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Reclaiming the Sand

Reclaiming the Sand(53)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

There were quite a few people inside and I sat down with Julie and Mr. Cox near the back.

The judge was running behind so I wasn’t called forward for another half an hour. I remembered the judge. It was the same one I had stood in front of as a smart mouthed teenager.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I was sweating bullets by the time the bailiff called my name.

“Your honor, Miss McCallum has met all of her probationary requirements. She has completed her community service hours and has been described by her supervisor as an asset. She is currently attending Black River Community College and is taking classes. She has passed all of her urine and blood tests and has held down a full time job at JAC’s Quick Stop for over two years. It is my recommendation for her probation period to be suspended and charges to be expunged from her record,” Mr. Cox reported.

The judge, a small man with a bald patch on top of his head, made a few notes before turning his attention to me.

“Well, it sounds like you’ve made a complete turnaround from the teenager who stood before me years ago,” he said, peering at me over his glasses.

Crap, he did remember me!

“Yes, Your Honor. I’m trying,” I said meekly. I folded my hands in front of me and kept my face attentive.

“I just saw two of your friends earlier. They don’t seem to be following your path.” He was of course talking about Stu and Shane.

The judge clicked his pen a few times while he regarded me. “You are judged by the people you associate with, Miss McCallum. We live in a small town and opinions are formed rather quickly. I know your reputation as I’m sure you do as well,” he said, leveling me with a firm look.

“Yes, Your Honor,” I choked out.

“Now, Mr. Cox says you are taking classes at the community college. That’s good to hear. Because hanging out with the likes of the fellows who were just in my courtroom won’t get you far in life. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?” he demanded.

“Yes, Your Honor,” I swallowed.

“I will accept Mr. Cox’s recommendation and dismiss the charges,” the judge said and I thought I would sag to the floor in relief. Mr. Cox nodded at me.

“But Miss McCallum, I sincerely hope I never see you in here again,” he said, his words a clear warning.

“You won’t, Your Honor,” I said. And I meant it. There was no way in hell I wanted to see his sneering disapproval again.

Julie and Mr. Cox filed me out of the courtroom and headed me over to the clerk’s window so I could get my paperwork.

I was in a bit of recoil. It was over. What a relief.

It was nice to have one less weight around my neck.

“Congratulations!” Julie exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. I could only blink back, still in a state of shock.

“You should take what the judge said to heart. You’re doing well. Keep it up. Don’t let other people bring you down.” Julie said, frowning as Dania approached.

“How’d it go?” Dania asked.

“I’d better go. Congratulations again, Ellie. Let’s have coffee in the next few weeks,” Julie said, her distaste for Dania hidden by a charming smile.

“You still talk to her? Wasn’t she your caseworker or something? Hell mine went into early retirement after I left the system. I guess I had been too much for her,” Dania sneered.

“Yeah. Well, they’re dismissing the original charges and my probation’s over,” I told her.

Her mouth was smiling but her eyes were flat. “That’s great, Ells. We should go celebrate!” she enthused.

The clerk handed me my paperwork and I shook hands with Mr. Cox. “Thank you sir, for everything,” I told him and I realized I meant it.

Mr. Cox patted my arm. “Good luck to you, Ellie,” he said shortly and then left the courthouse, most likely hoping he’d never have to see me again.

I turned back to Dania who was waiting impatiently with a hand resting on her stomach. “So, you wanna go to Ma’s? Get some pie? You can tell me all about why I haven’t seen you in weeks and I can tell you how pissed I am at you,” Dania said, laughing, though I knew she meant it. She was mad. We walked outside onto the sidewalk while I thought of a way to part ways.

“Uh, actually…” I began and then my world imploded.

“Ellie!” No, no, no!

“Is that Freaky?” Dania giggled, watching as Flynn jogged across the road towards us.

“Uh…” I stuttered. Why was I having such a hard time formulating words?

“Ellie!” Flynn called again. His voice was loud and he was waving his arms as he walked right out into traffic. Horns sounded and Flynn covered his ears.

“Stop it!” he yelled.

“Oh my god! What the f**k is he doing?” Dania was laughing in near hysterics.

Flynn finally got across the road without being run over. He looked a bit shaken and I wanted to hold him. He looked harried and more than a little frantic but then he saw me and the smile was a happy one.

“Ellie!” he called out again but I was frozen in place beside Dania.

“Why is he yelling for you like that? Is he f**king mental? What a retard!” she mocked.

Her harsh words snapped me out of my un-moving trance.

“He’s meeting me actually,” I told her sharply. Dania wheeled around to look at me, her mouth agape.

“Are you kidding me? You’re hanging out with Freaky Fucking Flynn Hendrick? Is this a joke?” she jeered.

I looked down at the girl who had been my best friend for the last ten years. The girl I thought I would stand by no matter what.

We weren’t so different, Dania and I. We could both be hateful and nasty. We could both be cruel and vicious. And we could both be vulnerable and insecure.

However, the one big difference between us is that I was ready to leave those painful parts behind me. I had finally realized living my life in an emotional void wasn’t how I wanted to be. Unfortunately for Dania, she hadn’t yet made that realization. I hoped the birth of her baby would change that. But I wasn’t sure anything could snap her out of her selfishness.

I took a step away from her. “No, it’s not a joke. Flynn and I are together now,” I said, hating that despite my firm resolve, my voice shook. I wanted to be strong and confident not meek and cowed.

Flynn reached my side and smiled at me. “I’m hungry. Are you hungry?” he asked, not even looking at Dania.

“I’m starving,” I said, smiling up at him. Dania was looking back and forth between us. I was poised ready to fend off her attack, knowing it was coming.
