Read Books Novel

Rock Chick

Rock Chick (Rock Chick #1)(32)
Author: Kristen Ashley

Fucking Lee.

* * * * *

I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling thinking to myself, what was that?

My cell phone was ringing, so I rolled off the bed, grabbed my bag, sat in the chair and saw it was Andrea. Probably calling for a Lee and Indy Sex Update. Boy, was she going to be disappointed.

I answered the phone with, “No, we haven’t done it yet.”

“Uh-oh, I feel bad vibes,” Andrea said.

“We’re on the phone, how can you feel bad vibes?” I asked.

“I’ve known you since you were twelve, I can sense bad vibes.”

So I told her. About Lee, about his getting pissed off and essentially kicking me out, then changing his mind again and the whole, “who I am, what I want, you decide” speech.

Andrea was silent for a moment and then she said, “Well, he’s fighting his reputation. And that man has a reputation. Only boy worse than him was his best friend Eddie, it was like they were in a competition to see who was the worst rutting dawg out there. Can’t be fun to be practically famous for f**king anything that breathes and being able to do so by expending the immense effort of just sending a smile their way. Then, later, you find yourself in a position where you’re serious about a woman who’s known you all your life and knows this fact real well and have to convince her you’re serious.”

Man, Andrea was a mother and she still had a mouth on her.

Still, it was true.

I sat down in the chair and I tried to ignore the fact that my stomach was clenched.

“Do you think he’s serious?”

Andrea was silent for a second. “Are you being funny?”

“Funny ‘ha ha’ or the other kind of funny?” I asked.

“I can’t believe…” Andrea started, “girl, at Kitty Sue and Malcolm’s New Year’s Bash you were there with what’s-his-name…”

Oh Lord, I didn’t remember his name. “Um,” I said, “Brad? Brett?”

“Whatever,” Andrea cut in. “Anyway, when Lee wasn’t looking at you with a look in his eyes that, let’s face it, made every woman in the room breathe heavy, he was looking at Brad-Brett like he wanted to rip his head off.”

“No way!”


Holy shit.

“So yeah, I think he’s serious,” she went on. “And I can’t imagine that Liam Nightingale is the kind of guy who appreciates the woman he’s serious about questioning his seriousness when he’s right in the middle of… you know.”

Holy shit.

Holy, holy, shit, shit, shit.

“Anyway, call me when you actually get around to doing it. I want details.”


Andrea disconnected and I flipped the phone shut. It rang again immediately.

It was Ally.

I took a deep breath, pretending everything was all right (which it wasn’t) and answered, “What’s up, chickie?”

“Girl, I’ve had half a dozen calls, everyone’s seen Rosie and Duke. We got leads coming out of our ears. We gotta roll.”

I immediately got excited. I had to admit, I was kind of digging this super-sleuth stuff.

Then I remembered last night.

I let out a sigh.

“No can do. Tex, the cat sitter, and me kinda broke into Tim’s last night and found him dead in his kitchen and it wasn’t pretty.”

Ally was silent for a beat and then she said, “You went without me? You went with the crazy cat sitter?”

“I was breaking and entering! Tex showed up in the middle of it. We found Tim dead, Ally. Trust me, be glad you weren’t there. This is over. Lee’s turned it over to Hank.”

“What about your bet?” Ally asked.

I thought about Lee’s plans for the day. I thought about what Andrea said.

“I think I lost.”

Truthfully, I wasn’t too broken up about it.

“Well, at least that’s a piece of good news.”

I told her about Fortnum’s and she told me she’d call Jane if I put up the sign. Then I flipped the phone shut and walked into the kitchen.

Matt was there and so was another guy. The other guy was at least six foot six and looked like Tex’s son, except without the beard and with a little bit more of his mental health intact.

Matt said, “Hey.”

I tilted my head and smiled.

“Hey yourself.”

Lee was standing in the kitchen with his fists at his h*ps and he watched this exchange, his mouth set.

I noticed, belatedly, that Lee had already showered that morning, his dark hair was still slightly damp, curling a bit along his neck and behind his ear. I also noted he needed a haircut but it looked good on him. Very good. Too good. He wore supremely faded jeans and a red t-shirt that was tight in all the right places. His feet were bare.

When I got within reaching distance, his arm shot out and pulled me to him with a hand hooked around my neck. My front pretty much slammed against his side and his arm curled further around my shoulders. From the blood draining out of Matt’s face, I’d say that the Lee’s point had been made. If he banged on his chest and grunted, “Indy, my woman,” he wouldn’t have made the point any better.


Lee introduced the other guy as Bobby and then said, “We’ve found Duke.”

My stomach clenched and my body tensed. At that point, I simply could not handle bad news, especially about Duke.

I tilted my head to look up at Lee and before I could control my reaction and not look like a total girl in front of the guys, I breathed, “Please.”

Lee’s eyes went that melty-chocolate again as he looked at me and his hand went from my shoulder to stroke my jaw.

“He’s fine, took a bender detour to Sturgis. He’s been briefed and he’s on his way home now.”

That sounded like Duke. Only Duke would detour from the Western Slope of Colorado to South Dakota for a bender.

The door buzzer went and I disengaged from Lee to answer it. It was Hank.

Hank smiled his greeting at the door I opened for him and we walked in, his arm slung around my shoulders.

“I guess you were wrong about being broken up with Lee by your Dad’s barbeque,” he teased.

My eyes shot to Lee and his eyebrows went up.


“Yeah, guess I was wrong,” I muttered.

Hank dropped his arm and looked at Lee, no more teasing, all business.

“We gotta talk about last night.”

“Yeah?” Lee said.

“Anyone want coffee?” I asked.
