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Rock Hard

Rock Hard (Seduced By The Rockstar #1)(8)
Author: Adriana Hunter

He also had to have his fine cheeses, high quality chocolate, expensive champagne such as Cristal and Moet. And then there were the aromatherapy candles, fresh papaya juice – and of course, a rock star couldn’t well do without his liters of still, glacier water from Australia, right?

Kate knew that the rock venues understood the essentiality of catering to a rock star’s intricate needs. After all, keeping a mega-successful musician happy before, during and after the gig ensured quality performance.

Kate already found out that each venue at which they appeared was investing millions of dollars per Gage’s appearance. The sheer amounts she got to hear about always made her stagger as she realized exactly what it took to be Gage Stevens.

But then everyone knew he deserved the superstar treatment. Tickets for the tour had sold out within fifteen minutes of going live. And on getting to their first venue in New York, Kate felt like one could easily get trampled to death by the sheer number of fans waiting at the packed arena for their favorite rock star. There was talk by Gage’s management of booking more dates and Kate had to fight down the urge to scream.

She was already finding the schedule harrowing. The month-long trip was to involve two-night engagements in New York City, Chicago, LA and Seattle. Anyone in her position would think she’d be over the moon to be spending more time on tour with a well-loved rock star.

But for Kate, it wasn’t all about Gage’s magnificent, powerfully delivered performances. It was also about the hard partying, the brazen groupie chicks, and the booze.

Kate tried to stay objective as a journalist but she had to admit it hurt to see Gage in that image. It was one that she knew the public expected of him. And yet, she’d always thought she knew the real Gage, the man behind the façade. But he never let her see a glimpse of that man she’d fallen in love with years ago.

* * *

Now Kate got to discover that Gage was controlling and dominating on top of everything else…

A new city. Countless fans lining up for autographs before the night show. Kate met a charming venue intern named Carl. He was very good looking; an enthusiastic rock music fan in his mid-twenties. He was always glad to help no matter how silly Kate’s request might seem. For one thing, Kate had zero sense of direction and always seemed to be getting lost in the massive grounds around the arena being set up for the show coming up later. They both got to talking backstage and he’d shyly asked her out for drinks after the show ended.

Kate had been looking forward to spending some time with a local, and away from the band’s entourage and travelling groupies. She gladly agreed and Carl’s youthful face breaking in a happy grin was a nice reward. He was just a few years younger after all, so she didn’t feel like some shameless cougar. Besides, what was one date? She’d be on the road again with the band tomorrow to the next stop so what was wrong with a little harmless flirting with a gorgeous intern who obviously liked her?

Looked like the date thing was never going to happen. It was an hour to the show and she couldn’t seem to find Carl anywhere around. She asked one of the roadies putting finishing touches to the stage, and he told her Carl was gone. Fired.

“What? Who’s responsible for that?” Kate asked, aghast.

The roadie shrugged. “You’ll have to ask Gage.”

Kate was bristling. Why on earth would Gage have anything to do with it? Confused and angry, she found her way to the band lounge where Gage was having beers with a few of his band mates, obviously relaxing before their upcoming show.

“We need to talk,” she said shortly, eyes pinned on Gage as she stood in front of him defiantly. His eyebrow rose triangular-fashion at her stance. His mates took one look at the situation and decided to give them some privacy. The guys had probably caught on to the tension between Kate and Gage since the tour began. Kate had done all she could to avoid anyone ever knowing about their past relationship, or how hard it was working with Gage knowing what she still felt for him. Sharing the tour bus, being in close proximity with him for hours on end and yet knowing he was out of her reach…it was a strain she’d borne well over the past few weeks but now she’d had enough.

“So talk,” Gage said once they were alone, sitting back casually and looking at her.

Kate drew in a breath for calm. “Did you get Carl fired?”

Gage tilted his head. “You mean that geeky intern?”

Kate rolled her eyes. She’d known Gage had noticed them chatting all through yesterday which was day one of their two-day stop in the city. And so what if Carl was geeky? Sure he wore spectacles and had dressed like too much of a preppy type for her taste, but Kate liked geeky. Especially when it came packaged in a charming, handsome frame as Carl’s. But of course she couldn’t tell Gage that.

“Yes,” she bit out. “Please don’t tell me you’re one of those insufferable diva-type rock stars who take pleasure in just offing minions. What did he do? Spill coffee over your designer leather pants?”

Gage huffed, taking a swig from his beer can. “Maybe I just didn’t like seeing him getting fresh with my press aide. He had a job to do and need I remind you that so do you. I think you should focus on that instead of thinking of getting some dimple-faced intern into your bed.” He smirked as her cheeks burned.

“Wow! You’re the one to talk!” Kate said with an affronted gasp. “I’m not the one f**king a handful of groupies at each stop!”

Christ, he made her so furious! And she hadn’t forgotten about the two well-groomed hostesses he’d demanded to be available at each venue – supposedly to assist in serving food at band meals but whom she knew very well served Gage’s other needs when required.

“Is that what this is about?” he mused, eyes narrowing speculatively. “I mean, you’re a grown woman; obviously you’ve got urges like anyone else. And lord knows that a week or two constantly on the road can take its toll on one’s hormones…”

“Get real,” Kate snarled, unable to fess up and tell him that her hormones were well used to getting neglected – thanks to her several months’ celibacy. No…it was her constant exposure to him that was getting her “urges” into overdrive.

“Carl just wanted to be friends and you had no right to make him lose his job!” she said angrily.

“Friends?” Gage snorted. “Oh well, obviously you couldn’t have heard of Carl bragging to a few of the roadies earlier that he fully intended to get lucky at his date with the “juicy journalist” he was taking out after the gig. Obviously, he meant you. So I guess you should be thanking me – unless you did intend to make his night,” Gage said with a smirk she so longed to smack off his handsome face.

Her cheeks were burning pink but she lifted her chin in defiance. “And what if I did? He’s cute. I kind of liked him. There’s no saying where the night could have led. I do have a thing for dimples, as it happens. It would have been winning situation all round; getting to let off steam from my travels. Carl would have served my purposes very well now that I think of it.”

Kate knew she’d pissed him off by the way his eyes gleamed and his nostrils flared, and she smiled thinly, about to turn smartly and leave. She didn’t expect him to suddenly grip her arm and yank her down to land unto his laps, where he pinned her with a powerful grip.

“Let me go!” she snapped with fury, squirming and trying to free herself from his hold but he wasn’t about to release her anytime soon it seemed.

“Not an option,” Gage murmured, arms closing like steel bands around her frame, effectively imprisoning her.

Kate was almost in tears from annoyance and from her exertions. No matter how much she struggled, he was much too strong for her. “You’re such a…dictator!” she finally exclaimed, eyes flashing as she turned her head to him. “That poor guy is now without a job because of you! I’ll be sure to add that to my article come the end of this tour.”

He smiled, not perturbed by her threat. “For one thing, I’m not a dictator. For another, I didn’t get him fired. I simply asked that he be taken off duty for the remainder of my stop at this venue. From what I hear, Deftone’s holding a concert here in three days – your cute Carl will be back in a job by then.”

Kate deflated somewhat at this revelation, but she was still angry. Especially since she was very much still trapped on his lap. “That still didn’t give you the right to get rid of him,” she muttered.

“I couldn’t have anyone distracting you…not when I want you all for myself,” Gage said plainly, lifting a hand to run the back of his knuckles down her bare arm.

Kate racked in a breath and stiffened, all the more conscious of the situation; alone with Gage and virtually trapped against him. His touch, silken and possessive, trailing along her skin.

Her eyes jumped to his devilishly handsome face, his dark hair framing his features like a satiny cloak. How she longed to run her fingers through that tempting mane and just indulge in the sensation.

“You can’t be serious,” she said with difficulty, trying not to shiver as his face drew closer to nuzzle at her neck.

“Oh, you bet I am,” growled Gage. “Wanting you is a knee-jerk reaction for me, Kate. And it’s not about to go away. I’ve decided it’s time to stop fighting it and just go with how it feels.”

Kate’s eyes closed and her head almost fell back as his lips pressed warmly to the pulse at the base of her throat. His hand fell on her chest, just above the spot where her heart was going a mile a minute.

“And of course, it’s always got to be all about you. I guess whatever Rockstar god Gage Stevens wants, he gets.” Despite herself, her tone was chagrined. It irked that he would just assume that just because he desired her, he could automatically get her.

And then she almost forgot how to breathe when his fingertips brushed over the low neckline of her top, tracing the curve of her cl**vage.

“Not always. Sometimes, I get to face rejection like everybody else. But you’re not going to say no to me, are you? You’re aren’t going to stop me when I do this…and this.” In turns, he kissed one swell of breast and then the other, the firm flesh rising from the daring bodice of her corset worn for the big show – which was just an hour away or less.

And yet…Kate couldn’t deny he was right. He no longer held her down, and she could easily pull away if she wanted to. But she didn’t budge. Not even with his hands reaching for her perfectly round br**sts, which he squeezed through the corset. Kate gasped; body tingling as he buried his face within the scented cleft of her mounds and groaned deep in his throat. His fingers tugged down hard on the bodice, freeing a fat pink nipple. Kate bit on her lip as he rolled his tongue around the budding tip, sending volts of pleasure through her system.

Her fingers involuntarily clutched into his messily sexy hair, a whimper of bliss coasting her lips as Gage sealed his mouth around nipple. The result was almost electric, jolting her with shockwaves that made her convulse.
