Read Books Novel

Rock Bottom

We didn’t tell a soul. What was the rush? We had the rest of our lives to tell them. For now, this happy news belonged only to us. It was a secret that took no toll on our souls. The best kind of secret.

We went out to dinner afterwards to celebrate. Halfway through the meal I went to the restroom, and on the way back to our table, I bumped into a man. It was perfectly innocent. We both said excuse me, and went on our way.

When I got back to my seat, Tristan was glaring at something behind me.

“Need me to go straighten that guy out?” shot out of his mouth the second I was seated.

“Of course not. We just accidentally bumped into each other.”

“Bullshit. He was coming on to you.”

“We’re married now. When is this jealousy of yours going to get better? I’m yours now, until death do us part. Doesn’t that help?”

He laughed, threw his head back and laughed like a crazy person. “You thought that would make it better? You don’t get it at all. You’ve turned me into a psychotic jealous monster now. Better?” He laughed again, shaking his head.

I reached across the table and punched his arm. “Incorrigible,” I muttered.


She was stroking me, and I wasn’t so much as twitching. That was definitely new for me. “Seriously. I don’t know how a little thing like you did it, but you broke my dick.”

She pouted up at me, her hand still busy working on my flaccid cock. “What’s going on? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it do this.”

“I don’t know if you’ve been counting, sweetheart, but there’s nothing left there for you right now. I’m all out of juice. I’m not sure it’s physically possible for me to try any harder to make a baby today.”

She straddled one of my thighs, moving her wet cunt against my skin, rubbing hard and making little noises that had me stirring in her hand.

“Fuck, you’re insatiable.”

She shot me a seductive smile. “Apparently, I’m not the only one.”

“If this is all for the sake of baby-making—“

“Um, you do realize that I likely won’t get pregnant for months? I barely stopped taking the pill.”

“So this is just good ol’ nymphomania?”

She nodded, running her tongue over her teeth.

I groaned, growing in her hand.

“Well, it’s not just that,” she allowed. “You know I own you now? It’s just hit me that you’re lawfully mine. It makes sense I’d want to test out my property, right?”

“Test your property, huh?”

“Uh huh. So that’s what I’m doing.” She moved as she spoke, stroking me as she moved on my thigh. “Thoroughly testing out my property.”

Who could resist that? Not me. “Test away. I’m all yours. Do your worst.”

I buried my hands in her hair as she took my cock in her mouth. It felt so fucking good, but I honestly didn’t think I’d be coming again. I wondered what the etiquette was on letting your wife suck your cock indefinitely, enjoying the sucking pull of her mouth to the fullest.

She pulled back before long, licking her lips as she climbed up my body. I groaned as she straddled me, shoving my thick tip against her sopping entrance. I surged up, impaling her.

She shuddered, and I almost came right then.

I plucked at her breasts as she started to move. “You realize that it’s just a prop at this point,” I told her as she rode me. It didn’t help make my point that I was panting out the words. “Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it can give you what you want.”

She smiled and hitched up her shoulder in a sexy little shrug. “It’s giving me what I want right now. It’s a mighty fine prop. I’ll just make use of it while you lie there. I promise I’ll leave you alone after I get off again.”

I groaned, my hips bucking her. There was something so luscious about her taking her pleasure, with or without mine. But in the end, we both got ours.

I fell asleep under her, still buried deep, and woke up the same way.

This marriage business suited me just fine.



This was not your standard cheesy fetish ball. This was an exclusive gathering of BDSM practitioners, not as a novelty, but as a lifestyle.

Aside from the woman on my arm, there were no novices here. This was the hardcore scene. I was taking it very slowly with her, as she had never done any of this before, and I was more than a little hesitant to be the one to break her in.

Typically, I liked a seasoned sub, who knew how to act and what behaviors to avoid, but something about her drew me in, made me break my own rules, and indulge her whims.

Unfortunately, I had feelings for her, but the verdict was still out on whether she wanted me as a novelty or an actual person.

Estella was avidly curious about the lifestyle I led, and so, after a million questions, I’d decided to just let her see for herself. This gathering would undoubtedly shock her, but there was not a soul here that didn’t follow all of the necessary rules to the letter of the law. That was the important part, because here she could observe with no potential threat of harm to her.

It was held in the penthouse of an expensive, exclusive apartment complex just off the strip. I had no idea who owned the place, but it didn’t matter. If James was attending that meant it had been vetted well, since he would never attend a gathering that could potentially ‘out’ him. He was too public a figure not to be careful at maintaining his privacy.

A bald, muscular man met us at the door. Deuce. I knew him. I nodded politely at him as I walked through the entrance. He was a wealthy Dom, and we’d been attending many of the same functions for years.

I didn’t look back at Estella, expecting her to follow.

The decor was sparse but modern, almost every surface black. It was a very large suite and not overcrowded. These types of functions never had more than thirty participants, and even that high of a number was rare.

Generally, you could tell the Doms from the subs at a glance. Subs almost always wore less clothing. I was one of the few exceptions, with my ripped up jean skirt, and a shredded black half-shirt that showed off some serious under boob. Estella, in contrast, wore a rather conservative black dress that hugged her soft curves to perfection.

I’d never been a huge fan of covering up my ink. I saw it as art, and displayed it accordingly, my clothes framing my tattoos rather than covering them.

I smiled big when I saw James. I was blessed in the friend department, having many that I was close with, but James would always have a special place in my heart. There were few I admired more, or had so much in common with. I remembered him as a tortured teen, and now, at only twenty-four, a formidable man. I felt pride in him, like a big sister might.

He had Jolene with him. She was his go-to sub. I didn’t care for her, but they were compatible in the most rudimentary, base way, and so I understood his attraction to her. He’d never have a complication with that one that his checkbook couldn’t cure.

I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, completely ignoring Jolene, as that was my prerogative. She was no conversationalist.

James had his eye on Estella the second he spotted her behind me, and it barely wavered as we made polite small talk. He wasn’t one to mince words, and quickly put the spotlight on her.

“Are you going to introduce us? Where did you find her?”

I smiled. I couldn’t really tell if he was interested in her on a personal level, or interested in my interest in her. You didn’t often see new faces at these things.

“This is Estella. She’s a…friend, who is curious about the lifestyle.”

He didn’t question if I trusted her. He had enough faith in me to know that my judgement was sound.

“Is she yours?” He sounded just a touch bored, as he often did. Some of that boredom was cultivated, but just as much of it was a sad sort of ennui.

I sent Estella a cursory glance. She was eyeing up James as most women did the first time they saw him. He was a God, even I could see that, but it still stung to see her display such blatant admiration for someone else, and a man, to boot.

“No. We have no ties. Not like that.” Especially if she was bi. Bi girls were nothing but walking heartbreak for girls like me.

“Well, that’s a pity. You two look good together.” His voice was amused.

I shrugged, looking around. “She’s new to this, and wants to experience the lifestyle. I’m just her guide, for the moment.”

“May I kiss her, Mr. Cavendish?” Jolene broke in, her voice low and throaty.

That had me clenching my teeth, but Estella wasn’t mine. She’d told me clearly that she wanted to experience the lifestyle, and this was certainly a part of that.

“If Mistress Abelli allows, you have my permission to kiss the new girl,” James told her, looking at me, his perfect eyebrows lifting in inquiry.

I didn’t look at Estella, barely glanced at Jolene. I watched only James as I answered. “Why not? Estella, you may kiss the girl.”

I didn’t look at first, only catching the movement of Jolene approaching Estella out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look as I heard Jolene moaning obscenely. She was too over the top for my taste. It always seemed to me like she was trying to get attention above all else, even pleasure.

Estella was holding very still, her hands down at her sides. And stiff. The sight of those red lipsticked lips touching Estella’s soft, lush, generous mouth made my stomach roil.

Jolene went right for it, burying her hands in the other woman’s hair and kissing her hard.

“That’s enough,” James said quietly.

Jolene instantly pulled back, looking up at him with a seductive smile, blood red lipstick smeared all over her mouth. She looked like a savage little bitch, and I hated her in that moment. But it wasn’t my right to be jealous, and I quickly squelched the feeling rising like bile in my throat.

“She tastes delicious, Mr. Cavendish. You should try her.”

James arched a brow at her, still just looking bored.

“Do it,” I heard myself saying.

All of us sadists had a masochist hiding inside of us somewhere.

“I haven’t asked, but I have a feeling she doesn’t mind men, either. So taste her, if you’d like.”

He looked surprised, studying me for a long moment. Finally, he shrugged, crooking a finger at her.

He took his time, pulling her to him very slowly, settling a hand in her hair, and one at her waist.

Jolene, ever the attention whore, moved close behind Estella, rubbing her breasts against the other woman’s back. Her delicate hands reached up without asking, and fondled Estella, her tiny hands overflowing with my Estella’s perfectly rounded tits.

I seethed, but kept my silence.

James was looking down at Estella’s downturned face when he barked. “Back off, Jolene. She doesn’t like that, and you know better than to touch without asking.”

Jolene backed off, but she pouted while she did it.

He kissed her. It was the perfect kiss, of course. Soft, sensual, and full of finesse. James did everything well, and I found myself resenting him for that for the first time ever.