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Rich Man's Fake Fiancee

Rich Man’s Fake Fiancee (The Landis Brothers #1)(18)
Author: Catherine Mann

He didn’t doubt the surety in her words and wondered why he’d ever thought she couldn’t handle whatever life threw at her. Ashley was a helluva lot stronger than he’d ever given her credit for.

She was absolutely incredible.

Her tone shifted subtly from congenial to factual. “That’s what a campaign is all about, taking the time to get to know the candidate. Learning to trust him to see to our best interests in the senate. I, for one, would like to hear more about Matthew’s strategy for guiding our country rather than about photos that divert your attention from getting to know the smart, dynamic leadership style of Matthew Landis.”

Listening to her talk, Matthew felt a kick in his gut he’d never expected to experience again, one far stronger than anything he remembered experiencing before but recognized all the same. He loved this woman.

She glanced his way with a steady smile that sent a fresh surge of emotion through him. “If you’re ready to speak now, Matthew, I would especially like to hear more about your innovative plans to sponsor legislation targeted at helping to strengthen benefits in our foster-care system.”

He wanted to talk to Ashley, tell her he loved her and yeah, he wanted her, too, but it was definitely about more than being sex buddies. However, the things he had to say to her were private and the sooner he dispensed with the press, the sooner he could get Ashley all to himself.

Matthew collected his thoughts and stepped toward the microphone. He could present that particular talking point of Ashley’s proposed speech blindfolded with his hands behind his back. And after he finished the press conference, he had an entirely different discussion in mind. Except the dialogue with Ashley wouldn’t be as easy to deliver and the outcome odds were shaky at best.

But he wouldn’t let the opportunity of a lifetime pass him by.

Ashley applauded the end of Matthew’s speech with a mix of pride and trepidation. While they’d averted a campaign catastrophe today, would she be able to turn things around for them after she’d all but pitched his ring in his face earlier?

If she trusted the look in his eyes when he smiled at her, then they weren’t anywhere near over. Lucky for her, she’d learned to trust him—and more importantly, she’d learned to trust in herself.

Brent ducked his head close to her ear. “You took a real risk out there, Ashley.”

“He’s worth it.” She soaked in the broad set of Matthew’s shoulders, the honest connection in his eyes when he spoke with individual voters.

Brent extended his hand. “I’m sorry for underestimating you. I should be a better judge of character than that by now.”

“Apology accepted.” She clasped his palm and shook firmly. “You were only looking out for Matthew, which I appreciate.”

Matthew waved farewell to the crowd and joined her, leading her and Brent back inside headquarters where the televisions already blared with reports of the media conference. “Hey, Brent, get your own lady. This one’s taken.”

Ashley elbowed Matthew in the side. “Did you ever consider you’re the one who’s taken?”

“Good point.” Matthew scooped her into his arms as he’d done a week ago when he’d saved her life.

She may have squeaked in surprise, but she didn’t even bother protesting and simply settled in for the ride while his campaign staff cheered them on. How far she and Matthew had come in just a week since he’d carried her from the flaming Beachcombers.

He stepped into his office and kicked the door closed. Keeping her arms around his neck, she slid her feet to the floor, leaning into him, urging his face down to meet hers. How could she have ever thought she would be able to turn her back on this, on him?

Matthew nuzzled her ear. “You were…”

“Amazing?” She angled back to grin up at him.

“Absolutely,” he confirmed without hesitation. “I can’t believe I was worried about protecting you from the press. I should have turned you loose on them right from the start.”

She wouldn’t have credited herself with the ability to field them that first day when they’d captured revealing pictures of her. But the past week spent learning about herself, learning about real love, she’d discovered there were things out there far more important than worrying what others thought of her. “I’m just glad to have been of help. I believe in you and your message.”

“Thank you. That means more to me than I think you realize. I’m sorry about the way we left things earlier.” He clasped both of her hands in his. “I want to talk to you about Dana.”

“It’s okay.” She brushed her fingers over his mouth. “I understand.”

“I need to say this.” He clasped her wrist and lowered her hand. “I should have said it the right way earlier, but I don’t have much practice speaking about the past. In fact, I don’t have any experience with it at all.”

“You haven’t told anyone about Dana?”

He certainly hadn’t mentioned that earlier and the admission touched her heart in a new and unexpected way. He’d chosen her over anyone else when it came to sharing such an important part of his past. What a time to realize that Matthew had put her first, even before his own relatives.

“Since my family hadn’t met her and she didn’t have any family to meet me, nobody knew how serious things had gotten.

Nobody until you, now.”

No way could she miss the importance of him sharing this with her and how that linked them. “Thank you for choosing me to be the one you told.”

She only wished she’d been less defensive earlier when he’d tried to discuss it with her.

He cupped her face in his hands, his green eyes glinting with intensity. “I want you to understand that the past doesn’t, in any way, detract from what I feel for you.” He tapped her lips, paused to stroke a slow, sensual circle. “And just to clarify in case there’s any doubt about how I feel for you, I love you, Ashley Carson. I. Love. You.”

The magic words. Even in her fantasies she hadn’t dared go there, but then perhaps that was good. Reality definitely beat any dream relationship in a landslide victory. “I know you do, but it’s still awesome to hear you say it.” She nipped his thumb. “And quite convenient since I happen to love you, too.”

His ragged sigh shared just how much her words meant to him, a strong man so determined to take on the world full speed ahead.

Matthew slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled it back out to reveal…Her engagement ring rested in his palm. “I’ll understand if you would rather have a different one to mark our new beginning, but either way, I want our engagement to be real this time.”

She placed her hand over his, over the diamond and the real promise it now held. “This is exactly the one I want. I wouldn’t change a thing about our past because it brought us to this perfect moment. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

He pressed a hard, quick kiss to her lips before pulling back with a smile. “I’m not going to give you time to change your mind, you know.”

Matthew slid the solitaire back in place.

She closed her fist, locking the ring on tight. “Nobody’s going to pry it off my hand again.”

“You’re a mighty force to be reckoned with.”

And she’d only just begun finding her footing.

Ashley looped her arms around his neck, arching up on her toes for another kiss she knew would lead her to the perfect end to a perfect day. “I’m more than ready to make this relationship real.”


November: Election Night

“L atest polling reports are in,” the widescreen plasma television blared in the family great room at the Landis compound.

Ashley held her breath as the second before the announcement seemed to stretch out with a slow-motion quality. Sitting with Matthew on the sofa, she gripped his hand, their family and friends around them. Five months ago, she never could have imagined how her life would change because of one impulsive decision to take a risk with the man of her dreams.

But here she was after months of campaigning, totally loving Matthew and finding she also fully enjoyed the new world he’d opened for her.

She’d once thought herself a background, live-in-the-shadows kind of person. Now she’d discovered the rush of being at the epicenter of reaching out to others. And when she needed to recharge? She had an even larger new family to embrace, a family who’d all come to share in this moment.

Her sisters and their husbands blended right in with the Landis brothers and General Renshaw’s adult children. The general and Ginger had been an unexpected blessing in her life, taking her on as one of their own. Nobody could replace Aunt Libby, but Lordy, it felt good to experience the warmth and acceptance of parental love again.

Ashley squeezed Matthew’s strong hand as the television announcer continued, “With ninety-one percent of the precincts reporting, the numbers indicate a clear victory for…”

She forced herself to breathe, keep her focus on Matthew and the TV rather than the hubbub behind them from the small media crew that had been allowed into the Landis compound to report about this moment.

“…the new senator from South Carolina, Matthew Landis,” the announcer concluded.

The already crowded room overflowed with cheers. Matthew gathered Ashley into a tight hug. As much as she wanted to stay right there and revel, she knew there were others in the room who deserved to celebrate with him.

She kissed him quickly, intensely, before pulling back. “Congratulations, Senator Landis.”

He nuzzled her ear, the gentle rasp of his whiskers sending a shiver of excitement mingling with the surge of joy. “Thank you, Mrs. Landis.”

And what an added rush to hear her new name.

They’d quietly eloped two weeks ago, unable to wait any longer to make it official. While the immediate family already knew, she and Matthew would tell the rest of the world during his acceptance speech. They hadn’t wanted their marriage to be tied up with the election outcome. The vows they’d spoken were all about them and not any political agenda.

After a final searing kiss, they eased apart and the rest of their huge wonderful family surrounded them in hugs and congrats. Ashley leaned into his muscular side since Matthew seemed determined to keep his arm around her waist.

Cameras continued to flash while streamers unfurled in the air. Hats, bunting and posters instantly redecorated the house with Senator Landis paraphernalia. A champagne bottle popped somewhere in the distance, and thankfully Ginger seemed to have the first interview well in hand so Matthew could enjoy more celebratory time with the family.

Kyle clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t be getting the big head now, brother. I can still whoop your butt in golf any day.”

“Of course you can.” Matthew grinned good-naturedly. “Golfing is like a college degree for you Air Force guys.”

Laughing and nodding along in agreement, Jonah passed Sebastian folded cash.

Matthew slugged his youngest brother in the arm, laughing. “Jonah, bro, you bet against me?”
