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Rebel (Renegades #2)(48)
Author: Skye Jordan

A sound of surprise rolled up his throat. A sound that quickly turned into a growl of such intense need, Wes’s mind whited out. “Baby…baby…” He panted between words. “I’m gonna… I can’t…fuck…”

The orgasm exploded at the center of his hips, raced up his spine and flashed through his chest. His balls squeezed, his c**k surged, his ass clenched, driving him forward, and Wes gushed into the hot, dark, soft, succulent, tight recesses of her mouth.

Pleasure–rich, thrilling, decadent–slammed through him in wave after wave of heat. “Fuck, f**k, f**k.”

He couldn’t keep his voice down. Couldn’t control the sounds he made. His brain was gone, and Wes struggled to get a sliver of it back, but it kept slipping away, and in the end, he gave himself over to the ravage of his orgasm. One that lasted longer and reached deeper, than the one in the shower the night before.

He didn’t remember the moment his knees gave, but he slid to the floor, pulling from Rubi’s mouth at the same time. He landed on his ass, panting. “Holy… Shit…” He dropped his head against the door, his eyes falling closed. He couldn’t do more than grope for Rubi’s hand and curl his fingers around it. “Rubi…Christ…”

His body felt as if it had been infused with champagne, every cell fizzing.

He cracked his lids, glanced over her satisfied grin. Her tongue lazed over her bottom lip.

“You taste as good as I imagined,” she said, reaching forward to run her fingers through his sweat-dampened hair. “And you’re so f**king sexy coming in my mouth.”

“You don’t have to say that.” He forced his other hand up and ran the back of his finger against her cheek. “Even without it, that would have been the best I’ve ever had. With, it was…un-fucking-believable.”

She closed her hand around his and pulled it low on her body. “Want to feel how much I love sucking you?”

Her hand pushed his beneath the waistband of her shorts and between her legs. She stroked his fingers against her panties.

She was drenched, right through the silk. His mind stirred back to life and he eased the band of her panties aside to touch deeper. Her body licked his fingertips, opened to take them in, then closed snuggly around them.

“You’re…wicked,” Wes managed to whisper. “And I love it.”

Rubi’s lids went heavy, and her hand tightened over his. “Make me come.”

“Oh, yeah.” He shifted with the intent of pushing her to her back and taking all that deliciousness in his mouth. “Fuck yeah.”

Before he could even get her button undone, footsteps sounded on the steps again, followed by a purposeful knock, and Rachel’s annoyed voice. “All right you two. I know you’re in there. I have witnesses. Pull up your pants and let me in. Some of us have work to do.”

Wes groaned in disappointment. He reluctantly pulled his hand from between her legs. Rubi leaned forward and kissed him, whispering, “Later.”

His heart flipped. His chest tightened. Later was promising.

Another knock.

“Hold the f**k on, Rachel,” Wes said. “My zipper’s stuck.”

Rubi and Rachel burst out laughing at the same time. Wes tucked himself away, fastened up, and pushed to his feet. Blood rushed to his head, and he swayed, grabbing the doorknob for balance. Rubi’s laugh rose in pitch, more like a giggle. Something he’d never imagined coming out of her.

She moved to the refrigerator and pulled out two bottles of water as Wes opened the door. Little sweet Rachel barged past him, stopped in the middle of the room, and took a deep breath. “God, I love the smell of sex. Probably because I don’t get any.”

A laugh rolled out of Wes. She was just messing with them.

She waved dismissively to him. “Dirty deed is done, go away now.”

Wes’s face heated, and he rubbed it with both hands, groaning. “Rachel—”

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell Jax.” She glanced at him over the rim of her glasses. “This time.”

“Fies-tay,” Rubi intoned playfully, handing Wes one of the bottles and uncapping her own to take a deep drink, reminding him of what she’d just done to him. Those after-awesome-sex sizzles kicked up again. “That’s our Rachel.”

“Not, evidently, as feisty as you,” she said, shooting a look at Rubi. “If I were, I might get laid once in a while.”

Rubi laughed easily, as if getting caught didn’t bother her in the least…but then he realized who he was applying that social taboo to and mentally rolled his eyes at himself. She strolled to Rachel’s desk, reached over, and pulled the clip from the other girl’s hair. A mass of chestnut waves fell around her pixie face, transforming Rachel from cute to…double-take pretty.

“Rubi!” Rachel half laughed, half cried, grabbing for the clip.

“Now that’s my little grasshopper.” Rubi stood back, grinning. “Leave all that gorgeous hair down a little more often around here, and I bet you lunch, you get asked out twice as often. Might even get some.”

Wes only half listened to them. Relief and pleasure streamed through his body. He wanted a nap. Curled up with Rubi.

She turned, picked up the rig from the other desk, and faced him. “Now…let’s discuss your other awesome rig.”

His elation slowly drained. He watched Rubi pick up the rig from the corner desk, stuffed his hands into his pockets, and stopped beside her.

“So what’s the urgency?” she asked, her gaze appraising the rig with keen interest.

His gut tensed. He wasn’t worried about her being upset that he was leaving, but he did worry her newfound interest in taking that next step in their relationship could evaporate in his absence.

He cleared his throat and explained Bolton’s problems and the problems that created for Renegades and filming.

“So, I’m going to have time on my hands until Bolton gets out of rehab.” A fist curled around his gut. “If I’m going to see Wyatt and bring him the rig, I’m going to have to go in the next couple of days.”

Rubi lowered the rig so fast, it hit the desk with a crack. Her head turned sharply toward Wes, and the look in her eyes made that fist in his gut turn to ice.

“You’re leaving?” Her voice wavered between surprise and frustration. But it was the edge of vulnerability that sliced through him. “Just like that?”
