Read Books Novel

Rock Chick

Rock Chick (Rock Chick #1)(3)
Author: Kristen Ashley

In the day (that was Gram’s day), it was a hippie hang out and still, in a way, is. Harley boys often came there too, don’t ask me why. Now, it’s also filled with preppies, yuppies and DINKS trying to be trendy and boarders and goths because it is trendy.

It has a bunch of mismatched shelves, stuffed full of all sorts of used books and tables piled high with vinyl records. It’s a rabbits warren of organized disorganization, every once in awhile punctuated by a fluffy, overstuffed chair. Most people come in, find a book, read in a chair and leave without buying the book, maybe coming back the next day to pick it up again and read some more.

With the shop, I also inherited Gram’s two employees which, shall we say, diplomatically, are just as eccentric as she was.

Jane’s my romance (our biggest seller) expert, she’s six foot and weighs in at about one-twenty, painfully thin, painfully shy. She keeps her nose in a novel nearly every minute of the day when she isn’t buying them off people hawking their books for our shelves or selling them to people with mumbled recommendations. She’s told me she’d written over forty novels herself but never had the gumption to try to get them published. She didn’t even have the courage to allow me to read them and I ask all the time.

There’s also Duke. Duke’s a Harley man, all leather and denim and a big ole gray beard and loads of long, steel-gray hair with a bandana tied around his forehead. He talks rough, lives rough and is tough as nails but can be soft as a marshmallow if he likes you (luckily, he likes me). He used to be an English Lit professor at Stanford before he dropped out and moved to the mountains. He’s married to Dolores who works part-time at The Little Bear up in Evergreen where Duke and Dolores own a tiny cabin.

Gram loved Fortnum’s, looked at it kinda like her own personal community center. She was not an especially good business woman but she was happy to make do and play hostess to her eclectic group of pals. Gramps brought in an okay salary and, when he died, left her with a decent pension, so she didn’t have much to worry about.

Fortnum’s smells musty and old and, just like Gram, I love every inch of it.

When I wasn’t at the police station, with the Nightingales or out with Ally, I was at Fortnum’s with Gram and Duke, and then came Jane. It was always one of my homes away from home and those come with being a motherless child, believe you me.

But the way I’d inherited it, it sure as hell wasn’t going to keep me in my cowboy boots, Levi’s and huge, silver belt buckles attached to tooled-leather belts (my signature outerwear, my signature underwear was strictly sexy-girlie lace and silk, Gram said that looking like a cowboy-inspired groupie on the outside was one thing but every girl had to have a secret and Gram said sexy underwear was the best secret a girl could have).

Now the front of the store is where I do my business. There are a bunch of comfortable couches and arm chairs and a few tables. I invested in an espresso machine and I coaxed my favorite barista, Ambrose “Rosie” Coltrane, from the chain coffee store down the road.

Rosie’s a coffee god. Rosie could make a skinny vanilla latte that could give you an orgasm if you just sniffed it. Rosie’s a bit of a pain in the ass, a kind of semi-coffee recluse (he comes in, he makes coffee, he goes home), but his talent is undeniable.

My addition of coffee was a hit. When the espresso started flowing, the books also started going and now I have new furniture in my living room and a fast-growing collection of kickass belts and cowboy boots.

* * * * *

I see all this flashing before my eyes

I learned quickly that lots of stuff flashes before your eyes when you get shot at.

* * * * *

As I stared at my cell, trying not to have a heart attack, I tried to figure out who to call.

I could, and probably should, call Dad, Malcolm or Hank.

Considering those choices and this situation, in the cop stakes, Hank would be my best bet. He’d go ballistic when he heard I’d been shot at and would probably arrest Rosie on the spot, but he was least likely to kill Rosie for putting me in danger.

Hank had control. That was why Hank was such a good athlete, why he was a good student and why he’s a good cop.

Dad was my father and Malcolm considered himself like a father so they’d just lose it and make a scene which would freak Rosie out.

Rosie was a coffee artiste.

As an artiste, Rosie had a delicate disposition. He freaks out easily. You could only give him two coffee orders at a time or he’d have a mini-mental-breakdown. That chain coffee shop hadn’t been right for him, Fortnum’s was his nirvana. He could create his drinks and even when it got busy and the pressure got heavy, someone else, Jane, Duke or me, took the burden and just let Rosie perform.

But right now, Rosie said no cops.

And I understand why.

So even though I really, really wanted to call Hank, I didn’t.

* * * * *

I could call Lee, Lee isn’t a cop. I had his numbers in my cell, Ally put them there.

Lee would be a good bet. Lee had gone into the Army after high school. Lee had gone on to be Special Operations Force. Lee had done some serious shit while in the armed services that took the good ole boy look right out of his dark brown eyes and put something else, something colder, more serious and far scarier in those eyes. Lee had come out and gotten himself a private investigator’s license and opened an office in LoDo (or Lower Downtown Denver). Lee was supposed to be a PI but no one really knows what Lee does, I’m not even certain anyone has even been to Lee’s offices.

I could call Lee and tell him someone shot at me. That would take care of things pretty quickly. I mean, I hadn’t really had much of a relationship with Lee for ten years but it would be a kind of family responsibility, considering he thought of me as his little sister (huh).

Lee might track them down (whoever they were) and shoot them, though. Torture them first and shoot them. Lee had skills I could not comprehend (at least that’s what I heard Malcolm and Dad muttering about, more than once).

It wasn’t like when I was sixteen and Brian Archer was telling everyone he’d gotten to third base with me (when he’d barely slid into second) and Lee had found Brian and broken his nose.

This would be serious.

Maybe Lee wasn’t a good idea.

* * * * *

This left me with Ally.

Allyson Nightingale is always up for an adventure.

Allyson Nightingale can keep her mouth shut.

And Ally is not a cop.

Chapter Two

I Should Turn You over My Knee

Twenty minutes later, I found myself standing in the living room of Lee’s condo.
