panties for a corset and new panties. Every piece in Lexi’s signature line was done in crimson leather. Buttery soft, thin, embossed crimson leather, and the feel and scent made Rubi high.

She squeezed her boobs into the push-up cups and held the sides as she returned, her high heels clicking over the hardwood floor. She turned her back to Lexi, who tightened the crisscross lacing along the spine. Rubi faced her, and Lexi lowered to her knees again.

“I can’t really see a friends-with-benefits thing working with you two,” Lexi said. “I mean…” She shook her head, shrugged. “Shit, I wish you’d just go for it with him.”

“That’s your romantic side talking, not your realistic side.”

“How is that not realistic? You’ve never gotten along better with someone. Never been so close with a man for so long with such good results. In some ways you two are so alike it’s frightening. In others you’re so opposite you complement each other perfectly.”

“You’re kinda freaking me out. Can’t you just tell me it’s the stupidest idea ever and leave it at that?”

“I think friends with benefits is the stupidest idea ever, how’s that?”

Rubi closed her eyes and made a supremely frustrated sound in her throat. “You’re right. And it’s not what he wants. I don’t know why he’d suggest it.”

When she made the final turn to face Lexi again, her friend was staring thoughtfully up at her. “He’s either testing new waters—which is rather obvious by going for you and not one of his typical sweet girls—”

“Hey.” Rubi laughed out the word.

“You know what I mean. Or…he’s looking to hook up with you because you’re hot, and he wants to tide himself over until he finds another one of those sweet girls to settle with.”

“True.” Rubi’s lips twisted in consideration. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”

“Or”—Lexi pushed to her feet—“he’s as crazy about you as you are about him, and he’s taking what you’re willing to give because a spoonful of Ben and Jerry’s is better than nothing.”

“Would you stop saying I’m crazy about—”

“If Bolton starts another fight tonight”—Wes’s angry voice pierced the space between the studio’s main floor and the loft—“I’m quitting this f**king movie, dude.”

“Shit.” Rubi stiffened. “What’s he doing here?”

“I don’t know. But Jax told me MacKenzie wants him to watch Bolton again tonight.”

A ribbon of unease followed the lacing down Rubi’s spine. “Not a great idea.”

“I know this sucks,” Jax said from below. “But MacKenzie had a long talk with him today. He’s promised to be on his best behavior.”

“Then he doesn’t need a f**king chaperone.” Wes tossed back.

Rubi stepped up to the railing.

“At least come with me, dude,” Wes said. “Go change and grab Lexi and get a night out. Then you can save him when I’ve got my hands around his neck.”
