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Ricochet (Renegades #3)(58)
Author: Skye Jordan

She moaned, the sound achy, begging. Her hips rocked harder, and Ryker gritted his teeth to hold back the orgasm coiling tighter and tighter at the base of his spine, rising up his cock.

“Come for me, Rachel.”

He squeezed her ass and lifted to meet her. Her head dropped back, she arched and gripped his knees behind her. His pleasure built longer and wider and hotter. Built and grew until it backed up in his chest. Until it closed his throat.

Ryker thrust and thrust and thrust. Barely holding on. “Come for me, dammit. Come for me.”

He rolled her to her back, fisted her hair and kissed her, slowly, but his hips bucked fast and his cock drove deep. Rachel’s thighs tightened around his waist, heels pressed into his spine, fingers dug into his back.

“Rach…” he rasped, thrust and squeezed and pumped her for an orgasm before he lost control.

“Ah…” she cried out, her pitch climbing until it cut off completely, her pussy clamping down on him in a series of convulsions.

He covered her mouth with his, then let the orgasm come. When it crested, the sensations flooded every cell, washing him with a sense of complete satisfaction and sweet connection. He broke the kiss and pressed his face to her neck, teeth gritted around his growl of release.

That was the best sex she’d ever had. Even better than their first night. Different from their first night. Deeper than their first night.

Nathan stroked his hands down her sides, pushed up on his elbows, and looked at her with those heavy-lidded stormy sea-green eyes. His dog tags hung down, resting against her own chest, smooth, heavy feel of them, made her smile. His mouth quirked too, then he lowered his lips meet hers in a tender kiss. One that pushed tears toward her throat, though she didn’t know why.

He dropped a kiss on her cheek, her jaw, her neck, her chest. Then he laid his forehead there, his breathing still fast and choppy. Rachel closed her eyes and let the strands of his hair slip through her fingers over and over. She could stay like this all night.

But once his breath evened out, Nathan carefully pulled from her body and rolled to his back. A soft, awe-filled, “Jesus Christ,” drifted from him, making Rachel smile.

She turned to her side and rested her head on his shoulder. He curved his arms around her and threw one of his legs over hers, as if he couldn’t get close enough. She smiled. “I would never have guessed you for a cuddler.”

He rolled toward her, laid his forearm over her waist, and pressed his face to her neck, kissing her there, then whispered, “I didn’t used to be.”

With another quick kiss, he said, “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

He got to his feet and strode to the tiny bathroom. Rachel smiled at the sight of his tight ass and those sexy tattoos. This was still surreal. And so…illicit. So deliciously secret. So…selfishly decadent.

But as long as no one found out, as long as no one got hurt…

The water ran in the bathroom, then shut off, and he returned, lying on the bed beside her, cuddling her close again. He tangled their legs and rested his chin on the top of her head. They were both quiet while his fingers stroked a light pattern on her back. She had to leave soon, they both knew that, but neither of them moved or spoke. And this felt far more intimate than it had just days ago.

After a moment, she asked, “Why didn’t you take the twins up on their offer?”

He pulled back and met her eyes. “I didn’t want them.”

Rachel laughed a little, her hand scratching gently down his thigh. “Of course you did. They’re every man’s fantasy—a threesome with two beautiful twin blondes?”

“They aren’t half as beautiful as you are, and I mean that. Besides”—the corner of Ryker’s mouth tilted up, but there was little humor in his expression—“been there, done that, different twins, of course, and you brought me more pleasure just now than two women could. Why would I try for a repeat of mediocre when I’ve got a real winner right here?”

She narrowed her eyes and pressed the backs of her fingers to his forehead.

“Stop.” He brushed her hand away. “The only fever I’ve got is the one you give me.” He threaded their fingers and leaned in. “You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

His mouth lowered to hers, but their lips never connected. He sat straight, his gaze darting to the door.

Rachel looked that direction. “What…?”

He put his index finger to his lips and jumped to his feet so quickly, so silently, Rachel missed the movement in a blink. He pulled on his pants and grabbed her dress from the bed.

Three hard knocks came on the door. Rachel jumped and almost screamed, but covered her mouth.

“Ryker? You in there?” It was Jax’s voice. Fear bolted down Rachel’s spine. Her mind started a tight downward spiral.

Ryker, made a ‘get-going’ motion with his hand and mouthed get dressed.

“Yeah, man, what’s up?” Ryker called.

“Do you know where Rachel is?” That was Josh’s voice.

Tendrils of icy fear spread through Rachel’s belly, and hands shook as she struggled to find the hem of her dress to pull it on. Jax and Josh both looking for her while she’d been fucking Nathan. Jesus Christ, disaster didn’t get any closer than this.

“No, dude, sorry,” Ryker said. “Haven’t seen her since dinner. Why?”

She pulled the dress over her head, and Ryker held the straps so she could put her arms in.

“I need to go over some budget issues before I head back,” Jax said. “And Josh has some questions about the rough SOP she gave him earlier. She’s not in her cabin, and we can’t find her anywhere. I’m a little worried.”

“Let me put some pants on,” Ryker said. “I’ll be right there.”

He gripped her arms, leaned down, and pressed his cheek to hers. “I’ll get rid of them long enough for you to slip out,” he whispered. “As soon as we’re out of sight, get that sweet little ass of yours back to your cabin and make up a plausible excuse for being gone by the time we come back around.”


He kissed her, then pulled back and met her eyes seriously. “Everything’s fine. They’ll never know.”

He grabbed his shirt from the floor and headed toward the door. He flipped off the light before exiting and closing the door behind him. “She said something earlier about taking a walk, but I can probably answer your questions about the SOP while we look for her.”
