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Rise of the Gryphon (Belador #4)

Rise of the Gryphon (Belador #4)(42)
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

This wasn’t the time to fight with her, but he was ready and hoped Evalle stayed in the shower.

His fingers curled, wanting to choke the life out of her, just not yet. Not until he reclaimed all he’d lost. “Give me back my soul—and my father’s—I’ll let you leave alive.”

“I’m up for a trade when you’re ready.”

“No trades. You owe me two souls you stole.”

“You won’t even trade for Evalle?”

Power rushed through him, driving his jaguar to break free. Storm drew fast breaths, fighting the change, because she was trying to push him to shift.

Anything Nadina wanted, he didn’t.

If she touched Evalle, he’d make Nadina’s death slow and excruciating. “You can’t have Evalle, and she would destroy you anyhow.”

“Don’t put your money on the wrong one so quickly. I’m not the same witch doctor you knew back in South America.”

“Egotistical, reality-challenged sociopath. I don’t see any change.”

She smiled with confidence, so much that a ripple of concern ran up Storm’s back when she bragged, “Oh, I’ve changed quite a bit now that I’m aligned with Hanhau.”

Hanhau? That explained her new and improved powers. Storm hid his shock with a scoff. “Only a fool would make a pact with him.”

“Fool?” Her eyes narrowed in warning. “Careful how you speak of someone favored by the ruler of all demons and Mitnal,” she said, referencing the land of the dead.

“Of demons in South America, not here,” Storm countered. “Speaking of Mitnal, why aren’t you there now?”

“I’m not one of his demons.”

“Pity. You missed your calling.”

“I’d love to chat, but not right now. I’m pressed for time. This is your one warning. Come to me soon, Storm, and willingly, or I’ll take what you most desire. Evalle.”

Kai’s words echoed in his brain. His guardian spirit had warned him that if he did not kill Nadina, she would take what Storm most desired. He’d thought Kai meant his soul, but he now knew it was Evalle.

He was ready to fight, but not when Evalle believed she would disappear soon. “You can die trying to take her.”

“You don’t even know she’s gone, do you?”


“Am I?”

It hadn’t been twenty minutes, so Evalle still had time, but Nadina had spoken the truth. Storm started toward his bedroom and Nadina swirled into a blur, moving out of his way. She claimed not to be the same witch doctor he’d known before, but she was wise enough to realize she didn’t know how he’d changed either.

He raced into the bathroom, then back to the bedroom, yelling, “Evalle!    ”

“She’s gone.” Nadina appeared in the doorway and sniffed. “Smells like Medb in here.”

He ignored the burned citrus odor. He looked around for Evalle’s note and saw a blank piece of paper on the nightstand.

Nadina taunted, “You don’t know the best of all this. If Evalle does find her way free of the Medb and you have not come voluntarily to me, I will call her to me instead.”

“How do you figure that?”

“Remember the Volonte bone?”

His scalp tingled with warning. “What about it?”

“Did you think that ended up on Evalle’s arm by accident?”

No. “She’s not wearing it anymore.”

“I know. That was all part of my brilliant plan. Just like Imogenia, I can call Evalle to me anytime and anywhere. I cast a spell on the bone that created a leash between me and those who wore it next.”

His mouth dried out. Storm’s fingers curled into claws with his impending change.

Nadina took a step back. “I can see you’re still not ready to discuss this. Guess I’ll have to take her if you won’t come to me voluntarily.”

Fury crashed over him so fast that he started shifting, his hands changing shape into paws. Sharp claws curled. Fur covered his shoulders and chest where hair never grew due to his ancestry. But he wouldn’t be able to talk and deal with Nadina in animal form, so he tightened down on his control and forced his animal to retreat.

She moved in a blur, disappearing.

He rushed into the kitchen, where she’d stopped near his closed front door. Not teleporting. Speed from black majik, because he never lost her scent.

She smiled with predatory happiness. “Just a tiny demonstration to spare us any posturing. My timing isn’t by accident. I know you mated. You have until she returns.”

The door opened on its own and Nadina strolled out.

When Kai had searched Storm’s future, she’d warned Storm that he would lose Evalle before he won her.

The time had come to end this. He snatched open a drawer, grabbed out a pen and paper and scribbled a note he hoped Evalle would find if . . . when she came back.


I’ve gone to deal with the witch doctor and end this so we can be together. Then I’m coming for you no matter where you are.


He rushed out, hot on Nadina’s trail. He could follow her as long as she didn’t teleport. Once he found her, they’d both find out just who had become the most powerful since they last fought.


You bitch!” Evalle shouted even before the spinning from teleporting stopped. The minute her feet hit the carpet of the private study in TÅμr Medb, she dove for Kizira, who disappeared.

“Are you crazy?” Kizira yelled from behind her.

Crazy didn’t begin to cover the homicidal rush surging through Evalle. She flipped around to face Kizira. “One minute was all I needed. You owed me ten.”

“I would have given them to you if I could. I bought you as much time as possible. We’re leaving here in one hour. Angering Flaevynn right now will not serve either of us.”

One hour? That cut through the red haze of anger blinding Evalle. “I am going with you.”

“Not if you don’t get moving and calm down while you’re at it.”

“Take me to the queen bitch.”

“Get the Triquetra.”

Evalle took in her jeans, the leather jacket and blue sweater. What had happened to Storm’s shirt? She panicked. “Where’s the long-sleeved T-shirt I had on?”

Kizira made a grinding noise deep in her throat. “I sent it to the bed in your room with Lanna, for crying out loud. It smells of him. Wearing that around Flaevynn would cause her to question what you were doing in Atlanta when you were supposed to only be there to retrieve the Triquetra.”

Got it.

Evalle would draw blood if anything happened to that shirt. Reaching into her jacket, she pulled out the soft case shielding the Triquetra. “Let’s go.”

Evalle’s location changed so quickly that she didn’t have time to blink. She was back in Flaevynn’s personal chamber, where the witch sat on a golden throne. Pompous bitch had it carved to look like a dragon.

The dragon’s head moved until its eyes narrowed at Evalle.


Kizira’s demeanor changed in a flash to stiff and professional. “Evalle was successful in completing her task.”

Flaevynn pointed a long black fingernail sparkling with diamonds at Kizira, whose face turned red. The priestess clawed at her throat, making gagging noises as tears spilled from her eyes.

Evalle caught on quickly. “She’s not lying. I have it.” She withdrew the Triquetra from the case, then played up her role, snarling, “I hope you’re happy. I stole a Belador warded Triquetra.”

Flaevynn’s acidic eyes, heavily lined and sprouting lashes an inch long, whipped at Evalle. “How do I know someone didn’t give it to you?”

Didn’t I make that same point to Kizira? “Because I was forbidden from even speaking to a Belador or VIPER agent when Kizira compelled me,” Evalle spat. “She was so thorough I couldn’t have accepted this even if someone handed it to me on the street. And this belongs to Vladimir Quinn of the Beladors, who is . . . was one of my best friends.”

The strangling noises stopped.

Evalle glanced over at Kizira, whose throat now sported claw marks. The priestess leaned over, a hand on her knee as she fought for a breath.

“Is this true, Kizira?” Flaevynn asked.

Standing upright again and coughing first, Kizira nodded. “Yes. And the hotel security tapes will show Evalle leaving his room with the Triquetra in her hand.”

If Tzader and Quinn didn’t figure out how to stop Kizira and the gryphons from the cryptic note Evalle left with Storm, then Evalle hoped they’d at least realize the one thing she tried to make very clear—that Evalle was a threat to Brina, and thus the Beladors. If they had any doubt that she’d joined the Medb, that hotel security tape would probably cinch the deal. She couldn’t stand to consider how low Quinn and Tzader would think of her, but if they survived the attack on Treoir, that would have to be enough.

She only regretted not having a chance to tell Storm in person that she loved him and to ask him to please forgive anything he heard about her after tomorrow, which evidently was today. She’d lost all track of time zipping between realms.

Drawing herself up with regal poise, Flaevynn said, “I compel you to tell the truth or bite off your own tongue, Evalle. Now, tell me why I should trust you.”

“You shouldn’t—”

Kizira made a small noise.

Evalle pasted contempt on her face as she looked at Kizira, then back at Flaevynn, and continued, “I was saying you shouldn’t trust me if I wasn’t compelled. I would do all in my power to help the Beladors if I could, but I can’t, and the minute I show up as a gryphon they’ll have every reason to kill me. Self-preservation alone will force me to defend myself, and Kizira’s control over my actions will force me to carry out your plan.” Evalle made sure she loaded plenty of bitterness on her words. Not hard to do when it flowed in her veins, because she’d spoken the truth.

Flaevynn lifted a hand as if calling someone.

Cathbad appeared next to her throne. He observed Kizira for an unguarded moment but washed his face of emotion so quickly that Evalle wasn’t sure she’d actually seen concern.

Addressing Cathbad, Flaevynn said, “As you can see, they’re back. I am convinced of Evalle’s loyalty. I want all the attack plans laid out here, where I can observe.”

He cast a furtive glance at Kizira, who ignored him when he said, “I have spoken to our contact who will be on Treoir.”

That blasted Belador traitor who was costing her everything. She’d cut that throat in a heartbeat.

Cathbad went on. “Our contact tells me the coast of the island is heavily guarded, but he will open an area one hundred yards wide for Kizira and our army of gryphons to enter.”

Evalle held herself still, purposely showing no reaction to news that the traitor was actually on the island. At least she’d been able to leave Tzader and Quinn a message.

Hands clasped behind his back and walking around the room, Cathbad continued speaking with the confidence of a general headed into battle with superior forces. “Once our army arrives on the island, our warlocks will engage the enemy, occupying them while the gryphons enter.”

“Only the five,” Flaevynn interjected.


Evalle’s heart sank. How could she get Tristan out of here if he couldn’t fly with them?

Kizira said, “I want to take all ten.”

Cathbad paused in pacing. “Why?”

“You gleaned the additional information about the destiny of the five powerful gryphons from old bards’ tales. That once they invaded Treoir, gryphons would roam the island forever. If that’s the case, why not use all of them and ensure victory?”

Evalle wanted to cheer at a chance to get Tristan and his sister out of here, and at the same time, groan at the idea of an even greater force of gryphons attacking Treoir.

Cathbad grinned. “ ’Tis not a bad thought, Flaevynn.”

“Fine. Take them all.” The queen gave a dismissive wave of her hand, then sent a pointed look at Cathbad. “Did you tell her?”

Kizira turned to Cathbad. “Tell me what?”

Watching this scene play out between the three Medb gave Evalle an insight into Kizira’s life all these years in the Medb Coven. For the first time, Evalle actually pitied Kizira.

When Cathbad stepped up to Kizira, his eyes flashed with compassion, then turned ruthless. “The minute Brina is dead, you are compelled to stand upon the steps of the castle and wait for Flaevynn to arrive.”

Cathbad’s position blocked Kizira’s face from Flaevynn’s view, but Evalle caught the flicker of disbelief . . . or hurt in Kizira’s face.

But that didn’t stop Cathbad. “If you do not walk out on those steps within one minute after Brina’s death, or if you touch the immortal river before Flaevynn does, your skin will begin to peel from your body.”
