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Rebel (Renegades #2)(50)
Author: Skye Jordan

Rodie pushed to his feet, tail wagging fiercely, ears perked. His whines picked up volume and pitch. Frowning, Rubi peered out the door. A figure jogged their direction. She narrowed her eyes on her dog—the animal who loved no one but Rubi. The animal that growled and threatened everyone who came within half a mile of the house.

She crossed her arms and glared down at Rodie. He was acting completely normal. His lighthearted, happy self. Rubi shook her head and muttered, “You little traitor.”

His paws were up against the glass before Wes was within half a mile, wearing nothing but swim trunks.

She rubbed the back of her neck and slid open the door, then the screen. Rodie let out a bark and took off toward Wes, ignoring a pair of Labradors walking with a man the other direction.

“Hey there, buddy,” Wes called to Rodie as the dog approached, then dropped to his knees in the sand. Rodie jumped on him, paws on Wes’s shoulders, licking his face. Wes’s head tilted back, and laughter rolled from his throat, the deep, rich sound tingling through Rubi’s body. “Seems like you’re feeling pretty good.”

Rubi shook her head and touched the Mute button to sign off the call with the others. She was pulling the earpiece off when he looked up and spotted her standing in the doorway. Even several yards away now, she could see the joy in his smile.

Her stomach took a tumble, then squeezed, spurting adrenaline through her upper body. And this time when she tuned in to the emotions, there were far more what-ifs? than “no ways.”

He stood, flung the Frisbee toward Rubi’s house, and Rodie took off after it. Wes followed. Rubi left the door open for him and returned to the living room to check on the program. Rodie trotted into the house first, a red Frisbee clutched in his mouth, his deep brown eyes sparkling and a bounce in his step.

Wes appeared a moment later, his swim trunks covered in big red Hawaiian flowers on a white background contrasting with his tanned skin—all that tanned skin wrapping his muscles.

He crouched in front of Rodie again, taking his face in both hands. “He looks good. Is he eating okay? Drinking water?”

“Yes,” she said, shooting him a lightly disgusted look. “Little faker perked right up when your name was mentioned.”

The concern vanished from his expression, replaced by a wide grin and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Told you he’d love me.”

Rubi returned her gaze to the screen with a smirk.

He rounded the sofa to stand behind her and pressed his hands to her shoulders. With her upper body clad in only a bikini top, his palms were hot and slightly rough. The sensation flashed her back in time, to the feel of his fingers inside her. God, he’d known just where, just how to touch her. Warmth spread low in her body.

His fingers flared over the back of her neck, exposed with her hair in a loose, messy twist. She closed her eyes and let out a long breath of relief.

“Baby, you’re all knotted up.” His voice registered guilt. “Have you been working on this all day?”

“Had to. We need time to test it. And, honestly, Wes, this is a total experiment. I don’t know if it’s such a great idea to use it on someone who just had surgery.”

“Everything in the world starts as an experiment.” He rubbed her shoulders. “The physical therapist knows all about the rig, and she’s consulted with Wyatt’s surgeon. But I didn’t realize it was going to be so time-consuming for you. I know when someone needs a break, and someone recently taught me all about getting rid of this tension.”

His thumbs made small circles, spreading relief down her neck. She let out a breathy moan and sank back on the sofa. Wes pressed a thumb to the knot. Rubi’s moan transitioned to a whimper.

“Don’t tense against me.” He repeated the words she’d said to him when she’d massaged the knots from his neck, but added a thick layer of suggestion. “Let go,” he murmured, leaning close to kiss the back of her neck. “Let your body respond to me.”

She sighed and let more tension out of her muscles. Within seconds, the knot melted beneath his thumb. Rubi groaned with relief. “Oh my God. You’re a quick learner.”

Her computer pinged, signaling the completed transfer. “Done. Shall we give it a try?”

“You’re incredible.” He came around the sofa and took the rig she handed to him. As he swung it around his hips, Rubi lowered to her knees and reached for the straps.

“I added a few variations in the program with the exercises you sent me.” She pointed to the e-mail he’d sent earlier that day. “Go in order. But don’t expect much. It’s on the lowest power setting.”

She shifted to sit on the coffee table while Wes stretched out on the sofa. He pulled his knees to his chest. Did a few leg lifts. A few stretches. “I can barely feel it.”

“Good. He’ll use this setting later in his recovery, when his muscles are strong and he doesn’t need as much help. Roll to your side, and I’ll put in the strongest program. He’ll use this one first.”

Wes rolled away from Rubi. She opened the compartment near his spine where she’d had a friend insert a special relay and port for the micro discs.

“I’m a little worried about this one,” she said as he lay back again. “Move very slow and don’t put much effort into your muscles.”

He laced his fingers behind his head and watched his right knee as he pulled it into his body. With barely more effort than the tension of his muscle, the rig responded. The motor revved, hinge turned, straps lifted his leg.

“Whoa.” His eyes widened, and he grinned.

“Is that a good whoa or a bad whoa?”

“It’s…powerful.” He tested out more movements. “It’s like…man, like I’m not using any muscle at all. Like the rig is doing all the work.”

A flash of excitement made Rubi squeal. She clapped her hands. “That’s exactly the way it’s supposed to work.”

“Christ, you’re adorable.” Wes sat up, reaching for her.

Rubi gasped and put a hand to his shoulder. “No, Wes—”

The rig reacted to the use of his muscles, the sensors reading his effort and multiplying it according to the program. The rig took over, jerking his legs. His knees bent and knocked him back on the sofa hard.

“Oh my God.” Rubi lunged toward him, reached behind his back, and hit the Power button. Her shock ebbed into fear, and her heart hammered. All the tension drained from the rig, and Wes’s legs relaxed onto the sofa. She ran her hands over his thighs where his muscles spasmed beneath her fingers. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
